August 12, 2005

Jarhead trailer

Jarhead.jpgI've been waiting to get through my current list of books to reach Jarhead, but there's so many in the way, at this rate I'll be watching the movie and I really don't think there will be any disappointment.

First up there's the cast, Jake Gyllenhaal (better believe that was a copy and paste), Jamie Foxx, Peter Sarsgaard, Lucas Black, Dennis Haysbert, Sam Rockwell and Chris Cooper. Superb stuff. Then add on Sam Mendes, an original novel (largely unhacked), and a huge piece of very controversial history still in the making, and you've got one hell of a stunning movie.

So that's all well and good on paper, we've seen this kinda thing before and it's turned out not so well on screen, so hold on a moment, select the Yahoo link for the trailer through Rope of Silicon, and then come back here and say what you think. (Well done Eugene!)

Me? Thanks for asking. I think it looks stylish, strong, and if they've stayed that close to the book, a lot of meat to think about. What do you think once you've seen the trailer? Seems to spark memories of a few other past movies too, and not in an altogether bad way?

Posted by at August 12, 2005 07:00 PM


don't really think the trailer is very good...doesn't make me wanna see this movie all that much

i mean ofcause i'm gonna see it...but the trailer is kinda weak...maybe it's annoying the hell out of me that they had to put that awfull kanye west song in there that didn't really seem to have anything to do with the images on screen

Posted by: Cabbe at August 12, 2005 09:05 PM

I think the music fits the trailer perfectly. Not much I can say that hasn't been said already, but this is the movie everyone will be whining/debating about this year.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at August 12, 2005 10:25 PM

If theres anything more yummy than a man in uniform, its jake gyllenhaal in a uniform...mmm mmm mmm mighty fine! i've been looking forward to this since i read about it in december way before people saw jake with no hair. but since then i havnt heard a thing about it and i'm so happy u posted this john. its been a while since i've seen a good war movie. the trailer wanst that great but i dont really care about too much just so long as there is WAR and thats basically all it showed...and jake in the shower. same director from american beauty (one of my favs) and so there comes in chris cooper. jamie foxx, cant say he's not a good actor. and that peter sarsgaard fellow sure is workin his way up the chain, i quite like him. so ya, i'm definately goin out for this movie opening day.


Posted by: Marla Singer at August 13, 2005 03:12 AM

I thought the trailer was powerful! Maybe we saw two trailers. The whole style blew me away. Everything just seemed to fit. Now lets see if the movie holds up to the trailer.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 13, 2005 09:53 AM

To me, the trailer looks really good. The style is quite impressive. And I think the music fits perfectly. I'm also glad to see Jake in another movie (yeap, too lazy to cut&paste; full name :P)

Posted by: T-Jax at August 13, 2005 11:45 AM

Some unbelievable shots in there. The whole trailer is crafted really smartly actually, having an almost Full Metal Jacket
fall from grace and innocence.
The oilfields scenes are awesome, and you can be guaranteed a great film with Mendes directing.

Posted by: Gordon at August 14, 2005 08:10 PM

Why am I instinctively nervous when I see the trailer for this film?

Oh that's right. Because I'm gunshy.

I'm gunshy because every modern movie about war to come from the Hollywood establishment has been about A.) Engagements that occurred more than 60 years ago in the "Grand old days" when liberals actually believed in standing up and fighting for freedom (like Saving Private Ryan, or Wind Talkers, or The Great Raid) or B.) Every engagement afterwards where American soldiers go into a war only to become disheartened and dissillusioned about what their country stands for (like Apocolypse Now, or Platoon, or Full Metal Jacket).

From the looks of this trailer Jarhead is going to be just another one of the latter. Seriously, It's getting to where unless Mel Gibson is behind it, I don't trust a single modern war film that's released nowadays.

Now, on the other hand why I'm I kinda-sorta looking forward to this film?

Two words: Jaime Foxx

To all those reading who still believe America (and Britain) are the "Good Guys", and that standing up and fighting for what's right in the world is still important (and I know there must be at least 1 or 2 of you on this site) - didn't Jaime Foxx's last line in that trailer just send a shiver up your spine?


And thank goodness SOMEBODY in the Hollywood establishment had the good sense to portray a black man as being something other than a bitter, disaffected, anit-establishment stereotype.

Believe it or not there ARE minorities in our military who are just as strong willed, morally driven, and balls-to-the-wall tough as that Trailer makes Foxx out to be.

