August 24, 2005

Robert Rodriguez talks Sin City 2

Over at Comic Book Movie Robert Rodriguez is talking about Sin City 2. Here are some exciting tit bits:

"A Dame to Kill For is the basis for the second one," it'll also be shot in green-screen and "I think Marv (Mickey Rourke) will come back...and Dwight’s (Clive Owen) in that one, Gail's (Rosario Dawson) in that one, both Goldie and Wendy (Jaime King) are together, you see the twins together - one blonde, the other black and white, Miho's (Devon Aoki) in that one, and then there's a bunch of new characters," Rodriguez said.

"We're still writing the script to see if there's enough for a third one

Sounds interesting indeed, and I love the idea that Rourke and Dawson will be back, although I'm not exactly excited by getting the wooden and cheesy Owen back.

Something I'm concerned about, and have said before, is that the first film might have heavily relied on the effect and style to be such a hit, since it's now been seen can the second movie do as well? I thought that it would have to pull out something extra to be as successful, but there doesn't sound to be much concern on that front from Rodreiguez. What do you think? Interesting news and looking forward to the second? Do you think the excitement of the new style will be lost in the second and it won't be as popular?

Posted by at August 24, 2005 12:40 PM


"I'm not exactly excited by getting the wooden and cheesy Owen back."

Everyone has an opinion. Mine strongly contradicts yours. Owen is one of the most underrated actors around. While I'd much rather he be convinced to play James Bond, Sin City 2 will do just fine if he chooses to be in it. Besides, if you really wanted to be technical, (most of) all of the characters are written in a pulp noir/comic book style, and thus are wooden and 'cheesy'. But Sin City works because of it.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 24, 2005 02:26 PM

I totally agree with Darren. I would love to see Clive come back, as he basically made the film for me (as he did with Closer). I feel that he and his character really gave a huge boost to The Big Fat Kill's storyline, which was also my favorite in the film. Personally, if there's anyone I'd choose to not have back, it would be Rosario Dawson. She fit the look of the character in the comic, but I found her acting to be not-so-great throughout that section of the film.

Sin City 2 should hold up fine as film as long as the style and script stay true to the comic. Sin City only left me wanting more of it.

Posted by: Alec at August 24, 2005 02:34 PM

It's not the writing at fault. Rourke and Willis deliver superb performances with the lines given them, in this movie Owen does not. His turns to camera and flat delivery is poor to say the least. I like him in other roles, just not here.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 24, 2005 02:35 PM

I will have to agree with Darren and Alec here...I think Clive's character did it for me too. This movie was full of high end actors and each pulled their weight perfectly. The story flowed and moved with perfect precision. One of the best lines of the movie in my opinion was when Clive said, "...I am completely out of my mind" or something along those lines. His character was supposed to be wooden...he was insane, had he been a lively character, the part of the movie that belongs to him would have been unconvincing. If there was anyone in the movie that gave a questionable performance, I would go with Dawson and the little hooker with blue eyes who sells the girls out to the mob...their characters were dry and unconvincing. Now this may make people scream, but who cares, Jessica Alba's character was the poorest performance. Yeah, I do think she is gorgeous and all that...but her persona was not convincing for this type of movie. Just throwing my opinions out there...hit it up man.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 24, 2005 03:53 PM

Well theres a really awsome new Frank Miller interview up on IGN ( He talks quite a bit about Sin City 2, as well as other really cool stuff. It's a must read for Fank Miller fans. This Rodriguez interview is about a month old. Frank says A Dame to Kill For wont be the only story, just the main one.

Infact Frank is writing a new story about a more "grown up" Nancy (Jessica Alba's character) just for part 2. And he is also co-directing again. So that and a couple other things he says in the interview leave me with little dought it's going to kick just as much ass as the first one. >_< And also he says they have so much material now, from all the Sin City comics and new stories Frank is coming up with, it's insane, lol. He hints at maybe as many as 5 Sin City movies could be made...

Posted by: Kaneda at August 24, 2005 04:25 PM

I agree with everyone who is backing Clive Owen; he was definitely solid. Each lead in each story held their parts down & kept things flowing. But I do feel certain actors just cannot deliver pulpy, hard boiled dialogue: Michael Madson was awful, as were pretty much all the female leads except Jamie King.

Oh, & Jessica Alba's really not that hot. At least in black & white.

Posted by: Eric Williams at August 25, 2005 12:34 PM

Tit Bit?.. I always thought it was Tid Bit...

Posted by: Ray` at August 25, 2005 03:27 PM

Clive Owen was solid. There was nothing wrong with his performance, it was his segment that was rather weak when compared to the other two.

Although I am skeptical of the next one. I don't think there is much to improve if they follow the storylines exactly.

Posted by: Jose at August 25, 2005 09:34 PM

Why improve? What needs to be improved? The reason I am not worried about a sequel is because the first one was so freaking awesome. If it were JUST like the first one with different stories, I would still be in line to see it.

Oh, Clive Owen rocks my ass.

