August 07, 2005

Little Britain movie?

VickyPollard.jpgI'm not sure if the BBC really have their priorities right. With recent issues clouding their usual impartial judgement, particularly in the bowing to Government pressure in their news section, shutting down of many of their activities, high scheduling of repeats and many other odd judgements, now there looks to be an emerging trend to push to movies.

We had the averagely accepted The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse taken from the BBC2 comedy show, and now according to the trust worthy paper The Sun through Digital Spy we may be looking at a movie version of Little Britain starring the character of Vicky Pollard.

For those that don't know, the show is a series of sketches of regular characters that blow up idiosyncrasies of some of the characters of modern day Britain. Vicky is a teenager cares little for those around her or even herself or the English language, with her favourite phrase being "yeah but no but". Personally I find the show less funny and more a sad reflection on what Britain is becoming, however it does have a huge following.

"We all like the idea of a film and lots of people in the movie business are very interested. You have to have a good story and Vicky is one of the characters we feel could hold up a film.

"You could easily explore her story and introduce family and friends. We could always find the long-lost baby she swapped for a Westlife CD."

That quote from Stuart Murphy, controller of BBC Three, shows that it's more of an idea at the moment, but it could be going ahead. What do the fans and non-fans of the show out there think?

Posted by at August 7, 2005 06:39 AM


As a Yank...I think I would be interested in seeing it. I love seeing shows that are not affraid to hold a mirror to itself.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 7, 2005 11:06 AM

I agree with Donna A's sentiments on the show, but I don't think it would work as a movie, so wide berth for me.

How could a series of sketches be turned into a movie? A 90 minute version, or stick to one set of characters?

Posted by: sunnydunny at August 7, 2005 03:30 PM

I really loved LB during its first series but what with the re runs of the first series on all the time and the second series being very similar to the first, i became sick of it due to over exposure. Everywhere i turned i heard people saying "yeah but no but yeah" ,"yeah i know" , "i dont like it" and "im a laaaady" which because extremely annoying. I dont think i could cope with a LB film, especially with it just focusing on one character. League of Gentlemen could get away with it because all their characters lived in the one place, but LB's characters are different. I dont see an LB film working and i hope they dont make one...

Posted by: Pad at August 7, 2005 09:29 PM

i lov little briton but making a film, bad move, it's great tv dont get me wrong but a film is a seriously bad idea.

comon matt and dave see sense!

Posted by: el train at August 9, 2005 10:55 AM

A movie? It would be like 90 minutes of sketches. Probably straight to DVD. I dunno, maybe this is BS.

Posted by: jtay at August 21, 2005 12:31 PM


Posted by: JOE at September 27, 2005 03:39 PM


Posted by: BOB at September 27, 2005 03:41 PM

i like it abit anoging but its ok
abit funny

Posted by: c.benton at October 31, 2005 08:50 AM