August 06, 2005

Steve Carrell As The Joker?

SCarrell.jpgThere have been a bunch of rumours floating around about who's going to be the one to wear the face paint of The Joker in the next Batman flick. I've said it a number of times, I think the very best guy for the job would be Crispin Glover. A few other names have been float around for the role... but none of them seem to measure up to Glover in my opinion.

However, how the name Steve Carrell is being bounced around. This one has my attention and some interesting possibilities. The good folks over at FilmForce give us the following:

Batman-on-Film first reported that Warner Bros. "wants to get someone relatively known, and can do comedy and drama. One guy brought up the idea of Steve Carell ... and the studio is starting to like the idea." BoF adds, however, that "Carell is not one of the actors who are being screentested [for the role of The Joker] this Fall or early Winter."

IGN FilmForce attended a press junket today for The 40-Year-Old Virgin and here's what Carrell himself had to say about The Joker buzz. "I just heard that for the first time this morning and I had no… Yeah! That would be hilar- I would love to do that! But I doubt that it's true. (Laughs) ... No, he's [possibly producer Charles Roven] never said anything about that, so I think that's probably completely fabricated. But I love it. I love the rumor. That would be cool. (laughs)"

I am a big fan of Steve Carrell... and him as The Joker in any Batman project is a cool idea... but the only problem is that the new Batman has taken a darker, more true turn than the previous versions. And as much as I like Carrell, his inclusion in the project could take us back to the old style comedic Batman and completely undermine everything the Christopher Nolan film accomplished.

Posted by John Campea at August 6, 2005 12:13 PM


We need an actor that can play a bad guy role well and who has in the past. But that actor also has to be able to pull off who the Joker is when he takes his transformation. They must have a good sinister laugh, and anything evil/funny they do has to be funny yet creepy. They also must be able to walk smooth like the Joker, dance smooth, and just generally be smooth with a dark and very evil style.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 6, 2005 12:35 PM

Crispin Glover damn it!

I like Steve Carell but I can't see this. Joker has to be serious while still a master of sick satire, I can't see Carell being serious (though I may be wrong).

Now (supposedly) Crispin Glover is in negotiations to be in Robert Zemeckis' Beowulf, so I wonder if he'll be too buay. (For Beowulf he'd has to motion captured AND do voice overs).

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at August 6, 2005 12:43 PM

I want to see Billy Bob Thornton cast as The Joker and Jessica Simpson as Harley Quinn. I also hope and pray David Goyer will be too busy with THE FLASH and THOR movies to write the script. WB and Nolan should bring in Kevin Smith to pen the script.

Posted by: Carl at August 6, 2005 03:07 PM

Carl, please never speak like that again.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 6, 2005 03:24 PM

What about Jack Nicholson?

Oh wait...........

I actually halfway like the Billy Bob suggestion. And he's been getting typecast a bit lately, but what about Vince Vaughn?

Posted by: Derek at August 6, 2005 10:34 PM

CRISPIN GLOVER should be the Joker. Hell, he proved the insanity card with "Willard". He's got the personality, the face, and most importantly the cackling, spine shivering voice for the role.

Posted by: Garrett Wiwcharuk at August 6, 2005 11:22 PM

If Crispin Glover can be more of the funny less of creepy,He could do it. I think Jim Carrey would be a good choice in some ways. On the other hand Sean Penn has the humor of a rock and Paul Bettany looks damn albino. The main problem with Steve Carrel is age,I kinda want a young joker so they can explore his origin ala The Killing Joke. Well my choice is most definatly Johnny Depp,if you look at some of the pannels in The Killing Joke he looks kinda like some of the sketches. Vincent Cassel would be ok as well,Hell maybe even Sam Rockwell or Jason Lee. I want a combination of the campy insane joker with the blue suit and a gangster joker. I have confidence nolan will deliver something more awesome than imaginable.

Posted by: keyser soze at August 7, 2005 07:58 PM

It comes down to two poeple either Paul Bettany or Crispin Glover and that's it!

Posted by: Alfredo at August 7, 2005 09:28 PM

keyser soze, never guess actors ever again, as you suck at it. And did you even read the Killing Joke? In it the real Joker is brought down while another becomes one, and the second Joker is the younger one. They would not go in that direction with the story, but they would rpobably stick to the twisted humor and Joker's sick antics.

Paul Bettany and Crispin Glover would be perfect, but Johnny Depp and Jim Carrey? Let's just be for real......

