August 17, 2005

Shopgirl trailer

SteveMartin3.jpgThanks to Brad for the heads up, the trailer for Steve Martin's new movie Shopgirl is now on Apples site.

It certainly looks interesting and seems to give Martin a chance at his non-comic style, which is something I'm really glad to see. Since something like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels I've been tired of that side of his cinema persona, and to see things that are a bit more people based like L.A. Story, Grand Canyon and now Shopgirl is a lot more interesting for me. I think he actually is a good actor and hides it beneath his comic performance. I mean watch this trailer and then think about your desire for The Pink Panther remake.

What do you think of the trailer?

Posted by at August 17, 2005 03:22 AM


It does look very promising. I truly feel that Martin is a masterful writer, successfully creating comedy scripts for screen, stage and for paper back. I first read Shop Girl 3 years ago when I got the book for Christmas and I stayed up late to finish it in a single sitting -it's not that long anyway-.

It will be nice to see him take on a more serious role, granted this is still a comedy but not in the spirit of Cheaper by the Dozen, but a romantic scene directed toward an intelligent audience -and I like to believe I'm intelligent-.

If you check out Martin's home page you can read the news on the Oscar buzz surrounding the film. Now I'm not sure who the buzz is about, but I am hoping it's for Martin. I would be similarly excited as I was when Bill Murray was nominated for Lost in Translation.

Thanks for the mention.

Posted by: Brad at August 17, 2005 08:39 AM

Before I even watch this trailer, I want to state upfront how much I love Steve Martin in straight dramatic and thriller roles. He ROCKED in The Spanish Prisoner and Novacaine.

Posted by: Lilly at August 17, 2005 04:17 PM