Good on you Foxx.

Good on you.

Posted by: Don Wilson at August 15, 2005 09:19 AM

I am a hispanic Marine and have been in 5 years and was on the front lines of Operation Iraqi Freedom 1. I happen to think this movie looks very promising. Most war movies are corny because they dont show what is really going on or how it feels to be so far from home. They are full of biased opinion. War is something you will never understand until you have been there and fought it. You will never fully understand your freedom and how blessed you are to have what you have until you go to another country and fight to give them the same oppurtunities you have. I would go back to Iraq in a heartbeat cause I am one of the few people who know why we are give a people the freedom we have come to take for granted. I will see this movie and as long as it is not dramatized I think it will rank up there with the greats...Black Hawk Down. The trailer was awesome and the music was perfect. Jamie Foxx looks to be playing a strong role and he looks like he plays it well. motivates me!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at August 15, 2005 09:50 AM

the trailer didn't show that much of the plot sequence and what exactly it will portay to the audience. I just hope it wont be a propaganda kind of a film for each of the 'opositions' of the particular war it displays. But, Jamie Foxx definately seems very promising and so does Jake Gyllenhaal.

Now, MechoPower I agree that experiencing a war is different from been a viewer and probably you can see different aspects of the war that the rest of us cannot. However, this doesn't mean that all wars had and have the innocent cause (and result) that you suggested there. To be honest in my opinion, I don't think I am convinced that a war is a solution to anything but they are unavoidable usually due to human greed. Please, go and tell your thoughts to those who died and their families (in both sides of war) and for the shake of fairness I must add the second side of the story of war you refer to(Operation Iraqi Freedom 1) that could be called (Operation Iraqi Oil) too. Cause if it was only for freedom then we should expect to free first Tibet, Cypriots, Africans, Palaistinians, etc, that involved terrestial occupation and not just a dictatorship.

That's anyway my view, the other side of the story. So, I would prefer this movie to show the experiences and feelings of a soldier, to point out the effects of the war and his actions to him and his surroundings in a fair way. Cause I cannot believe a sane person that happens to be a soldier would like to kill another person for whatever is the reason.

Posted by: Stamoz at August 15, 2005 11:29 AM

Wow...Now i am going to try to be fair and as unoffensive as i can but i see that we have someone here who believed in the Faranheit 911 bullshit. Are you all really that stupid? Let me tell you why we invaded Iraq...we (the USA) ignored security threats and just let them get by and be on their own program...which is what led to the 9/11 terrorist act. We (the USA) let out guard down and took everyone for granted with the thought that no other country in their right mind would have the balls to attack us on our own soil. However, we happened to be wrong...and that led to the decision to oust our biggest security threats which at that time happened to be Bin Laden and Sadam. As for oil...if we are fighting for it then why dont we have it yet...believe me...there is not much resistence in those fields stopping us from taking them over. We are fighting to keep the Iraqis free which is what they want...but you can believe a stupid movie or news specials over someone who was actually there. And tell my thoughts to those who dumb motherfucker...i had many marines under me die...i lost numerous friends over there. I happen to know personally what it is like to watch a close friend get blown to peices by an RPG so save that shit for the rest of the couch soldiers who dont know shit about war either. We are fighting to ensure another 9/11 does not happen. But sitting in a nice cozy house in front of a color television i wouldnt expect any of you to understand that. I fight so you can party on the weekends...i fight so your kids can go to college and worship whatever God they wish to worship. i fight so you can post on the internet your feelings and views without having to worry about being killed for expressing something somebody higher than you disagrees with. I was with you one time...i once thought war was pointless and people died for no reason...and then i went and fought to give someone the chance to have the freedoms i have and it opened up my eyes.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 16, 2005 08:11 AM

My only hope as a 3rd gen military man is that this movie isn't an attempt to do to Desert Storm what Platoon attempted to do to Vietnam.

Posted by: Matt at September 9, 2005 10:37 PM

Why not? We didn't have a plan for getting out of Vietnam either.

Posted by: Ed Flores at September 18, 2005 06:29 PM

I recently got back from iraq serving in a transportation unit where we were ambushed on a number of occasions from what little is presented in the trailer it seems pretty striking. I probobly wont go see the movie because im trying to forget Iraq but it is nice that someone is making one from a soldiers point of view we have a thousand movies on cops and firefighters and the war is a big issue at hand so im glad someone is including it in the movies.

