August 09, 2005

Major Spider-Man 3 Spoiler

Ok, we all know that rumours about films (especially that have hardly begun production) are iffy at best. And there have been no shortage of Spider-Man 3 rumours already floating around for us all to gorge ourselves on. Well folks... here comes another one... and it's doozy.

Now, I know many of you DO NOT WANT to hear potential spoilers, and I respect that. So the next paragraph containing the spoiler provided to us by our friends over at CHUD is going to be white. That means to read it you have to hold down your left mouse buton and drag it over the empty space below. Now remember... this is only a rumour and no one has "officially" confirmed this. Here we go:

According to Rich Johnston's Lying in the Gutter comic column, the villain in "Spider-Man 3" is Chameleon, to be played by Thomas Haden Church. So who's Topher Grace? Chamelon as well! See, Topher will originally come out as himself and be making moves on Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) and getting close to her character. But at the end of the movie, you learn that he was actually Chameleon in disguise all along.
As the guys over at Cinema Confidential put it, "Again, there may be zero truth to this. But if this isn't a little cool, I don't know what is."

Posted by John Campea at August 9, 2005 10:10 AM


There's no inviso-text? Am I missing something?

Posted by: Jack at August 9, 2005 10:55 AM

Didn't get anything either. Went to Cinema Confidential for the scoop.

Cool idea and avoids the multiple villian syndrome.

Posted by: Lou Sytsma at August 9, 2005 11:02 AM

I can't resist highlighting text that I know I should not read. I do it all the time..


Posted by: Ryan at August 9, 2005 11:26 AM

yeah this is kinda old news now i knew this like a couple weeks ago and if you ask me i think it sounds actually like a brillirant idea

Posted by: venommm at August 9, 2005 03:46 PM

He is better than Sandman, but still, i'd rather only see him in the comic book and cartoon. He would not fit right to the flow the movies are going. Good thing this is only a rumor, or I would have to jump out my window screaming and cursing Sam Raimi's name.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 9, 2005 03:58 PM

im not sure about this. it seems like a lot of movies are pulling similar tricks like this to me. maybe im wrong, it might play out well, but when i read it, it didnt seem like the surprise i was hoping. i agree with ryan as well. damn.

Posted by: tyler durden at August 9, 2005 08:34 PM

With this villain though, how do they expect to beat out the first 2 films? Raimi kicked the 1st Spider-Mans ass with his second film, and wants to kick both films ass with this third one. Lizard, Mysterio, Shocker, Black Cat, Eddie Brock, GG2 are still the most likely in my list. Seeing the Black Cat would give conflict to the love story, Eddie Brock would fill the void Harry will leave behind, Mysterio would be challenging for Raimi and the visual effects team; Mysterio would also help in kicking the first 2 films ass.

Seeing Harry take controll and become evil like his father will without a doubt happen at some point in this one. And in the begining or towards the end we will see Connors turn into the Lizard. So much is possible as far as story and charcter development and introduction in this one. So anything can happen, in September we will hopefully get to see pictures of the villians as Raimi plans to start minor shooting by then.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 10, 2005 05:36 PM

The spoiler villian could work, but has to be developed more as the rumor leaves us with a lot of questions. I'm not against him, as I would take any villian over the Sandman...... movie wise that is.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 10, 2005 05:37 PM

Chameleon has been rumored for a while now, and it makes sense to have him be more than one character, but I don't get why you'd need a guy like Topher Grace to be a Mary Jane love interest when she just committed her life to Spiderman?? The best way to have Chameleon would be to have him disguise himself as PETER PARKER, not as someone who sorta looks like Peter Parker, but not really.

I don't buy that Grace is going to be Chameleon in disguise. He just donned a new look - BLONDE hair and BLONDE eyebrows, sorta like a certain EDDIE BROCK character that we all know and love. But I doubt it, it's a stretch.

To me it's looking more and more like the Hobgoblin is going to make an appearance in this film ... it's a complex story where Roderick Kingsley (the REAL hobgoblin) feeds someone else the "insane" serum (i.e., Topher Grace / Ned Leeds) and then takes the serum himself and is revealed to be the real hobgoblin by Spiderman (read the comics guys!)

But I don't see Harry becoming Hobgoblin. I hate the Ultimate Storyline and everything about it, and I don't think that Raimi is a big fan of it either.

The only possibilities I see for villains now are:


And not all at once - pick two of those. And as for future setups we have:

Black Cat
and everyone else in the Marvel Universe at this point.

But if you really want my REAL opinion on who each of these guys will play:

Thomas Haden Church will play VENOM!
Topher Grace will play CARNAGE!


There's the real spoiler.

News at 11.


