August 19, 2005

No Jessica Alba for Fantastic Four 2

JessicaAlba.jpgNow this is interesting. Apparently Jessica Alba has decided not to participate in the filming of Fantastic Four 2. The reason I find this so interesting is because I was under the impression that the whole cast was contracted for 3 films (remember, that doesn't mean there will be 3 movies... it just means that the cast are contractually obligated to appear in the next films if called upon by the producers).

From all accounts Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffud, Chris Evans and Julian McMahon are all on board for the sequel. Now, I can understand why Alba may not WANT to do a Fantastic Four 2... but how does she have a choice? Did the producers not get her to sign the same contract the other stars did? Was I mistaken about the contract in the first place?

Meh, who cares I guess. As much as I like Jessica Alba... the reality is that she really wasn't all that great in the movie and could easily be replaced. I'm just confused about how she can walk away. Any of you guys have thoughts or info on this?

Posted by John Campea at August 19, 2005 10:50 AM


She shouldn't have gotten the part in the first place. she is too young for the part. But i think this is just a false rumor

Posted by: me at August 19, 2005 01:42 PM


Posted by: bond, james bond at August 19, 2005 03:04 PM

So it's going to go the opposite route from "Ocean's Twelve", and the sequel will be "The Fantastic Three"?

Maybe they should just change it to "The Magnificent Three", as shown in the Hollywood episode of Futurama. Michael Chiklis looks a lot like Calculon.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned at August 19, 2005 03:58 PM

For my taste, Alba was the least of concerns in the Fantastic Four movie. I thought she did a fairly decent job, even if

A) Alba and Gruffud's chemistry was strained by the Simon Kinberg rewrite. and

B) She was cast well- but her cleavage was cast before her.

I recall a recent report with Alba regarding alleged fan bashing, which she concluded it may be due to her being latina. No, it wasn't the case, for if it was (and it wouldn't be right if it was) it would have surfaced at the casting call. The criticisms of her came only after the film's release, not before.

So what was it, then? I'm going to go with her being too young for the role. Or rather, an exchange of dialog in the film which either caused confusion or have turned some viewers off. There is a scene in which a small bit of forced exposition comes out. The scene allows the viewer (painfully) to get the backstory.

Now, if we used the comics as a measuring stick, and I hope anyone reading this can follow this bit here, so here it goes:

Ready? Okay...

Let's go with the thought that Sue is the exact age of Jessica Alba, which is 23.

Listening to the dialog, we know:

*Sue has been seeing Von Doom for about a year and a half, working with Doom for two. Her character is also implied as being slightly shallow, by her own charater's admission (only with Doom for the money-she really doesn't love him- she loves Reed)

* The relationship with Reed was five years prior to the events in the film. They were also living together during this time. It was Reed who could not commit.

So if Sue Storm is 23, this means that she was with Doom for at least one year as a romantic intrest (22) and since Reed did not know she worked for Doom, we will shave off one year (estimated) that she was not with Doom romantically or with Reed (21)* Now, factoring in the five years, she's 17.

Now, factor in the comics. Reed is 23 when he first met Sue who was 12.
So if Sue is 17 when she starts to see Reed, then Reed is 28. Add five years to Reed. 33. Ioan is 32.

Now, if Sue just started working for Doom about the same time she was seeing him, then these ages, in connection to story, character and casting, would seem to be accurate. I think an audience would need to be clear on this, because when the characters of Reed and Sue have the expostion of the past relationship, then what is revealed some people may be uncomfortable with.

Didya get that?

So about this news about Alba jumping ship. I...
well, let's put it this way. Regardless of handling the criticisms of her performance rather well, after all is said and done she's just going to bail? I'm a bit skeptical. I'm rolling the dice here, and call it.

Evil fan(s) create an internet rumor based on a half truth, if any truth at all. Alba's going to be back. Maybe a few dead presidents might be tossed at her feet like roses to accomplish such a thing, but yeah, she'll return.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 19, 2005 05:08 PM

I don't think it is the fact that she is Latina. In fact, I would have preferred if they hadn't colored her hair blonde for the role and just had it be a highlighted natural brunette. I bet most of the males who went to see FF will cite Alba as one of the -- if the THE -- major reason they went to see it. I've said this before: She has equal cross-over appeal among young white, black and Hispanic males.

