August 04, 2005

The Year Of Living Biblically

moses43.jpgEvery once in a while you hear about a concept for a film that makes you think "Wow... what a great idea... I'd watch that". The Year Of Living Biblically is one of those concepts.

AJ Jacobs is an editor-at-large of US Esquire magazine. Anyway, Mr. Jacobs decided to take on a personal challenge for 1 year. The challenge? Try to live 100% according to the literal rules of the Bible. The good folks over at Empire give us this rundown:

As the title suggests, Jacobs spent a year trying to live according to the rules of the Old and New Testament. Yes, even the obscure ones about what foods to eat and what clothes to wear and not planting different crops next to each other. The catch, of course, is that he tried to obey these rules literally, ensuring that he probably didn't comply with any major religious group. After all, it's probably quite easy for a New Yorker not to covet his neighbour's ass, since very few Manhattanites keep donkeys, and a literal interpretation of the Ten Commandments would still allow him to covet their rent-controlled apartments and tickets to Wicked and generally everything else.
Paramount has decided to turn this adventure of his into a film. And good grief I'll see it! The Year of Living Biblically, I think, will be hilarious. I actually have a rather deep history with organized religion and I think this will rule!

What do you think of the idea?

Posted by John Campea at August 4, 2005 12:38 PM


I'm not sure what to make of this yet.

Halarious it may be, but I hope they do it with taste.

who knows maybe they will go for an inspirational drama? haha

Posted by: Alex at August 4, 2005 02:19 PM

If done right it should prove to interesting enough to see.

Posted by: Vonhonold at August 4, 2005 08:27 PM

Alternate Title: "Super Save Me?" :)

Posted by: Triflic at August 4, 2005 11:21 PM

It all depends on the quality of the film, but I think this is a hilarious idea, and if it makes it to my theatre I'll see it.

Posted by: David Blue at August 5, 2005 12:51 AM

I think it'll depend entirely on the approach. The idea is certainly a brilliant one.

Posted by: James Russell at August 5, 2005 02:54 AM

Personally I think this movie is Bullsh*t. It's the same crap as "Super Size" me - some Hollywood Liberals making a "Documentary" (note the sarcasm) in order to attack the Western World and/or America or both.

Who the f*ck lives by the Bible literally, "Red Americans" included? NOBODY. They're making this movie in an attempt to try and convince people that religion is stupid. Why don't they just stick a bat up their ass and walk around for a year - it'd be just about as interesting.

Posted by: Don Wilson at August 5, 2005 07:49 AM

The stupidest Idea I have ever heard! Some of those laws described in the OT maybe literal but they are pretty much the building blocks of modern civilization, in which roughly about 80% of the world's population still practice today. There are reasons behind those laws such as the laws of inheritance, and the 10 commandments. Some are ceremonial laws and laws regarding cleanliness. The dietary laws especially is true, such as not eating swine. Swine is a dirty animal and they will eat anything in so doing a pig will become what it eats. Scientifically a pig may contained a parasite called Trichinella spiralis, these parasites may also infect cats, rats, bears and even human. I think hollywood should stop making fun of the bible, time and time again the bible will make hollywood look like a jackass!

" You are made of flesh and blood, and very fragile!"

Posted by: anotherdumbhollywodmovie at August 8, 2005 11:40 PM

As Vonhonold says, it depends on if it's done right. If done in the vein of Bruce Almighty (funny, entertaining, but at least somewhat thought-provoking), I think it could be good. If it's just an over-the-top religious parody like Dogma, I probably won't see it. It'll be interesting to see how some of the laws are interpreted since what was written thousands of years ago doesn't necessarily mean the same thing today, even when trying to look at it literally. The book comes out this fall the movie set for fall 2006. I wonder if the movie is going to be documetary-style?

Posted by: RockOfVictory [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 12, 2005 04:43 PM