August 17, 2005

The Cave and it's Stupid Commercial

TheCavePoster.jpgOk, by now most of you have seen the trailers or commercials for The Cave. The Cave looks ok... nothing special and it'll probably end up being a waste of time. But who knows... looks like it has the potential to at least be a fun little monster/horror film.

From what I can remember, the story goes like this. A few years ago the world's largest and deepest cave is discovered and a bunch of explorers go down to see it. They are never seen again. So now a few MORE explorers and scientists are going down to find out what happened to them... and as you can expect they run into some monsters.

But here's the problem. I'm sitting at home the other day watching the news when commercial for The Cave comes on. The commercial doesn't really show anything that wasn't in the trailer... UNTIL. Near the end of the commercial a HUGE... and I mean HUGE spoiler is given. I couldn't believe it. I was so pissed off that the gave this big "plot twist" away. I'm putting what was said in the commercial in white text so you can't see it in case you want to stay spoiler free. If you want to read it, hold down your left mouse button and drag it over the empty space below to highlight it:

Near the end of the commercial, it shows one of the women down in the cave and she says "They weren't eaten by the creatures (talking about the missing explorers from a few years ago)... they ARE the creatures!"

Well thank you very much you bunch of morons! Why the hell did they put that in the television commercial? I now have no reason to go see this film... because I know everything now. And all it took was giving away that one stupid line! What a bunch of idiots.

Posted by John Campea at August 17, 2005 10:58 AM


have you noticed how similar that trailer is to the trailer for DOOM?

Posted by: Goon at August 17, 2005 11:09 AM

Haven't read the spoiler and lately I also stopped watching some trailers due to too much spoilers. I just noticed that this movie sounds very similar to Neil Marshall's "The Descent". The plot outlines are almost identical. But I have serious doubts that it will be as good.

Posted by: T-Jax at August 17, 2005 11:10 AM

Well...the next thing you know they are going to tell us that Rob Schneider is in it....

Posted by: Grant at August 17, 2005 11:28 AM

This is part of the problem. The trailers and commercials reveal too much. We all know they show the best parts in the trailers, and if they give away any twists, then there is no need to pay $10 for a ticket to see that crap. At that point it's an easy call: $35 (tickets & treats) with a date to go to a noisy theater or $7 at quiet home on the DVD and widescreen.

Posted by: David at August 17, 2005 11:42 AM

While I agree that the trailers and commercials are getting out of hand with giving too much away (hello: RED EYE, WHAT LIES BENEATH, THE RECRUIT, ARLINGTON ROAD, THE ISLAND, etc. etc.)...The signs of a good movie are based waaaaay more than on just plot points and twists...

A good film should be able to carry itself even after the twists are known I would argue very, very firmly that is why THE USUSAL SUSPECTS is a great film and THE SIXTH SENSE is a garbage film. In the former, the film has so much going on story-wise and mood and character. In the latter, it is all a big magicians game to disguise the twist at the end. (M. Night got a lot better with UNBREAKABLE which is more of a film than just it's twist).

For a junk film getting spoilers will wreck the film, for a good film, it is of course not desirable, but doesn't hurt too much.

Posted by: Triflic at August 17, 2005 12:02 PM

I thought 6th Sense stood up suprisingly well even after the twist (which I guessed anyways).

But I agree Unbreakable was better.

Posted by: Pudie at August 17, 2005 01:38 PM

Thank you for posting this!

When I first saw the trailer I thought, "This looks like a decent movie, it might be a guilty pleasure" so then I told my friend about it (he's a B-movie buff) and we agreed to go see it along side Brothers Grimm..

We were watching TV last Friday and the comercial comes on, BOOM, plot twist. We're just going to see Brothers Grimm on the 26th now.

Imagine, commercials for Empire Stikres Back back in the 80s with "I am your father" right in the commercial.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at August 17, 2005 02:27 PM

i had the same reaction when i saw that trailer.

soylent green is people.

Posted by: bond, james bond at August 17, 2005 03:58 PM

I still want to see the movie, but man that is a big spoiler.

Posted by: Joe at August 17, 2005 04:34 PM

Nothing quite like calling someone/something stupid by using an elementary school grammatical error.

Posted by: Goro at August 17, 2005 04:44 PM

I too, have seen the trailer, and I ...wasn't surprised.

The film still might be alright for its chosen genre (although, to cast Cole Hauser, as good as an actor he may be in this film, was an error. If he wasn't in "Pitch Black"...then his casting against creatures in the dark would be fine) but I tire of the practice of some studios who give too much away. Worse, it implies that studio executives think that most filmgoers are dullards and/or are hooked on retalin.

There are ways studios/filmmakers can get around this. I'll give a few examples.

*alternate takes/different angles.

*snippets of small deleted scenes.

*new material made specifically for the trailer. (i.e. Terminator 2, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels)

*don't give away all the visual gags.

*if the producer isn't Roger Corman, never show the bad guy's demise, especially in an exploding heliocopter.

But y'know something else, I do think the trailers are the least of concern, it is the fluff pieces on E! and MTV that have my concern. After seeing "Stealth", I thought the film was corny, had some dumb areas, but the effects were alright. The next day, and every single one of those effect sequences were plastered all over the tube. Ugh. Who wants to see this now? Reality check=opening weekend. Sure enough, the film stalled out. Sure there were other factors, but one of them I'm sure, is that someone gave away the store.

I think that awaits the Cave as well - and that's too bad.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 17, 2005 10:34 PM

Off-topic: I also love Unbreakable. It has a surprise ending, as we were promised early on. But it's not about the twist. The twist just adds a shine to a good story that's already there.

That said, the practice of giving away information in trailers and other publicity has gotten beyond a joke. No matter how strong your basic story is, you'll be better off if surprises are not thrown away before the movie begins, yet people do it all the time now.

It's even bad to make it look like you've given away the whole plot when you haven't. "There is no island!" is an example. In the movie, that's not quite true. But everyone sees the negative message "there is no island," and it looks like you already know the whole plot and it's a dud, so why go?

Don't give away the store! Don't even let it look like you've given away the store!

Posted by: David Blue at August 18, 2005 06:56 AM

The original trailer, before this new 'spoiler' one, looked ok but just seemed like a movie about people in a cave with bat creatures, it didn't seem very original. Thats why I think they added the spoiler. Now its not just the creatures, but people changing - that's added intrigue.

Although you may consider that a spoiler, it makes the movie seem more interesting than just giant 'bats' in an underground cave. Im sure thats why they felt they had to do that; the reactions to the original trailer must have been luke-warm. I wouldn't be surprised if they 'focus grouped' both versions and found the 'spoiler' trailer to cause people to be more interested in seeing the movie.

Posted by: Del at August 20, 2005 07:24 AM