Posted by: Ryan at August 25, 2005 09:57 PM

Guys, are we all talking about the same Clive Owen?

I'm confused and going on the number of people who have said he is good i will try and be a bit more open minded. With that in hand can somebody explain why his acting is so good?

I only have negatives at the moment:
1. his tone of voice is the same for happy/sad/angry/enraged
2. his facial expressions are the same for happy/sad/angry/enraged
3. he lacks screen presence
4. he doesn't interact well with other actors(i.e. he seems to be in a different set/situation as everybody else)
5. because his tone/expressions are all the same i get confused at what(or who) he is portraying and what his character is actually about and heading towards.

I must admit i don't know what "solid" or "rocks my ass" means in an acting sense either, but if you guys can explain why you think he is good as an actor, using closer/sin city/king arthur(the three movies i have seen owen in) as examples and could you please also be descriptive on why you like? i'd just like to see where i am going wrong? i feel as though i am missing something.

Posted by: Pablo at August 26, 2005 10:38 AM

I have to wonder if you have seen Closer after you're listing of "point" number 2. He is quite expressive throughout that film, and honestly, I don't think that Portman, Roberts, or Law even held a candle to his performance. If you want to look at flat performances in that film, pay attention to everyone else on screen (especially Portman, barf my fuckin' eyes).

As for Sin City, I agree with MechoPower's statement in which he says Clive's character was meant to seem flat. I think that was part of the charm that the audience gets from him. Dwight is able to keep his cool throughout the entire film without getting really dramatic. Imagine if he had been as emotional as Hartigan. I think the role would have been squashed to shit. I don't know. You think his performances are wooden, and I think his performances are as solid as wood.

On one last note, though, who do you blame for your hatred of Clive's acting in Sin City? Note that Robert Rodriguez AND Frank Miller were there the whole time and could have easily changed Clive's style had they not seen his acting fit. Sicne it looks like they will be bringing Clive owen back, one would assume that he had fit with their vision of the character. therefore, isn't it more Rodriguez and Miller who are at fault?

Posted by: Alec at August 26, 2005 11:51 AM

Does someone here know what a sociopath is, maybe even just a crazy person? What is Owen playing in Sin City? And I hate that Closer keeps getting referenced, but he is the MAIN reason I loved the shit out of that movie. He had me in stiches the entire time; he is brutal, he is funny, clever, and downright 100% convincing in that role.

He is a superb actor, truly.

And by “rocks my ass,” I meant I want to have sex with him. Rowr. And he would be in his “wooden” and “cheesy” character style from Sin City, mostly because neither of those words describe any of his performances.

Posted by: Ryan at August 26, 2005 04:44 PM

Thanks guys,

i never said i hated Clive's acting. I just said i didn't understand why people liked his acting. i.e. His performances have never added to a movie for me.

I'll rewatch closer and see if i can appreciate his performance.

Are we agreed that he was pretty bad in king Arthur? was that his first major role? The reason i ask is because being King Arthur i would have thought he would have motivated his fellow nights etc, but a couple of times in the movie when he does a speech to his knights it sounds like he is rattling off his shopping list.

If his character in sin city was meant to be emotionless then he is indeed perfect for that role and any sub-sequent roles in sin cities 2-15

Posted by: Pablo at September 1, 2005 11:19 AM

will hartigan be in sin city 2

Posted by: danny at September 1, 2005 06:59 PM

I believe Sin 2 will do just fine. It will of course have the fans, it will lose some who saw the first and don't care to see a second but word of mouth was good and it will do at least close to the profit of the first, worth making anyway. As for Clive Owen. Those who do not understand why he is held in high regards should stop only watching mainstream American films. Broaden your horizon and look into his older stuff. The first time I heard of him was his british film Croupier, first time I saw and was impressed with him was the BMW films on the internet. They are certanly worth watching, their short and entertaining with some of the best directors around look them up. He has great screen presence if given the right role and character. I am sure his performance in Sin was just what the directors wanted, and he was fighting his very thick accent for the first time that I know of. But look into his older stuff and maybe you'll get what the rest of us do.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 1, 2005 07:34 PM

Was King Arthur an american film? i thought it was an English production?

I will have a look at his older stuff, any suggestions on which ones are better? or less-commercialised?

And i am correct in guessing most of his stage work was in shakespearan productions or has he done other work? think its time for a google to see if my opinion on C.O. can be changed.

