August 18, 2005

V for Vendetta delayed

V4VendettaMask.jpgThe news from SciFi Wire through Coming Soon is not so good on the V for Vendetta release date.

V for Vendetta has been pushed back until March 17, 2006, according to an anonymous source at the studio. This move has been confirmed by BoxOfficeMojo, the box office site that often gets release date changes directly from Exhibitor Relations.

According to the source it's nothing to do with any of the recent news events in real life but all about scheduling on the part of the Studio.

It's a shame, because I think they're missing a great release date in November, and the hype was already building up to it. I'd be surprised if it wasn't to do with the London bombings, and quite frankly if it is I'm again surprised that they're delaying due to it. Why can't they just release it on time?

Posted by at August 18, 2005 06:53 AM


It's possible that they wanted to change some things... tweak some visual effects... or were just plain unhappy with it and wanted to change a bunch of stuff.

Who knows... you're probably right about it being about the bombings.

Posted by: John Campea at August 18, 2005 10:13 AM

It's a shame if it was delayed due to the bombings or any other "terrorist" related incident (damn the media, making the terror word seem so...licenced).
It would seem that if this was truly the case, the studio heads have missed the point of this story alltogether and need to be informed of the very definintion of irony.

Posted by: Chris at August 18, 2005 06:34 PM

"a great release date in November"

I concur, but how many people in the US do you think would get the point of releasing the film in November?

Posted by: James Russell at August 21, 2005 04:28 AM