August 26, 2005

Mr. T Returns in Rocky 6

MrT.jpgIn the best news I've heard all day, Mr. T is set to reprise his role as Clubber Lang (the only man to defeat Rocky during his championship reign in the movies) in Rocky 6.

Now, I'm a little bit torn over this. I'm one of the only guys on the plant who actually really liked Rocky 5 (it was a very different Rocky film... and it had it's weaknesses, but I still thought it was a solid movie). However, I think the notion of a Rocky 6 is a stupid idea. You can only go back to the well so many times. I think this is a mistake. But now I'm excited about seeing it just because I want to see Mr. T on the big screen again! Oh yeah baby! I PITY THE FOOL THAT DOES DRUGS.

The good folks over at MovieHole give us this:

The former "A-Team" star will reprise his role as boxer Clubber Lang in "Rocky 6", opposite Sylvester Stallone. The tough-talking 80's icon confirmed his involvement in the sequel on radio's Howard Stern show. In the new movie, Clubber Lang - who played Rocky Balboa's opponent in "Rocky III" - will now be a commentator.
Ok, it sucks that he'll just be a commentator... but still, it's awesome that he's in there at all. Oh the nostalgia of it all.

Posted by John Campea at August 26, 2005 10:09 AM


Mr T is a modern day super hero.

Posted by: dougnagy at August 26, 2005 01:49 PM

Mr. T in a 'Major Hollywood Film'? I am totally there. I agree, John - it's awesome that 'T' will be back in theaters.

Posted by: trysop at August 26, 2005 01:49 PM

Mr. T needs his own reality show!

Posted by: Stone at August 26, 2005 04:16 PM

I liked his role in Freaked as the bearded lady.....Reality shows suck....... I love Mr. T but I remember when I was younger that the reason T wouldn't retrun for other films is because of his heart condition or something. So now he's returning as a commentator? Well I bet he'll be the best commentator in a movie ever!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 27, 2005 12:36 PM

I think mr T is gay that what l hear but yer l think its gongi to be a top movie becuse of him and vin diesl that will make it more kool

Posted by: Anthony at September 7, 2005 08:56 AM

Hola, me parece que si, debe regresar mr t al ring, porque solo en america existe un campeon mundial de peso completo que es el orgullo de filadelfia, el garañon italiano y reinante monarca mundia de peso completo ROCKY BALBOA y quien mas de CLUBER LANG su peor enemigo lo desafie una vez mas porque es el unico que le pudo ganar, solo le deseo lo mejor, pero que no haya rocky 6 si no mas rockys si es que no puede ser hecho a por el porque eso esta bien dificil, entonces que sea dirigido por el porque todos los Luchadores y fracasdo, disminuidos se identifican con el, el es el mejor, bye.

Posted by: Luis Lopez at October 12, 2005 03:38 PM

Una vez mas,el semental italiano Rocky Balboa enfrenta al unic hombre
que o udo derrotar POR KNOCK OUT en las 5 peliculasde rocky,nada que apolo le gano por puntos,que por un segundo,que if he dies he dies,que Micky le agarra la teta a Clubber,nadaaaaaa,el es el indiscutibe noqueador de Balboas por Knock Out.Ydice que regresa a pelear por tercera vez conra Balboa,esperempos que esta vez sea de 15 rounds o lo maximo que sea puesto para mi este es mejor que Apolo y el Ruso,si pes,solo puede suceder esta huada en america nmas,..aazzzzooooo,ahora mi causita Luchin debe estar agarrandose la teta con la Chato ya que dicen que van a sacar una sexta pelicula de Balboa,porqe dicen que zidane metio mil cabezazos a brasil,gerardo dice que hace la de 86 mejor que maadona,cafu dice que Ronaldo ese papa de zidown,que es una cagada el pelao,que azzzooo,bueno para terminar,ojala Mr T se agarre la teta con el semental italiano.

Posted by: Supercarlonchoo at October 12, 2005 03:50 PM

Have to say as a past Rocky fan part six is a bad idea. It will be a joke so will Rambo. Sylvester needs new characters. He's old get over it. I don't care if he could kick my ass, just in case that was going to be anyone's brilliant attack because I am not playing a world heavy weight champion. Ali was the best ever but his third comeback ruined him and the same would go for Rocky. The gloves should have been retired after part four. Stallone its time to move on. Sorry.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 12, 2005 03:54 PM

i am a great fan of all 5 rocky movies im indifferent about rocky 6 coming out i dont know if it will be good for all the rocky movie but i will still be the first to see it

Posted by: A great fan of rocky at October 14, 2005 11:37 AM

i think it will be a knock out,a pure hit,stallone knows what he is doing,he has had a long time to think of a good plot.

Posted by: steve at October 15, 2005 07:40 AM

nobody should have the right to dis stallone on the new rocky|rambo films that will be made. he has kept us entertained for years through these films.he may be approaching 60 but is still in excellent shape.lets face it where all fans i hope he keeps up the good work also good to see mr t back .

