August 30, 2005

Paul Haggis rewriting new Bond

I think it's fair to say next to no one is looking forward to the new Bond movie with any form of anticipation, perhaps until now. From Coming Soon

Oscar-nominated writer Paul Haggis (Million Dollar Baby, Crash) has been tapped to do a rewrite of Casino Royale, Sony and MGM's 21st installment of the James Bond franchise, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson have brought back Martin Campbell (GoldenEye, The Legend of Zorro) to direct his second 007 film. Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who wrote Bond films The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day, penned the previous draft.

Now this could be exciting news, but if you consider the control that the Broccoli's have over the franchise and all to readily use, it may not mean that much. What do you think? Higher hopes?

Posted by at August 30, 2005 08:02 AM


I really, really hope they stick to a character and story based screenplay rather than the garbage they were pumping out. I feel bad for Brosnan and feel sympathetic for his relief at not continuing. I read the first Bond book a little over a year ago and I acknowledge its lack of cinema potential. If filmed from page to screen it would essentially be boring, throw in some extra action and story and it could be good but please stick to character development over special effects so heavy that we might as well be watching a cartoon. The Bond movies have one ingrediant that is important, Bond and if the film makers lose touch with that than they will ruin the film. I have liked Martin Campbell in the past, including GoldenEye. He seems to know the right mix of action and character. I feel Casino should be about a new Bond, a rookie in the espionage world. An ex-soldier turned spy. Casting is a whole other mess.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 1, 2005 06:19 PM

Alec Baldwin would make a great Bond.

He can do a flawless accent. He has the look. And he reminds me more of Connery than *any* of the other Bonds, a good guy who can go 10 levels meaner than you at the drop of a hat, stick a shiv in your spine and then shoot you just to keep you quiet. Other Bonds have had to force the toughness. Brosnan. Dalton. Sheesh.

Connery's Bond was deceptive, cunning, and unscrupulous if need be. Whatever it took. He was convincing as an edgy gambler, always pushing the limits. No Bond since then had that swagger. Baldwin can pull that off. Think about it. Imagine the guy about 25 pounds slimmer. He's naturally somewhat bulked up. And he's only 46.

They need to drop the hyper-ignorant view that the Bond actor has to be British. Who gives a damn? Brits always play American roles.

Posted by: rdbrewer at September 5, 2005 05:34 AM

alec Baldwin, I wont even comment on that one. As for the Brit comment. Bond is Britin's ultimate hero. Let's give them that shall we? And the new Bond is supposed to be just that, new. If you know the books and the story at all, Casino Royal is Bond's first time out after being a soldier in the war. At the time it was WW2, wouldn't work today but if the film makers have even an ounce of brains they will cast a younger Bond, maybe mid thirties or so and show Bond learning the ropes of being a spy. They also need a young actor because they want the films to keep going and its best to stay with one actor for as long as the audience accepts them. So far most of the actors went too long. Connery should have quit sooner, Roger Moore got way too old and Brosnan should have stopped before the directors began to ruin them. The other two Bond's well George Lazenby quit too early, he's just a flash in the pan but he could have been good, Timothy Dalton is a clown and should have never been given the part, but it was the 80's so what can you say? If they cast someone Baldwin's age, gives me the shivers just to think about it, the actor would only be good for one maybe two films. Need younger and though I'm as American as could be they need an actor from the United Kingdom, preferably Scotish. They have enough great actors use them. Americans should keep their hands out of the Bond franchis. It's theirs give it too them. Alec Baldwin, grrr.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 5, 2005 01:33 PM

OMG what everyone thinking DO we want an old washed up BOnd or a softy Bond like Orlando Bloom? Or do we want a man on FIRE like JOHNATHAN RHYS MEYERS

Hes a brit, he cocky, he rocked playing Elvis and is up for an emmy for it this sunday, Hes has been in like 25 british and american films all new age and modern. He is on FIRE thats what we need to se in a BOND not another Brosnan blaaaa

Posted by: Liberty Peterman at September 17, 2005 07:07 PM

Johanathan Ryhs Meyers for BOnd!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Liberty Peterman at September 17, 2005 07:10 PM

I like Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Bond aswell. He was a great Elvis and hes perfect for a young Bond. He is also British and cocky. Yup

Posted by: Micheal at September 22, 2005 04:01 AM

Anyone but Brosnan agian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry

Posted by: Doug Hale at September 22, 2005 06:03 PM

I saw Jonathan Rhys meyers fansitefrozenwithin, and I was speachless its really dedicated. A good site he must have a ton of fans in britain I guess. Ya he does look like a good Bond if the new bond is suppost to be young

Clive Owen is NOt a good pick or Orlando Bloom are people crazy?

