August 24, 2005

Walk the Line review

JoaquinPheonix-JohnnyCash.jpgAgain Twitch have some exciting news, this time in the form of a review sent in from an early screening of Walk the Line. The overview is...great.

Phoenix provides an endearing performance as Johnny Cash, nailing the mannerisms, charm and of course, that voice. Cash's descent into addiction is handled with care, without ever desending into melodrama...

...The scenes on stage roar with vital energy...

...Walk the Line is a vibrant look at one of the most important song writers of our times, capturing the essence and youthful energy of the man and musician in his prime of his career. Succeeding as both a heart warming drama and an authentic character study, this should prove a pleasure to both Johnny Cash fans, and those less familiar, alike.

Sounds excellent, and after seeing those superb stills and stunning trailer, I think this is going to be a highly rated film with an utterly amazing performance from Pheonix. Oscar perhaps? We shall see, the role certainly suits.

Posted by at August 24, 2005 02:39 PM


I usually am not into Bios. But I think I would love to see how Mr. Phoenix does Mr. Cash.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 24, 2005 07:39 PM

I cant wait for this movie, its gonna be sooooo good, lol, cant wait, thats all i can say, its gonna be great.

Posted by: Joey N. at August 24, 2005 09:26 PM

I have to admit I'm not happy to hear that Phoenix is doing his own singing and not lip synching to the original recordings. I don't go to a Johnny Cash movie to listen to an imitator try to duplicate that incredible and distinct voice.

Posted by: John N at August 25, 2005 02:52 PM

I agree John N.. but that aside i've been waiting for this movie a long long time... its gonna rock.. great actors, and a great life to tell about.. ITS GONAN RAWK!!

Posted by: Ray` at August 25, 2005 10:15 PM

Hi all

I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago here in the UK at a public preview screening. I too was sceptical about someone else doing Cash's voice and songs but believe me, Phoenix nails it (Witherspoon does a pretty fair June Carter as well). I'm a huge Johnny Cash fan and Phoenix really has the expressions, voice and mannerisms down pat. He even looks like Cash. Music is excellent, storyline is good and it's well acted although Phoenix stands head & shoulders above everyone else. Best scene? The Folsom Prison concert. Hats off to Phoenix, it was a big ask to take it on and I applaud him for singing all songs himself.

Regards, Ian Johnson, London, UK

Posted by: Ian Johnson at August 26, 2005 06:24 PM

I saw the movie last night at the Toronto International Film Festival. The film was good, but not great. Read my review here: or click my name to hit it directly.


Posted by: dave at September 14, 2005 10:57 AM

I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. Although I have heard a few mixed reveiws I think that it is going to end up being great. Joaquin and Reese worked really hard to learn their parts and I think that is really going to show throughout the film. I am also excited to see Tyler Hilton in is major movie debut playing Elvis Presley. I think he is going to do a magnificent job.

Posted by: Alicia at September 19, 2005 11:18 AM

I'm really looking forward to this movie! It looks really awesome, I just saw the trailer on Friday. Some of you might know that Tyler Hilton will be making his movie debut as a young Elvis Presley in this film. I am a huge Tyler fan, so you guys should check him out! is his official "Tyler Trackers" website, and is his official site. There are also and that you guys can check out. He's a really awesome guy, I've met him 4 times already, so you all should check him out!

PS: If you live in Florida and you're interested in Tyler, check out which is his Florida Street Team, made by a couple of great fans :-D

Posted by: Renee at September 19, 2005 05:10 PM