August 11, 2005

M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water

M. Night Shyamalan has an new production in the works entitled "Lady in the Water". For the most part I enjoy Night Shyamalan's films (although I wasn't all that thrilled with The Village in the least). So automatically I'm looking forward to this one to see if he can get back to Sixth Sense or Signs form.

It doesn't hurt that he's already got Paul Giamatti lined up to be in the movie either. The good folks over at M&C; give us this little synopsis of Lady in the Water:

Lady in the Water centers on the superintendent of an apartment building who discovers a sea nymph swimming in the complex's pool.
Hmmm... sounds a little bit like Splash. All they need now is Daryl Hannah and they're all set! Also, change "nymph" to "nymphomaniac" and I'll line up at the theater this afternoon for my tickets! Actually, Rich put up an interesting post about this way back in March. You can see it here.

Ok, seriously though, I think it will be interesting to see Shyamalan's next project. The Village was quite awful and he needs to rebound here to keep his rep. If I was a betting man I'd say he'll make it work... but then again I thought Lucas would make Phantom Menace work too.

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2005 11:01 AM


the village had an ending, that myself and brother guessed it weeks before the film opened ! But I still think that it was well done. M. night was still able to transfer his talent as a director through a lack luster script.

I was excited to hear about this film months ago, but now that I have though about it the synopsis is something to me that seems less likeable then the hype for The Village.

But I am eager to see Bryce Howard in another film. (espacially another M. Night film)

Posted by: Alex at August 11, 2005 11:18 AM

I actually think Signs is Nights weakest film. The Villiage was at least decent and Bryce stole the show.

Posted by: Pudie at August 11, 2005 01:41 PM

M. Night is an awesome director and I think all of his films are works of art. He is one of the absolute best directors I have ever seen. His movies have great plot as well as great acting. He is one of the few that actually put time and effort into his work. I think we can expect great things from his next film.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 11, 2005 02:32 PM

I have liked all his movies. Even The Village was good. And he is cute as a bugs left buttocks.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 11, 2005 10:26 PM

pfffffft! You're just learning a bout this now? geez, well anyways, I'M looking forward to this one just like i have with all of his movies and ALL OF THEM have been good enought to own. i think he's a wondderful director and storyteller and i wish to meet him one day...perhaps be in one of his movies

Posted by: Marla Singer at August 13, 2005 03:27 AM

My husband and I think M. Night is one of the BEST directors today. We have enjoyed every one of his films, especially Signs and The Village, he is brilliant. We can't wait for the next one!

Posted by: Christina at August 13, 2005 10:02 PM

Guess what? This is being filmed right down the road from where I work. M Night loves Bucks County (hint). Without giving too much away (we figured it out from the cranes and production trucks) its very close to a PA turnpike exit...

Posted by: Speddy at August 16, 2005 10:14 AM

How can you not Love M. Knight? He is young, talented and filled with tremendous determination in the film Industry. Best of all he loves Bucks County and we love him back. He put us on the map and is committed to film production in the East Coast! We love you M. Knight and are Greatful for your extrodinary talent. Bravo!

Best Regards,

Posted by: SJC at August 18, 2005 07:26 PM

M. Knight is one of the best directors these days. The Village was an awesome movie. I can't understand why some did not like it or some hate it so much! I think people usually look for another six sense, well it has been done. There will never be another six sense and people have to accept it. Thanks

Posted by: Mohsen at August 22, 2005 09:23 PM

Village was his best movie. It was surprising not because of some twist in the plot, but just because of its style and the subject.

And Bryce Howard is very cool. Her next movies is a must see.

Posted by: sky at August 31, 2005 02:50 PM

He's the man, all his films have that personal touch. You feel like you might know the people in his movies. I also like the way that he directs his actors, there's no over the top hollywood crap.

Posted by: Moshi at October 5, 2005 11:14 AM

I agree with most of you. I think that the guy is a one of a rare breed. Few directors today are passionate enough about filmmaking that they only want to direct a story written by themselves and one which they feel really close to their heart. This is what i love about the guy the most. Yes the Village was not his best work but i really think that the promotion was all wrong and over done. I also think that he should not change his style of providing a twist at the end even if the public is expecting it because i strongly feel that he's actually good enough for it! And those who have been rough on him.... give him a break will ya? The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs and The village are a set of movies any director would be proud to have under his belt.

I for one will wait eagerly for his next film and I know that by his standards we're due a good one!

Posted by: Jayesh at October 11, 2005 05:06 PM

This Lady in water sounds sketchy to me. Not very promising I mean. He is going a downward spiral path in my opinion. His Unbreakable was by far his best work, better than sixth sense even, but his most under appreciated movie at the same time. "Village" was the worst. It was hard for me to stay awake by the end. Signs was better than a lot of junk that we get from others but still not upto Shyam's standard.

Posted by: Hemant at October 29, 2005 04:06 PM