August 14, 2005

Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang trailer

kisskissbangbang_poster.jpgLast of the trailers for the evening, then I need to head off and have some tea. This is from a hotly anticipated movie Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang starring the superb duo of Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer.

Catch the trailer over at Yahoo movies through Coming Soon.

I can't say anything about it because once again it didn't play for me. There's something about Yahoo movies that just won't play on my PC...or most Windows Media movies. However, this is the one I will pass over to you all to review, watch it and come back here to write some comments about it. Let us know what it's like, what it makes you feel for the movie, and if you think it's going to be a good one.

Posted by at August 14, 2005 02:59 PM


This looks great. I love Robert Downey Jr. I think he is an amazing actor who has just had it tough. He gets himself in a bit of trouble and from that point on he gets over looked time and time again. Val Kilmer is another great actor who seems to get a bad rap. Sulton Sea was fantastic and so was that flick he did where he played John holmes (which is escaping me right now).

I think this team up could do great things for both of there careers. I am looking forward to this one. It looks funny, smart, has action, a hot leading lady and most importantly it looks fun.

Posted by: Brad at August 15, 2005 09:46 AM