Posted by: SpideyFan at August 10, 2005 11:29 PM

Thomas Haden Church will play either Eddie Brock or The Chameleon.
Topher Grace will play Quentin Beck a.k.a Mysterio. Venom and Carnage cannot possibly appear in this film until the end, in which Carnage would still be a no show since the background stories would take a very long time to put into the movie.

Hell, anything is possible at this point, my feelings are Lizard and Mysterio mostly and whatever follows after that; as far as Hoboblin or Black Cat, or an appearance by Shocker or Rhino, Eddie Brock, we can only hope that Sam Raimi won't fudge up, I feel he won't but with every rumor I do grow a wee bit nervous.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 11, 2005 01:30 AM

I think Topher could be scorpion. As I remember reading of the plots from the comics, Scorpion was a fellow reporter at the DB who underwent a procedure, financed by Jameson, to become more powerful and to get a suit that would give him the power to stop Spider-Man. This is in keeping with rumors that Spider-man will face a Spider-like villain with similar powers.

Church, I think, will end up being Sandman. He made comments in Entertainment Weekly to that effect, and it seems to make the most sense. Of course, if he's sandman, Grace could end up being Hydro. He just doesn't seem big enough for the role though.

Posted by: Jon Seitz at August 14, 2005 05:32 PM

Yea! - Somebody's actually mentioned Scorpian!
I think he would be awsome - 'specially if he teamed up with Lizard somehow???

Too early for Venom yet - would be an excellent villain - but too early...
Also need to introduce Kingpin.???

Posted by: Craigiebaby at August 16, 2005 01:42 PM

Kingpin??!! Come on people........

Eddie Brock

Out of that list, 3 of the villians should appear. I have strong feelings that Lizard and Mysterio are the most possible villians, Hobgoblin, Shocker, and Eddie Brock are my second strongest bets.
The Scorpion would be cool, but he may just be a bit too much and leave fans sickened from too much goodness, he would have a strong possibility for making the story very weak. Black Cat would be cool, and serve the most purpose in the story, but Sam Raimi has said that it would be to difficult to squeeze in a character such as her when so much is going on in the story already. She would have been in the second movie but just didn't fit. Raimi also said he does not like the character Venom, but the character could fit in the story well.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 18, 2005 11:34 AM

They wouldn't have a love triangle going on with male villians, the second movie was going to be a love triangle between a younger Doc Ock, Mary Jane Watson, and Peter Parker. And they Avi Arad said that he was glad they threw out that idea. Black Cat was going to create a love triangle then, but there wasn't enough time in the film or room in the story for her appearance. So the Chameleon having Mary Jane fall in love with him is a stupid idea and makes for bad story telling in this franchise. The only way a love triangle could work well is with the Black Cat.

I kind of hate these rumors yet I get caught up in them because I love Spider-Man! I'm still going with Lizard, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Black Cat, as the villians; and of course Lizard and mysterio would have more screen time and more involvment in the story, along with whatever Harry decides to do. Shocker, Vulture, and Rhino could also make an appearance. The Chameleon is better than Sandman (i just hope they don't have a love triangle)and it would be cool if Sam Raimi warms up to a character he doesn't like, so that fans can enjoy and appearance by Eddie Brock, a.k.a Venom. It's any villians game right now, I know that Raimi will choose well and that him and the producers will make a great story, the best one yet!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 20, 2005 05:41 PM

From what i heard the villan will sadly be chameleon and that Thomas Haden Church and Toper Grace will play the same character at different ages but you would find this out later on in the movie. I was wishing some how the villan would be Venom and Carnage. But then again when are we gonna get that lucky

Posted by: Coheed at August 23, 2005 11:09 PM

this is only a rumor........

And Venom and Carnage would take longer more than a thrd movie to intoduce, Eddie Brock could be in the 3rd, and we'll see him in action as Venom in the 4th maybe.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 24, 2005 10:03 AM

it is a good possebility that venome and hodgoblin is the next two villains in spider-man 3

Posted by: [email protected] at August 26, 2005 08:04 AM

anything is a good possibility, except Venom, Eddie Brock could be in the movie and turn into Venom at the very end, or they just might wait until the 4th movie.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 26, 2005 09:17 AM

Who exactly is Bruce Cambell going to be playing in the next movie? I have been reading up on his review and am confused to say the least...i never really payed attention to the Spiderman story so i dont know what is going on. BUt when is Venom and the Lizard supposed to come. I think Venom is the best villian ever made in a comic book and will have an awesome screen presence.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 26, 2005 09:58 AM

mecho power, I think venom and carnage are going to play the villions in spiderman-3

Posted by: ajk at August 26, 2005 12:29 PM

Mechopower, go sit in the corner and think about it, Bruce Campbell has said he is going to annoy Spider-Man when he was on G4, now he has stated that he is going to be Spider-Man, which when you put it all together means he is going to play a guy dressed up in a dorky fan made Spidey outfit and he will annoy Spider-Man.

