August 08, 2005

Little Manhattan Trailer

LittleManhattan.jpgSTOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! I just watched an AMAZING little trailer for a film coming out over the next few months called "Little Manhattan". To be totally honest I've never even heard of this film... and now I can't think of another movie I'm more looking forward to this year. Here's a little synopsis of the film:

New York City is the most romantic place in the world - even if you're only 10 years old and falling in love for the first time. That’s what young Gabe discovers as he pursues the object of his affections, his classmate Rosemary, in LITTLE MANHATTAN. The romantic comedy is about life, love and the Big Apple, as seen through the eyes of a fifth-grader.
Ok, now you REALLY have to watch this. It seems like it'll be pretty funny... but more importantly I think it has some really neat things to say about love, how we view it and how we make it far more complicated than it needs to be as we get older. Ok, now I'm sounding like a sap... but to me this project looks great. I can't wait to see it.

Any West Wing fans will recognize Bradly Whitford and Sex and the City fans will recognize Cynthia Nixon. Aside from these 2 there aren't any huge names jumping out... which is a good thing. Go watch the trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at August 8, 2005 01:41 PM


Awww...John you big softie...sniff sniff.

Actually it does look superb, and I love the way the kids are portrayed as more grown up than they usually are. Like, you know, real kids!

However, you can probably guess some of the plot, but it does look like a superb date movie.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 8, 2005 02:13 PM



Posted by: Joseph Simmons at August 8, 2005 03:52 PM

absolutely loved the trailer! bittersweet and powerful. Cynthia Nixon is very effective as a mom. the boy and girl are portrayed realistically and the movie's premise evokes a lot of my own childhood crushes. definitely a movie to watch!

Posted by: Brian Cua at August 9, 2005 04:47 AM

John and Rich,
I have to admit, this does look like a good one. I can remember my first love -or puppy love as some call it-. It was devistating, dealing with feelings that were brand new and not knowing what you are supposed to do about them. I can remember crying my eyes out when mine ended. So which leaves me to believe that when I see Little Manhattan I will end up balling my eyes out and blaming it on pink eye.

Wow I can totally see myself getting all sopped up at this one. I havn't done that since Babe -oh wait Miracle got me a bit to-.

Posted by: Brad at August 9, 2005 08:31 AM

It's really strang.

Posted by: rocksun at August 9, 2005 11:42 AM

Im in this movie and like to add that the trailer appears to be amazing. I have a big kissing scene on the train that took forever to film, but no complaints from me. The kids are great and i hope it does well at the box office.

Posted by: David Naizir at August 15, 2005 03:03 PM

Saw it Monday. You are correct. Bring a hankie. Also expect to laugh. Seven of us saw it. And everyone loved it. It does an incredible job of really getting inside the head of someone going through their first love. All the crazy thoughts. The pain. The elation. And the actors do a perfect job. Flackett and Levin. Two to watch.

Posted by: Danny at September 30, 2005 12:41 PM