August 02, 2005

Sin City 2 starts casting

Sin_City_Poster.jpgSo we're now familiar with the style and effects so there has to be a bigger focus on the story this time to make Sin City 2 as much of a success as the first movie. It better beware relying on the style though, Matrix showed that doesn't work.

That aside the casting announcements have begun. From Comic Book Movie:

According to Moviehole 'Little Black Book' star Brittany Murphy has signed up for a sequel in the Sin City franchise.

"I'm absolutely thrilled. It's exciting to be a part of something so big and artistically groundbreaking", says the actress, who played Shellie in Robert Rodriguez's film transfer of the Frank Miller comic.

"I love the film and I'm ecstatic to be working with director Robert Rodriguez and the crew again."

I'm not so concerned about that casting, what I am excited about though is the announcement that Marv is back, for me Mickey Rourke stole the movie, he was superb. Now we just have to sit tight and see who else is coming back, unfortunately the second best thing about that movie can't, I just have to hope that the bad actors don't make it back...unfortunately they are some of the ones left alive.

Posted by at August 2, 2005 06:09 AM


Who was the second best thing?

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at August 2, 2005 07:15 AM

I'm Betting Marv will on the poster this time and get scerwed.

Posted by: Alfredo at August 2, 2005 08:31 AM

Frank Miller's stuff rules! He has written some of the best comic books I have ever seen in my life. He knows how to tell dark and sinister tales as well. And we should not only thank him for Sin City, we should also thank him for giving us a the Dark Knight! Without his take on it, Batman Begins would have most likly flopped. And now we get a Sin City 2. HELL FRIKEN YEAH!! I think Frank Miller's comicbook styles transfer very well to the big screen just because of the fact hes a great writer.

I give credit to Rodriguez as well for making sure the book transfered well into a movie with a new original style.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 2, 2005 08:34 AM

Sin City was one of the best movies I have ever seen...It was very, very well scripted and the acting was top notch. Both Miler and Rodriguez are outstanding directors and I hope to see them hook up agian on another project later in the future. If Nancy (Jessica Alba...she needs me!!!) is in this one I will die happy!!! And the girl gang again...however...either way it is bound to be an outstanding movie.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 2, 2005 09:46 AM