And ajk, Venom and Carnage will not be in the next film, Eddie Brock might, but the story will take too long to tell and would come in around the 4th and 5th films.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 26, 2005 03:03 PM

I think we will never truly know who the real villain will be until Sam Rami offically reveals it, but the way thing are going with Danny Elfman leaving and this probably being Tobey Maguires last movie, I think this film might disappoint a lot people. I saying that and Im a huge fan of spider mans. I dont think chameleon will be the villain simplely because venom is so much more popular

Posted by: Lord garrat at August 29, 2005 09:30 AM

The way the second movie goes it's only possiable that the villians is going to be the lizard and the hobgoblin come on people watch the 2nd movie. dr connors has already lost the arm before he became lizard and the way the movie ended with harry like that it has got to be the hobgoblin.

Posted by: spidymann [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 4, 2005 03:42 AM

Well no shit spidymann, we're all guessing the other possibilties of more than 1, 2, or even 3 villians in this movie, both big and small. Did you forget about the aditions of Topher Grace and Thomas Haden Church? Now that they are in for villian roles Eddie Brock, The Shocker, Electro, Vulture, and Mysterio are now all possible.

And no crap Dr. Connors already had a missing arm, HE LOST IT IN VIETNAM! Raimi has said Spider-Man is going to get beat up and worn down worse than we have ever seen before, and multiple villians and problems with the love story willl do just that. Mysterio has to be in this movie just for the sole purpose of having a fun and annoying villan who poses no real threat, and who would be great eye candy when it comes to visual effects on the big screen.

If Harry is going to become the goblin he will be the Green Goblin 2 maybe, which is what the comic books have him become, but if he hires someone or if someone else finds out the secret and takes controll, they would become the Hobgoblin, and if they fail and Harry has to take over the name Hobgoblin could remain. Sam Raimi will probably stick with Green Goblin 2. ANd we haven't even gotten into the possibility of the Black Cat yet.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 4, 2005 10:48 AM

Ok first you know ur gonna see Harrys gonna be the villan in the 3rd or 4th film. If in the 4th then Harrys transfornation will be kinda a side story in the 3rd and everyone would wonder why hes being drawen away. Now who i want to see is:
The Punsher

Yes you all forgot the enemy that thought he was doing the right thing The Punsher. They Really Need to wait for the Chameleon and Myestero So They can change into diffrent villans and people in the life of Peter. Or how about ther black suit series or when peters powers were running out on him abd he took the antidote to keep this powers and turned him into a spider with 6 arms and his clones?

Posted by: mat b. at September 7, 2005 02:13 PM

If they brought in the Punisher would they use Thomas Jane?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 7, 2005 02:20 PM

Please stop crossing over the comic book movies, that possibility is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far away, and will happen one day, but would probably suck. I love it when comic books crossover with one another, but to bring it to the big screen? Just plain crazy, it would be cool, but we have to let these franchises die first before anything like that ever happens.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 7, 2005 03:30 PM

I don't think the Chameleon would be too bad, but there are better choices. I have found a way to put in Sandman fairly well. What happened at the end of SM2? Doc Ock's fusion thing ended up in the ocean. It might affect the beach where Flint Marko will be resting while on the run from the cops. I think that would be a good way to make the Sandman's origin a tad more realistic, while stll sticking somewhat to the comic origin. Then he gets horrified with his state goes on a rampage, and ends up hiding in a warehouse or something. Herry goes in and offers to try to find a cure for his condition, on the condtion that he kills Spider-man, who he tells is Peter. Then at the end, when Sandman is stopped by Peter, Harry decides that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, setting up the next movie. I love Venom, but wouldn't like to see him until the Goblin story wraps up. But maybe they could introduce Eddie Brock in SM3 to set Venom up for future movies.

Posted by: giganlover217 at September 15, 2005 09:55 PM

*shakes head*!!!!!!!!!!!! *begins to cry*

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 15, 2005 11:03 PM

Spiderman 3 Spoiler:

The following contains Spiderman 3 spoiler:
Everything used to create the following villans/ending has been due to foreshawdowing from 2. As well as known events from the comic/tv series.

I don't not work for Marvel, or Tri Star Columbia pictures.

Foreshadowing from Part II.

Doctor Connor's missing arm --- Will try to recreate his arm in a lab, using data he covered from mice. In his attempt failed he will be transformed into the Lizard. That much is pretty obvious, not much of a villan more like a beast. Feeds on dirtbags, & mice mainly. Spiderman will chase The Lizard down into the underground sewers. There the Lizard will be defeated & dragged back to the lab. Where Peter will use the Neogenesis gun to transform him back into Doc Connor's.

John Jameson - He will travel into space and begin conducting research. There upon come across a rock, the rock will come alive (containing the symbiote). The astronaut's team abort the mission & crash land back to earth.