Posted by: Pablo at September 2, 2005 09:22 AM

Pablo, King Arthur is certainly a british story, filled with british actors but the director was Antoine Fuqua, couldn't be more american. He has does movies like Bait with Jamie fox and Training Day with Denzel Washington. He's a decent filmaker but far from british, born in Pittsburgh. He is another music video director turned filmaker, videos like Coolio and Heavy D and the Boys. Then the producer of Arthur is Jerry Bruckhiemer because what doesn't he produce? I don't mind Jerry, he puts out good stuff sometimes but his films rarely focus on acting or story. If any producer is known for mindless action its Jerry. So this is a British story put in American hands and comercialized. I enjoyed the film, could have been better but enjoyable enough to buy. So I wouldn't call it a British film, just a british story.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 2, 2005 01:27 PM

I doubt hartigan will be in the second film since he blows his own brains out in the end of the first film. (sin city 2 will take place before the first film f.y.i).and i think "that yellow basterd" was the only graphic novel he was in, opposed to dwight being in practically everyone of them. Does anyone READ the sin city books or have just seen the movie? As for the michael madsen comment, the only performence i ever liked of his was "mr. blond" in "reservoir dogs"when he hacks the cop's ear off! >XDDDD

Posted by: A.L. at September 4, 2005 10:50 PM

Oh, whatta good piece of news, my friends! I've just seen the movie (the first one, obviously), just 2 days ago, because here in spain this movie's started to be shown recently. I'm still thinkin' 'bout the incredible movie Rodriguez has created... yes, based on the comic, but it is really amazing the way he did it.

hartigan, and Rourke: Amazing!! I'm really surprised for Rourke's acting. Very pleased with him.

Well, I'll stop by here regularly, in order to get more info about the next Sin Cities, you know.

Thanx a lot.
PS: ah, I'm gonna post an article about my impressions, oppinion, etc... about Sin City in my blog (it will be written in spanish, but you all are invited to come around it). I'd be a pleasure for me to receive your comments there too

Posted by: carlitosreina at September 9, 2005 06:00 AM

does anyone know if Jessica Alba will be back? i doubt Willis will be back as he shot himself in the head and really, even for a comic book movie he shouldn't be alive by then. i loved Jessica's role and thought she did pretty well acting and of course, she's gorgious. it'll be good to have clive and rosario back, brittany murphy im not too excited about. i thought her character was a bit lame and dull. all in all, im exstatic that sequels will be in the making.

Posted by: Jeff at September 11, 2005 08:56 PM

I hate to say this, but I hope Jessica Alba does not come back...Nancy's character needed to be more open and, how shall I put this, whorish looking and in the books. Frank Miller, in an interview said that Nancy's character was going to be a bit darker and more "alluring", at least that is what i got out of the interview...and Alba doesnt do those kind of roles. I hope they dont tone it down just to accomadate her. Brittany's small role suited her and she did a good job...Rosario's role was cheesy to me...she tried too hard, you know what I mean...whe just wasnt convincing in my opinion. Clive and Marv sold the movie for me though...they were the best!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at September 12, 2005 02:18 PM

Marv is the best chr in the film buy far and mickey Rourke dose his role justice i mean hes just like i imagend him to be after reading the novels dont u agree???

Posted by: Veto at October 1, 2005 07:08 PM

I am very glad to see someone mention Rourke's "marv"- that was the performance that made this movie for me. I was very impressed with how well the whole production held together and the high caliber of most of the performances, given that I generally think too many big name stars in one movie makes for a poor product. it's the directing, of course, that made this possible. Rourke gave possibly the best performance of his career here, in my opinion. Clive, as always, fills his roles to the brim. I totally agree that he is underrated. This was a side step for him to play something totally different and i thought he, like Rourke, was awesome. I was entertained by Brittani, not the best performance, but then it was believable. Alba and Dawson were working too hard- it just seemed very forced. Over all, it was so nice to see all the actors give such great performances even to the smaller roles- Booth, Wood, Nick Stahl, Hauer. (I do agree about Madsen, though- which i found surprising given that I thought he did a great job in Kill Bill...) Personally, I can't wait for Sin 2. It will be nice to see who the new actors will be...

Posted by: A.M. at October 15, 2005 08:08 PM

the will of jesus. or aolhometown

Posted by: ephriam at December 6, 2005 03:16 PM

In regards to Clive Owen's acting, I agree with those of you who compared Closer to Sin City. In Closer we see Clive as a man in love, jealous, flirtatious and most of all, in pain. If you look at the scene where he and Julia break up, you can see him go from love, to apologetic, to shock, to pain, to total anger and rage all within a few minutes. This is not easy to do! Then, shifting to Sin City, we see a cool collected, not easily rattled Dwight. The reason this is a good basis of comparison is the fact that both roles require him to display his affection for two different woman. In Closer, he treats Natilie Portman like a "fuck you too" piece of ass. Shifting to Sin City we see him more introverted and protective and even stronger willed and than in Closer. When it came to Shellie and Gail, he always put their intrest and well being ahead of his own, and he did it the way Dwight would have. In Closer, he did it the way Larry would have done it. Two completely different characters with several similarities and common situations, portrayed in opposite fashion. Clive Owen is still up and coming, so I recommend you keep your eye on him whether you like him or not, because he is going to turn some heads I can promise you that.

Posted by: Jeff Marshall at December 20, 2005 03:31 PM

Sin City is without a doubt the film of 2005 and can't wait for the installment especcially to see clive owen and mickey rourke come and maybe they can get Quentin Tarantino come direct another scene that would be intereseting

Posted by: Ron Kuriakose at January 5, 2006 12:03 PM