August 05, 2005

Vin Diesel in The Retriever

I've said it a few times on The Movie Blog before, but I'll repeat it again anyway. I'm not a Vin Diesel fan at all. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Vin Diesel, actually he seems like a pretty bright guy... but I have yet to see him in ANY film where I though he did anything better than an "ok" performance. Nor have I even really enjoyed any of his films (and no... a small part in Saving Private Ryan does not make that one of "his films"). Just my opinion.

Anyway, it looks like in this new project, The Retriever, Vin is at it again to try to save the world from the evil yadda yadda yadda. Been there, done that. But it's a formula that seems to work at the box office. The good folks over at Empire give us this:

The story apparently centres around a group of Russian terrorists (yawn) who get their grubby, democracy-hating hands on a Doomsday device abandoned at Chernobyl in the wake of the accident there. With nothing to lose, they don their radiation suits, retrieve it and threaten to use it to extinguish all life on Earth, unless their dreadful demands are met.
To me it just looks like we're in for another horrible xXx or Fast and the Furious. But who knows. There are people out there who know a LOT more about film than I do who seem to think Vin Diesel has some untapped potential. I don't see it... but perhaps they're right and one of these days he'll be in a film where it all just pops out like a 14 year old's hard on who forgot to do up his fly. Why do I have my doubts that "The Retriever" will be that film?

Posted by John Campea at August 5, 2005 10:34 AM


I just hope, like what john says, this is not another xxx or fast and the furious, where he does the first and not the second.

Posted by: Thieriot at August 5, 2005 10:54 AM

I agree for the most part that he has not done anything really worth praising, but I loved his role in Pitch Black. Chronicles of Riddick was a chronicle of a letdown, but the first of the series was awesome. I mean, I walked out of that movie wanting to be that guy. Plus I saw it before I even knew who he was. That could have had something to do with it. Having an unknown guy be the bada** and do a great job at it worked well. But those are just my opinions on the matter.

Posted by: Aaron M at August 5, 2005 11:30 AM

man i wish they'dget back to the riddick trilogy... although i may be the only person who cares about it... he is to riddick as arnold is to the terminator. they can't act but they ARE that character.

Posted by: matthew at August 5, 2005 01:50 PM

not for get boring someone; but Vin Diesel is an actor...
He can made chois about a movie where plaing a caracter, but He cannot doit the script... so, why to speak about like if Vin is the Killer of every movie?
He made his work, acting.. if the movie has not a good story...
He's not his fault!!!!

Posted by: sabina at August 14, 2005 03:07 AM

please dont slate my husband he's trying his best & u all gotta admit u wish u were as sexy as he is!!

Posted by: bex at November 25, 2005 10:46 AM