August 30, 2005

Saw 2 Pictures

saw2pic.jpgWhile I didn't think Saw was one of the great thriller films of all time, I did enjoy it. The premise was fantastic... but I found the execution a little lacking... but overall it was a pretty solid film. Now, on October 28th, Saw 2 is being released. It's never a good sign when studio bangs out a sequel this fast... but I'll withhold judgment until I see it.

Some pictures from Saw 2 are now making their way around the interweb. I love that picture on the side. In case you can't tell, the woman is crawling around in a room full on needles and two of them are already stuck in her back. CREEPY!

I'm also kinda excited to see Donnie Wahlberg (ex-New Kid On The Block) in the film. His small role in The Sixth Sense was fantastic, and his short lived TV show Boomtown never really got the ratings it deserved... it was a great show.

Like the picture? Well the good folks over at JoBlo have a bunch more! You can see them over here.

Posted by John Campea at August 30, 2005 10:13 AM