Posted by: Doug Hale at September 22, 2005 06:10 PM

I took all the recomendations and checked out Meyers' fansites and I'm still not sold. I can understand some women find him attractive and I don't doubt his acting skills but the one major thing that makes me think he could not pull off Bond is that he always looks like he might start crying. It's his eyes. He has a very intense look but he looks like he has depression problems. Also he is quite a bit like Jude Law. And if they wanted to go with a thin model looking actor then they might as well go with Law, bigger name. I am a fan of the original books by Flemming and most of the movies and I just think Bond is a man, a man who does not cry. Meyer's looks too fragile I think is a good word for it. Bond is not fragile, he is a throw back to the old style of man. The kind who could withstand pain a guys guy. He needs to be strong and I don't see strenght when I look at Meyer's, he looks too sensitive.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 23, 2005 02:07 PM

Crackerjack, you have to understand that Casino Royale is how Bond started out. What turned him into a killer, what drove him to it. Thats why Jonathan Rhys Meyers would be perfect. Casino young Royale Bond is suppost to be a boy who is drove to the edge. Upset and full of passion, what makes him turn into the ladies man cold blooded person he becaomes. Cracker jack check out his Elvis pictures of Jonathan Rhys meyers. Remember Bond is to be young and just starting out, torn.

Posted by: Janny at September 24, 2005 04:44 PM

I think thats what would make Jonathan Myers good for Bond because he seems like a young person who could be drove to the edge to becaome someone like Bond. who else has the spark? I think some men are jealous of him lol. Thats Bond for ya. Plus his website is really good.

Posted by: Libertylane at September 24, 2005 04:49 PM

I read the book Casino and I do understand that is when his character starts out but that does not mean he is a boy. He was originaly a soldier in WW2 who has been training to be a spy and the reason they send him to Casino Royale is because he is known for his skill at gambling. He has a history in espionage already from the war he is not a kid fresh out of college who looks like he should be the lead singer in a rock band. I have no problem with JRM, he is talented and good looking but he is not Bond. Even though this is Bond's first major adventure in the spy world he is already a killer. He already has the double 0 rating because he has already performed two kill operations before ever setting foot in Casino Royale. I can't emphasise enough the importance of reading a book once in a while and the Bond books are perfect for nonreaders to start. They are short and easy reads. I can understand your desire to see JRM in big films and rest assured you'll get it, he is currently filming Mission Impossible 3 with Tom Cruise so you will get to see him playing a spy but if there is a God of movies that will be the extant of his Spy films. Really read the book.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 25, 2005 01:38 PM

Crackerjack, I did not know about him already being a oo agent before because yes I have not read the book, but who else besides JRm would be good for the role. We need a young british actor, the right age, the right look. So if not JRm who is huge in Britian who we love, who else then?

Posted by: micheal at September 26, 2005 12:17 AM

Micheal, why does the actor have to be huge already? And why do you think JRM is huge, asside from movie psychofants like us I can't think of anyone who knows him or would say Yeah I recognize that guy. Anyway, Sean Connery was not even a know actor and I challenge you to find anyone who does not now know him as James Bond. It is good for franchises to find fresh new faces, think Hugh Jackman in X-Men, no one knew him outside of Australia and everyone recognizes him now. Asside from getting casting agents to do their job and find new talented actors my best recomendation is Gerard Butler, I know he's not as young as alot of people would like but he is ideal for Bond, strong, handsome and Scottish. Bond by the way was made Scottish in the books after Flemming enjoyed Connery's performance so much. The main reason I fear a young Bond is that the direction of the film will go astray and become a no brainer MTV movie. The first Bourne movie was great because they did not focus on the fact that the character was a young man. I know Damon is not in his twentys anymore but for a role like that he was young. Also in the case of the Bourne movies they couldn't be further from the books, but in my oppinion the books werent all that great anyway. Bond movies need to get back to what made them legends in the first place, the character, not the action or the outlandish villians but the character of James Bond. And above all Bond is masculine.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 27, 2005 12:56 AM

Ok Crackerjack. I understand your state of mind but...... and there is a big but. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a huge british star. He has never been in MTV type movies, he is the big time and he has never been in anything but serious roles, or abtract hard to play charectors. He is a true chamillian and is NOt very well known in the USA besides him rocking out the Elvis role like nobody ever could have. He is not a "kid", he is 28 years old, exactly the age needed for Casino Royale. And you said he looked too sensitive, well those were roles he was playing, dont get it confused. You must have BOT seen his pictures playing Elvis Presley? I dont see how you can see that there? JRM is a highly respected actor and hardly a teeny bopper actorlol. He has done over 30 movies in Britain and the USA, and to The british he is considered the big thing! I cant help but think your an older guy who wants Bond to be some old wrinkled guy tough and leathery. WE dont want that nor do we want a teeny bopper film. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is none of that!Im a guy but can see when a guy has style ans a suave that women love. Guess Im not a jealous guy.

