August 18, 2005

Supercross The Movie Reviews

Supercross.jpgWas there any doubt? I mean really? From the first trailer, Supercross: The Movie looked like nothing more than a 90 minute commercial for the sport of Supercross. Now, Supercross is a fantastic sport to watch... and if you've never seen it live you really should... but that doesn't mean you should watch a movie with the same title.

Right across the board reviews for Supercross: The Movie are overwhelmingly negative. I've read a little over 45 reviews for the film so far... out of 45 only 1 of them said the film was "ok". The rest say it's a total waste of time and brain cells. Here's what some of the critics have to say about it:

"In every sense, the movie feels like a pilot for a program that would follow The Mountain, that ski resort show on the WB."
Wesley Morris, BOSTON GLOBE

"Dumb as dirt, heavy on decibels and crazed with sales plugs, Supercross: The Movie is a clunker of a youth action fable."

"A film whose level of imagination can be discerned right from its title."
Elizabeth Weitzman, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

"If my Johnson Rod had ink it could craft a picture flipbook better than this."

So there you have it. From what I'm gathering, if you're just really into Motorcross you may be able to deal with paying money to see this if for nothing else than viewing the stunts... but that's about it. Right now Rotten Tomatoes has Supercross sitting at the lowest rating I've ever seen there. A pathetic 3%

Posted by John Campea at August 18, 2005 09:49 AM


If your are big on "New York Film School" looking productions, check out the racing footage and the darkish heavy amp super-dubbing during the later stages of "Supercross" on the Big Screen.

Some re-editing would improve...
I would have liked to see the first ten minutes lost on the cutting room floor.
Several scenes shown early-on lack professionalism.
More Supercross racer acting performances would add "visitude".

Tyler Evans and David Pingree (Supercross Circut racers) have acting lines, seemed like naturals, and added creed.

Sophia Bush did well, Aaron Carter is treated with very limited film time, and Ryan Locke looks poised to make a run at a major Hollywood acting career.

An original sound track has several good renditions, for want of a more teen freindly term.

The simply historic romance fluff was a bit of fantasy to wish upon.
Dramatic play has an easy romance feeling with a 70's "Freedom Loving" sync.

"Supercross" will find many followers among sporting enthusiasts, and also film deliberants.

A future "Supercross" DVD will almost certainly include many programs and "factoids" of the THQ Supercross Tour.

Posted by: Aaron Blackstone at September 19, 2005 09:55 PM

Supercross circut racing Finals riders and crowd at the Las Vegas THQ Championship became live "extras" for the night-event film conclusion.

High-intensity lighting of the Vegas venue greatly added to the elaborate camera technique expressed by the experienced Stunt Director Steve Boyum. Vivid sharp-focused film and surging sound is edited in IMAX style. The last twenty minutes of "Supercross, The Movie" are spectacular on the theater screen.

Posted by: Joshua at October 19, 2005 11:01 PM