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 8, 2005 04:25 AM

sean penn for the quality of acting, to uphold the greatness of begins, but Glover because of the tall, slender, creepy yet funny demeanour.
And Glover can be funny, wasnt he George McFly in 'Back to the Future'? he was pretty funny in that if that was him

Posted by: Rich at August 8, 2005 11:48 AM

I still say Jim Carrey has the facial structure and the manic energy to make a convincing Joker. As for Johnny Depp,if he throws his heart and soul into a part it works. The important thing, though, is to have a Joker who can be drop-dead funny and menacing at the same time. Crispen Glover as I said if he could be funnier could do it and as rich said he is quite tall. Paul Bettany I will admit is a good actor and can play menacing quite well(gangster number 1) but still I can't see him as the joker. Sean Penn though,has the humor of a rock but that doesn't mean he doesn't have chops.

Posted by: keyser soze at August 8, 2005 04:40 PM

Any actor who has ever played a bady guy role and is perfect in it, has the ability to play the Joker. But they would also need a smart assy dark twisted sense of humor and be able to run with it, they need smooth dance moves and walking moves. The actor has to play very serioulsly in the begining and take off in a humorous way when he becomes the Joker. Willem Dafoe and Dennis Hopper play great bad guy roles, but then again Paul BEttany and Crispin Glover are better suited for the role as far as what we have seen them already dish out.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 8, 2005 07:51 PM

Jason Lee would make an awesome Joker

Posted by: Michael at August 20, 2005 12:47 AM

Steve Carrel went to school for dramatic acting originally, and only stumbled into comedy.

The thing that tells me that he could be the Joker is his incredibly intense facial structure. His comedy has nothing to do with his being "goofy-looking" and making funny faces, or even being perceived as making whacky jokes in a "ha-ha" kind of way. His most effective comedy is about that really intense stare of his, and deadpan delivery or deadpan switches in and out of the intense stare.

I can imagine Carrel as easily the best joker of all time, if for no other reason than that I don't think his ego would get in the way, like literally every single other name (with the POSSIBLE exception of conscientious actors like Depp) that has been thrown around as the next joker. Every one of those people might let their ego or concerns about their legitimate acting career get in the way.

I'm just googling for generic batman shit so this was sort of surprising, but if it's true, I'm all for it. It seems bizarre, because the Joker has just a slightly different FACE than Carrell, but as soon as I thought about it I realized that it would actually work pretty well -- maybe better. The joker's vicious humor should still be TRULY FUNNY, not the kind of bullshit crowd-pleaser action-movie-villain dialogue. Really, truly, cruelly funny. I would love nothing more than to see a joker that could an entire audience into laughing uproariously during the grisly murder of a victim, and then that stunned pause when they realize what just happened -- YES! YES! YES!

If Bill Hicks were alive today, in fact, I'd say cast THAT guy. An ass-kicking comedian seems a REALLY good choice for the Joker.

Posted by: mr_luc at August 20, 2005 11:40 AM

Carl, I'm in tears from what I just read from you.

Posted by: Joey at September 3, 2005 01:05 PM

Hello - does anyone remember that Jim Carrey is already The Riddler?

Jack Nicholson's performance will be hard to top. I think we would be looking for someone with a couple bad guy roles in his belt already - someone with the menace enough to pull off a Joker who is more dangerous than amusing - Tim Roth would be my first choice. Otherwise, Johnny Depp or Sam Rockwell would both give enthusiastic trys.

Posted by: Jeremy P. at September 4, 2005 10:34 PM

Two words....Vince Vaughn. Remember the remake of "Psycho"? What about "Domestic Disturbance"? The characters he portrayed in those films were nothing short of sinister, And in films like "Old School" and "Wedding Crashers" he's proven he has what it takes to be funny. Not to mention he could look the part.

Posted by: SP781 at October 12, 2005 12:41 AM

What about Vincent Cassel as Joker

Posted by: btman at January 7, 2006 10:37 PM

what do you think

Posted by: Btman at January 7, 2006 10:41 PM

they should deffinetly pick Vincent Cassel because he has that look. Havnt personaly seen him act but from this website
It has all of the info you need. Go to joker on the left side and they have info for Vincent Cassel as Joker

Posted by: Btman at January 7, 2006 10:49 PM

He even has a picture of him dressed as Joker just to show how he is the only one with that

Posted by: Btman at January 7, 2006 11:05 PM