Spiderman (Peter Parker) - Spiderman arrives in time to drag the astronauts out the burning capsule. Upon his final rescue, he hears something lingering behind. He is driven back into the hatch by his nature, & comes contact with the symbiote. Reaching home he tosses his Spider suit into the closet covered with what he thinks is tar. The sleeping Parker is soon confronted by the symbiote in his dreams. A fight ensuses between the Spider suit & the symbiote over Peter. In this battle the symbiote wins & combines with Peter.

Spiderman/symbiote combination - Peter wakes up hanging upside down in a brand new suit he's never seen ! It's black & has a similar style to his old costume. The costume has it's own add ons; increase strength & agility. This allows Parker to battle multiple villans, in the first II he could barely handle one. Reaching a crowded street he panics and the suit changes into clothing ' just by thinking about it'. Peter discovers later that the black suit he wears, is a living organism an alien symbiote that crash landed from space. The problem is there in no discernable way to get it off!! 3 WILL MAINLY FOCUS AROUND SPIDERMAN/SYMBIOTE SAGA, THERE WILL NO VENOM IN THIS ONE!!

Brock - --Peter Parker has his own runs ins with a reporter at the Daily Bugle. A reporter named Eddie Brock( Thomas Haden Church). This less than respectable reporter has a thing against Parker. J. Jonah Jameson fires Brock after being caught as a fraud. An mad-driven hits the streets and finds his way to a nearby church.

Topher Grace (Chameleon/Scorpion) - Topher will play one of these two; not likely the Mysterio or Shocker. If he plays the Chameleon he will do what he does -impersonating people, maybe someone at the Bugle?Along with some civic sabotage. While battling the Chameleon, Spiderman learns that the symbiote is pained when exposed to sonic waves.

See, Topher Grace is a real Weirdo, a geek. Now I half expect him to play the Scorpion some whiny guy, thief that was caught by Spiderman. Some scientist will use Grace as a test subject combining his genetics with a Scorpion with Neogenesis. Eventually, Spiderman will defeat Scorpion in the lab. Grace looses his powers, after being shot with the Neogenesis gun.

James Franco (Harry Osborne) - He will return as the Green Goblin, with the same level of threat. He knows who Spiderman is, & has his usual toys. From beginning of Maximum Carnage, that Peter Parker & Mary Jane attend Harry's funeral. Which leads us to conclude that Osborne dies as the Green Gobiln while saving Peter's life. Possibly from the Chameleon himself. Plus he's lingering character never really changes/develops can't have him sitting around.


In a rage Spiderman chases Chameleon down into a nearby chuch. Grace makes his way to the top of the Bell Tower & Spiderman climbs his way up towards him. Eddie Brock spots Spiderman and attempts to attack him with a piece of wood. The New Spiderman is less than threatened, who webs Brock against the wall. He promises Brock that he'll back to finish him off, once he's done with Chameleon.

On reaching the top, Spiderman throughly defeats Chameleon. When the Chameleon surrenders & is ready to turn himself in. Spiderman retorts ' Who said I was ever going to turn you in?' The symbiote begins to take over and control Peter's emotions. After nearly killing the Chameleon, Peter realizes he must separate from the suit! The bell tower begins to toll as it approaches midnight, the sonic waves disengage the suit. His earlier dream begins to take real life as the symbiote wanders it's way over and attempts to rebond with Parker. Parker quickly rejects the unyielding symbiote by standing closer to the chiming bell. It melts away into one of the cracks & Peter sighs relief, thinking that's the last he's seen of the symbiote. A weak & under dressed Spiderman web slings his way home.

Venom( Eddie Brock/Symbiote combination) ---- Eddie Brock still clings to the wall to the nearby wall, forgotten by Parker after his return to his 'Normal' self. The symbiote spots Brock, & steadily approaches him. Brock is soon engulfed by the alien symbiote, since they share common hatred for Spiderman. Brock for his vendetta & the symbiote after being rejected. The poison created against Spiderman when they mix together is called 'Venom'.

This sets up the ending for III & beginning of IV.

- Ajay

Posted by: Ajay at September 16, 2005 07:23 PM

WOW Ajay! That was totally friken awsome! *claps hands*

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 16, 2005 09:08 PM

Ajay has just rehersed the Spiderman Animated series. Sorry people. But its not going to happen. We already Know Topher Grace or Thomas Hayden Church is Sandman.

Posted by: Lee White at September 20, 2005 02:58 AM

my favorite villan is in the third moive if they had a few other villans he could like absorb them or somehting that would be awsome!they could also have electro as a villan and have him blackout the entire city and use its power,cool!either carnage or electro will be played by church.grace will be playing mysterio, possibly cameleon.they could also introduce the alien sypotite and eddie brock in the movie.

Posted by: carnagefan88 at October 3, 2005 08:20 PM