Posted by: Micheal at September 27, 2005 03:27 PM

Micheal, I am twenty eight years old myself. I am not jealous but I am a fan of Bond and appearantly defensive of who plays him. I have no doubt that JRM is talented, though if you haven't seen all the Elvis movies the statement you made is groundless. In my opinion Kurt Russle who did the first ever Elvis movie was definitive but I have not seen them all so it is a pointless argument. I have seen some, not all but some of JRM's films and he has not impressed me. I understand they are characters but why does he seem to always heve the same hurt look in his eyes? Bond needs to be someone we look up to a hero not someone we feel sorry for and want to pat on the back and protect. The character is defending Britain and the entire world from organizations (mostly Russian in the books) who would like to crush them. We need to feel he is up to the job, if it were up to JRM I would be scared. He does not inspire confidence, I look at him and think, Hell I could take that guy out.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 28, 2005 02:46 AM

Crackerjack. Remember those were acting jobs and I ahve seen all JRM movies most suck and are low budget before he "grew up". I am with you I think Bond HAS to be something great. The best movies JRm has been in are Velvet Goldmine, Elvis, and now that I think about it his first role was an assasin Micheal Collins, his very first role. I agree and know what you mean I thought he was a bit depressed in the first movies I saw him in and hated him. But then I saw him in some other movies and realize the man is a chamillian. I hated him in those other movies because you were suppost to hate the charector which means he is a fantastic actor. Then I saw Velvet Goldmine and Elvis on tv and was changed because they are not asshole roles. I understand where you are coming from. But I want you to know that JRM is a chamillianwho can adapt to about any role. I wish you could have seen Elvis but the pictures show how he changed into Elvis. Its funny because I used to not like JRM either becasue of his roles he did but now I know its just becasue he is a good actor. YOu should see Velvet Goldmine and Elvis his happier roles. but I get you. I stil think he would be perfect though.

Posted by: Liberty at September 28, 2005 06:27 PM

I just went to the video store today to try and get Layer Cake so that I can see what all the talk about Daniel Craig is for but they were out, I was able to rent From Russia With Love just to get a taste of the old Bond movies. I am currently reading the book so I wanted to compare them. I am going to go back tomorow and I will look for Velvet Goldmine, I have meant to see it since it was released but kept forgetting it. I don't know if Elvis is on video but truthfully I am not interested in Elvis asside from his music so even if I find it I don't know how much I will enjoy watching it. I am open minded and will look into what people recomend. Sorry I have been coming off a little too strong regarding a topic that my opinion makes no difference to those in charge. I will also look into Micheal Collins, I like Liam Neeson and am quite interested in the Irish so it would be good to see anyway. The movie that I think will make or break JRM is Mission Impossible 3. In alot of the pictures thus far he is with Tom Cruise and thats a bright light to stand next to, if he can shine through next to Mr. Cruise than he may be the star you all think he is. Ofcourse the timing of MI3 may make it a problem for him to play Bond anyway same thing for my favorite for Bond Gerard Butler, they are busy men and I don't think Bond is going to wait long once they decide its really time to start filming.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 29, 2005 12:29 AM

Just saw a commercial for a new tv series that reminded me of a british actor who is young, talented and good looking; Stuart Townsend. He may be a good choice for Bond, whatcha think?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 29, 2005 12:34 AM

I think Stuart Townsend would be an amazing idea for BOND. I like Him, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and that other hottie I guess its that Craig guy I have seen his pictures I think thats him. Ya anyone of those. Im not just with JRM I just want the new Bond to be extrodinary. Crackerjack, bOnd aside you really dont need to see Elvis, But Velvet Goldmine is a must see. Its got Ewan Mcgregor, Christian Bale, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers in it. Its a cult classic like A Clockwork Orange and its one of my alltime favorites. I would really like to hear what you think about it after you see it so post back to me. Im with ya with the Stuart Townsend thing all the way either one would give the role the respect it deserves.

Posted by: Liberty at September 29, 2005 06:25 PM

Crackerjack a new trailor of the new Movie Matchpoint is on Its the new Woody Allen film coming out around december starring Scarlet Johansson ans Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

Posted by: Liberty at September 29, 2005 07:27 PM

I saw some pictures of Match Point and I'm interested, I'll try to see it as for Velvet I went to the local Blockbuster and alas they don't carry it. Shame cause I have wanted to see it for years, I guess I will have to either hunt it down or rent it from Netflix or something like, I will go back again and look for Micheal Collins, I looked for Tom Collins but I think I had alcohol on the mind so I mixed them I don't know if I will see Velvet Goldmine for a while as the next couple of months are quite busy for me, getting married and going to Italy for 20 days on honeymoon, doubt I will find it by then but I will try and I will certainly let you know what I think. Glad your onboard with Stuart Townsend I have been watching him for a while and never did understand why he didn't break out, could have been that awful Queen of the Damned film, and I think he was originaly cast as Aragorn but they decided he was too young so they brought in Vigo. That may be rumor and speculation though.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 29, 2005 08:37 PM

Velvet Goldmine is really good. Liberty thanks for the Dramworks trailor info, It looks like another Jonathan Rhys Meyers good one. Scarlet johnansson look amazing in it. Im glad woodyAllen decided to go for young interesting complex charectors. Scarlet has proved to be a dame with substance, not to mention beautiful.

Posted by: Micheal at September 30, 2005 03:20 PM

Daniel Craig is the new BOND!!! The Saga starts again! Im happy with the pick, perfect!

Posted by: Liberty at October 12, 2005 03:39 PM