The movie just wasn't good, and I have as much enthusiasm for a sequel as I do for a Daredevil one. Maybe she wants out because she'd rather do other movies for more money.

Posted by: Franklin at August 19, 2005 06:12 PM

If it was about her race(a non-issue) they wouldn't have hired her to BEGIN WITH. This is something else, and quite frankly, I don't believe it. Everyone was saying that Katie Holmes wasn't gonna be in Batty 2, and look how that turned out. All of a sudden, she's in, so hold off on this for a bit. I'm betting this is a ploy to get the fanboys who were bitching about her to whine and plead with her to return.

Posted by: Kristina at August 19, 2005 06:42 PM

Probably untrue or a ploy for more money. I think it's obvious she added at least $15 million to that opening weekend box office total. Marvel would be foolish to do it without her but they also make incredibly bad films so it wouldn't be a shock if they recast another actress.

Posted by: kjl at August 19, 2005 08:49 PM


Jessica won't be back for Fantastic Four 2 because .... her suit was too tight.

You obviously didn't see the interview she did where she said,"There was not a lot left to anyone's imagination. All the boys got to wear muscle suits underneath their outfits but I didn't have anything."

So there. Heh.

Link to article is here:

Posted by: verbatim at August 19, 2005 10:56 PM

According to F4Movies, the rumor about Alba opting out of the “Fantastic Four” sequels is wrong. They said this:

"Despite recent gossip on the net (Page Six, we’re looking at you) that Jessica Alba has abandoned the role of Sue Storm in the Fantastic Four sequel to star in a silver screen version of the tv show I Dream of Jeannie, this is not true. Alba’s reps confirmed for F4Movies that the actress is indeed committed to appearing in a sequel if one is made. Alba, alongside actors Ioan Gruffudd, Michael Chiklis and Chris Evans, reportedly signed a contract to appear in at least two sequels to the smash superhero film."

Posted by: T-Jax at August 22, 2005 09:02 AM

she slept with the boss so she could get out.

Posted by: beatnuts at August 22, 2005 05:18 PM

I think Jessica Alba is hot, and I love latina's, so that's not the issue.

But on the one hand she's bitching about the movie and the fans response to her acting, which, quite frankly, was LACKLUSTER no matter how much she tries to paint it otherwise. She just didn't do much with the role!

The Thing and the Human Torch stole the movie and did with the script what any good actor would - bring it to life!

There was ZERO chemistry between Alba and Grufford. And on another note, Grufford acted like a damned fool as well. I couldn't believe he wes as brilliant as the movie made him out to be. I pictured him as being an idiot savant more so than a genius who "doesn't know what he has" as doom put it.

Doom was evil from the first frame, and he was over acting on many parts.

AS Dr. Doom he was great.. but PreDoom he was just dripping with sarcastic eeeeeeeevuuuuuuuuhl.

Alba needs to lighten up - she's been given the gift of beauty and should keep her mouth shut and enjoy the millions she's making for showing her tits and pretty little face on the big screen for boys like me to drool over. I'll never bag her, even though I'm secretly hoping I will, but never will. That alone will get me to stare at her tight ass and tits for part duex.

Posted by: DumbAssAlba at August 22, 2005 09:33 PM

Most people went to see FF just because of Jessica Alba, but that doesn't mean that the secuel will suck because she might not appear on it. I actually couldn't care less, her character was poorly shown (like Ioan Gruffudd's) and I wouldn't mind a real blond or a non-latin girl playing Sue Storm.
I think Jessica Alba is hot, but that doesn't make her a good Invisible Woman.

Posted by: ReiNohara at August 28, 2005 09:10 PM

listen you sucia idiots, stop slateing jessica alba, at least she has made it in the world, what have you done, nothing thats what, your not worthy. but i guess all jessica critics are twats anyway. if they're female, they've a hidden agender, (maybe jealousy) and if they're male, well...if they're male , then you are just being pricks

adios puta's

Posted by: Ashley at September 10, 2005 09:01 AM

jesica may not have played the part well, but susan storm was never the main attraction, she wasnt the main character, the leader. reed richards was, and if you'll remember the old cartoon, susuan often got kidnapped and had to be saved by reed richards. so all in all i think she played the part well to an extent.

Posted by: Ashley at September 10, 2005 09:04 AM


Posted by: Emma at October 8, 2005 05:13 AM