August 24, 2005

Old School 2

OldSchoolPoster.jpgI am one of the few people who wasn't all that impressed with Old School. Don't get me wrong, I did mildly like it and thought it was pretty good, but I wasn't nearly as taken with it as most other people were. I didn't think Ferrell was at his best in it, and some of the humour was way too predictable.

Now news is coming out that Dreamworks has officially given the green light to "Old School 2" with the same writers and director being signed on. But hold on a second. Before you get too excited, the good folks over at Empire bring up some very good questions:

Now, you might wonder if they can stretch the idea out for another 90 minutes - after all, things in Old School rounded themselves off quite comfortably, but bear in mind that there has been no mention of the cast from the first film returning in any major capacity. So all new characters, with only cameos from Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn (and hopefully Elisha Cuthbert)?
Honestly... what else can you do with this concept that you didn't already do in the first one. It was already starting to get a little tired by the end of the first one as it is. And if they brought in a new cast, then we'd be looking at nothing but Caddyshack 2 all over again (ug... painful memories).

I just don't see any upside to doing this movie. The first one was fine... leave it alone. Let Ferrell an co. get on and do other projects that aren't already beaten to death.

Posted by John Campea at August 24, 2005 10:46 AM


i think it is just a conspiracy to keep Will Ferrell employed.

Posted by: Grant at August 24, 2005 11:18 AM

I think the rumor that has been circulating for a while is that Old School 2 plot would center around Spring Break.

Posted by: Stone at August 24, 2005 12:07 PM

As a big fan of Old School I would rather they not make a 2nd movie. Leave it as is and don't ruin it. The 2nd one will suck and it will take away from the 1st.

Posted by: Meli at August 24, 2005 01:12 PM

i just don't get how they could do a new film. aftet the way the first one ended, with that part of their life being over, it would feel like a cheap cash in to have some contrived way to hook them all back in, and i just can't see them agreeing to it... and assuming they won't be main characters but just cameo's, it makes me think of a police academy/dumb and dumber 2 type sitution. just plain scary. you can't have a film with them, you can't have it without them...

Posted by: Psych at August 25, 2005 10:18 AM

You know what, I think Vince Vaugn and the Wilson brothers are hilarious but as for Will Ferral...NO. Old School was a dumb movie with very few scenes of comedy. Vaughn and Wilson delivered...Ferral did not. This thing is played out...especially with Wedding that is a funny movie!! However...Ferral again tried to play a comedic role and again blew it. Sorry guys, but I say shitcan Old School, shitcan Ferral, and just stick to the Vaughn and Wilson movies.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 25, 2005 02:17 PM

u ppl are f a g sssssssssss ferrel is the best and so ur moms

Posted by: ggg at August 28, 2005 04:30 PM

Aguante Will Ferrell!!!! que gente amarga son uds... yanquis del orto!!!

Posted by: martin at September 22, 2005 01:43 PM

u guys are idiots saying will ferrel isn't funny, and that the jokes were predictable,ok everybody just new he was gonna streak down the road,everybody new he was gonna sing dust in the wind at a funeral,everybody new he was gonna lick a girls face after he bonged a beer,quit acting like u know it all and that ur better then everybody and get a fucking life and movie critics dont be pissed ur not an actor

Posted by: mark at October 5, 2005 07:46 PM

first of all i dont know what you are talking about when u say u were one of the few people, because u r totally alone. everyone thought old school was amazing, including myself. it started the new genre of comedy continuting with starky and hutch, anchorman, 40 yr old virgin, etc. old school 2 is a genious idea and even its not as funny as the first one, which i think it will be just as funny, the first one is a classic that no1 will ever forget. your alone on this one buddy.

Posted by: Jeff at October 10, 2005 02:32 PM

Old School is the best movie EVER!! and all of you Old School haters can go to hell. By the way if you think Will Ferell is not funny you have no sense of humor and are probably a boring person.

Posted by: Kyle Chmieleski at January 13, 2006 02:57 PM