Posted by: gary r at October 15, 2005 08:46 AM

I'm with you on Rocky 5 when it comes to being one of the few who sincerly enjoyed this movie. Although the story of Rocky can go forever if Sly chooses to do so I did think that 5th movie would be a great ending to "Rocky" era. But hey, I'll rather be entertained by Rocky 6 (maybe 7, 8 and so on) then be satisfied by the proper ending of Rocky 5. What I never understood however is why didn't Sly concentrated more on finishing "Rambo" series because God knows it needs one.

Posted by: Eddie at October 17, 2005 11:48 PM

Give it up Sly - you have sagging skin - yuk! Go Mr T!

Posted by: Debbie at October 18, 2005 12:04 AM


Posted by: 786 at October 18, 2005 11:41 AM

Its about time that they came out with a Rocky 6, I have been waiting on this for years now, I Love the first 5 rockies, I can't wait to see it, i'll be the first in line when it premeres.

Posted by: Alexandra at October 18, 2005 08:01 PM

I think Rocky Balboa is a fag and everyone who sees it is a fag. You are all fags and I hope all of you die with a giant twelve inch dildo in your ass you fucking fags!

Posted by: Joe Muglia at October 19, 2005 08:04 PM

I`m very excited with this movie but the plot could be a little different maybe his son can take rocky`s shoes and do more than his father and his father could be his mentor and trainer. Now that sound better to me and the rocky saga can continue and have a fresh start and maybe could do 5 more.

Posted by: jonathan mercado at October 20, 2005 09:23 AM

Was a big fan of first 5 rocky's but not sure bout six. Might be stretchin it a bit, i just hope stalone makes a good job of it. Even so, cant wait till it comes out il be first in line to see it!!!!!!!!

So chuffed Mr T will be comentating that will be halarious

Posted by: Scotland at October 20, 2005 06:41 PM

Anyway, to that fag Alexandra on top... you're a fucking fag you fat ass.... if rocky isn't a good movie, then what is a good movie? The movie ain't about fighting, it's about a human being who goes the distance... MAYBE YOU SHOULD THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK YOU DICK SUCKER.. ISN'T THAT WHAT GAY GUYS LIKE YOU DO??!! haha... whatever, you need to start watchin some decent movies and not gay porn all the time...

Posted by: Dale at October 21, 2005 10:20 AM

Anyway, to that fag Alexandra on top... you're a fucking fag you fat ass.... if rocky isn't a good movie, then what is a good movie? The movie ain't about fighting, it's about a human being who goes the distance... MAYBE YOU SHOULD THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK YOU DICK SUCKER.. ISN'T THAT WHAT GAY GUYS LIKE YOU DO??!! haha... whatever, you need to start watchin some decent movies and not gay porn all the time...

Posted by: Dale at October 21, 2005 10:20 AM

I wish these dumb lil kids would get over
vin diesel... idiots

not only will he not be in rocky 6
but nobody wants him in rocky 6

jesus talk about the worst actor of all time
next to the ROCK from DOOM.

u idiot kids don't know jack!!

Dixon the line for one is gonna be a Black fighter again
not white.

why do u love vin diesel so much?
chronical of riddick??

u geeks

get real

his movies blow whale piss
he's livin in stallones wake
and trying to do what sly did

he acts like an ego boy in heat

vin diesel is a jafo!!

and sly is not dumb enough to invite him to be in rocky 6

it would be a real joke.

feel like smacking all these losers
who always cry diesel for movies like this
or predator,just because he sucks on steroids.

fact is?

he can't act for shit.

idiot kids

just stupid way of thinking

Posted by: Know it all at November 12, 2005 07:50 PM

I think ROCKY6 from a techincal stand point needs to be made as although the first 5 movies were great, number 5 did seemed to end on rather bum note don't you think with ROCKY losing his big expensive home & all his money to a crooked accountant & having to move back to the slums that he grew up in.

No true ROCKY fan should have to expect this to be a fitting end for their hero as it would have been better if he had died fighting in the ring.

Posted by: Halloween4 at December 6, 2005 04:28 PM

i think its mad idea to hav another rocky all dose faggets who been sayn noe way nomore rocky dere just all soft fags that cant fight another rocky? BRING IT ON

Posted by: Jarrod barling at December 23, 2005 07:56 PM

When is rocky coming out Hurry up Gosh!!!!

Posted by: Jarrod barling at January 12, 2006 01:49 AM

It is the same ol story, a truely great story which captures the human spirit, but never told with such intensity as the way it was done in Rocky. Yet come the fifth movie fans were left haning a bit. If there is even a remote chance of pulling off the greatest of all comebacks, it will be the next Rocky film. "Go(ing) for it" is Stallone's most captivating and extremely admirable strength.

Posted by: the hatt at January 16, 2006 10:27 PM