August 10, 2005

Readers Lives

ReadersLives.jpgHey there everyone, here's a little something I've just thought of this morning. I have a couple of emails from people that are worthy of being seen, but don't really make up a complete post, I mean it's hard enough to keep up with the days stories dropping off the bottom of the page without adding three or four smaller posts in one go. So I thought how about pulling them all together in one spot? With that I thought of Readers Lives (for those of you in the UK who are male, you might know the veiled reference).

Here we are for the first, and perhaps not last, installment. This is meant to be a post where we'll pull together some of the top emails we get, hopefully relating to movies, but who knows where this journey will take us. Drop some comments in about what you think about this idea, as well as the stories themselves.

We'll be talking B-Movie homage, the best lightsaber battle and Hammer House collections.

A visual homage to B-Movies...
First up, is an email from Zep over at In-Sect, he's put together a short movie to pay a tribute to the B-Movies of old. It's made by combining the credits theme from The Rocky Horror Picture Show with stills and posters from various old B-Movies. It's not grounbreaking, but there are a few giggle moments, there is a cracking montage of posters at the end that you can try and recognise, and there's that superb song throughout. If you've got the time I'd recommend having a wee look.

Have a look at it over at his site, it's in MOV format.

Superb light saber battle...
From Don Wilson in one of the comments, I thought this really did deserve a larger outing. During the discussion of Is Hollywood in a creative slump?, he's talked about the efforts of filmmakers just not being enough and in particular he's used the example of the lightsaber battles in the latest Star Wars movies, including a link to what looks like a couple of very fit and experienced fans in their own short movie wholly around a lightsaber battle. Boy is it good, there are some awesome moves and cool camera work, and it is indeed better than any Hollywood lightsaber fight I've seen, why? Well, I think it's down to the passion of fans, and their desire to do right by the ethos of the movie and also to do something new and cool.

Go see for yourself at the MOV short in just over 29Mb.

Calling Hammer House of Horror fans...
Paul emailed me about his love for everything Hammer House of Horror, seems he's been a huge fan of all things Hammer for a very long time.

As a teenager,I was glued every saturday night during BBC2's summer season of Universal horror films. Often a double bill - it was fantastic. I still have a jumpy / picture break up copy of the transmitted Dracula,followed by Frankenstein,which went out whilst a violent thunderstorm took place... favourite Universal film at that time was 'Ghost of Frankenstein' - which seemed to be the most forgettable in everyone elses favourite of the Frankenstein series has now re-located (but only slightly)to 'Son of Frankenstein'. I seemed to enjoy watching that even more on this time around's viewing. I think the depth of Basil Rathbone's abilities within,added a bonus to the already towering strengths of Boris and Bela.

Since then his taste has exploded:

...via a trip to a car boot sale...I picked up one of Bela's movie's 'White Zombie' many of the Universal monster series as poss,together with as many of the Hammer's featuring Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee...'Kiss of the Vampire'...'Lust of the vampire'...'To the devil a daughter'...'Plague of the Zombies'

...and we could go on, Paul certainly proves that he's a huge horror fan in his email, but it doesn't end there. He wants your help. Paul is looking to expand his collection, and he's asking if you can help. Here's a list of some of the titles he's looking for, but don't stop there, if you can help with any other titles then contact him.

To help Paul along, drop him an email, meanwhile, check out his sought list.

The Invisible man's revenge
The invisible ray
The raven
The black cat
The mummy's hand
The mummy's ghost
The mummy's tomb
The mummy's curse
Murders in the rue morge
Creature from the black lagoon
Before I hang
The Indestructable man
The old dark house
Voodoo man
Secret of the blue room
wax museum
One body too many
The walking dead
Behind the mask
The sea bat
The devil commands
The bogie man will get you
The strange door
Grip of the strangler
Monster of Terror
Scars of Dracula
Dracula,Prince of darkness
Dracula has risen from the grave
Brides of Dracula
Evil of Frankenstein
Frankenstein must be destroyed
Frankenstein and the monster from hell
The various Fu Manchu movies
The Revenge of Frankenstein
House of wax
The tomb of Ligeia
The fly
Return of the fly
Witchfinder General
Curse of the crimson alter
Corridors of blood
Vampire Circus

Posted by at August 10, 2005 04:55 AM


WOW! this was a good read, and that video was entertaining too.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 10, 2005 02:24 PM