Posted by: steven menius at September 19, 2005 03:21 PM

Oh my GOD!! This blog is full of some stupid fucks! I don't care if any of you have gone to war. This fighting for "freedom" bullshit. Shut the hell up!

This is to Cabbe! Your a fuckin moron if you think that trailer isn't good. The song fits in there perfectly. The trailer is edited really well to the beat of the song. The composition and cinematography of the shots are insanely beautiful.

kanYe West is probably one of the only respectable rappers out right now. He actually puts thought behind his lyrics and instrumentals. Before you post a shitty comment like that you need to first understand what good art and music in general is all about. Obviously you have poor taste.

Hell, look at the fuckin cast. Everyone in there is an excellent actor. 2 academy award winners, Chris Cooper and Jamie Foxx, and then to top that, Jake G. and Peter Sarsgaard are badass underated actors. Escpecially Peter S. Even the director is an A.A.W.

To all you other dumbasses out there who only recognize Jamie Foxx as the only great actor who will "save" the movie from being bad are really fucking ignorant and uncultured in film. Like I said, take a look at the cast. Do a search for their names on IMDB, and you'll find out how much talent behind this film. The girls in here have better taste than most of the guys in here.


Posted by: CHI at September 26, 2005 11:28 PM

the trailer was awsome i think that it is the coolest and i so wanna go c the movie.
top stuff to the editors of the trailer ohowa i say.

Posted by: James P at September 30, 2005 03:48 AM

So, changing the subject for a while, anybody could tell me whats that songs name? The one in the end of a trailer?

Posted by: Chris at October 9, 2005 07:14 AM

The name of the song is "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West.

And I'm going to ignore all the politics comments and say two things.

First, for those of you who are criticizing the movie or fear that it might be too "Hollywood" hopefully it won't. It's based on the book by Anthony Swofford, who served in Desert Storm. So hopefully that will make it a little less Hollywood and a little more realistic. (Being a historian there are a lot of obvious parallels between Vietnam and the current war in Iraq, but it doesn't mean its the same war or that American Culture is the same - in fact its not even close. Whoever made that Platoon comment should actually listen to Stone's commentary and interpretation of Platoon. Believe it or not it is probably one of the most incorrectly interpreted movies.)

Secondly, much respect to people who serve our country. I never have, but I think they never get enough respect. I think one of the best quotes which applies to this situation is from the fictional character in the movie Black Hawk Down, "Hoot":

"When I get home people 'll ask me, "Hey Hoot, why do ya do it man? Why? Just some war junkie?" Ya know what I'll say? I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you, and that's it. That's all it is. "

Posted by: NRK at October 11, 2005 08:40 PM

I'm a former Marine and veteran of Desert Shield/Desert Storm.I fought there and lost some there.I'm not gonna give any crap to any of the couch soldiers out there who didn't serve and somehow managed to muster the guts to criticize those who did.It took me years to drop that anger,it also took me years to get those images out of my head . It's striking how close this movie comes to recreating it.I'm still debating wether or not to go see this movie.My wife certainly won't she credits the war for killing the old me and leaving the husk.She calls it damaged I call it awake.

Posted by: Jeff at October 12, 2005 02:44 AM

bullshit propaganda movie. just when recruitment for the services are at an all time low, this crap is released. i'm not here to convert anyones beliefs, i just wanted to say that this fucken jarhead (yes its a derogatory term) MechoPower is a sellout. u say ur a hispanic? sorry excuse for one. CHECK YOUR PEOPLE. CHECK YOUR HISTORY. terrorists have been around since before the days columbus, pizzaro, and cortez raped and murdered your ancestors. time for a reality check mexica. my indigenous relatives all over the world have been bullied and enslaved by imperialist vampires for centuries supposedly in the name of "freedom" so don't respond back sayin i haven't been through war. fuck that. better pass on this movie and pick up a history book that hasn't been tainted by illuminati half truths and newspeak or else you're doomed to repeat the 3rd dimension in 7 years. confused? pissed off? good. ive done my job. out

Posted by: themayancalendarOWNSYOU at October 12, 2005 09:51 PM

ahahahhaa, that is hilarious... you think, hey maybe this themayancalendarOWNSYOU knows what he's talking about... then he brings in the Illuminati conspiracy theory crap and his credibility becomes completely tainted.

This movie looks great from the trailer. I also hope it doesn't turn out to be strong propoganda from either side, even though I know which side I fall on. I'd just like a good movie that is fairly true to the real story our troops remember while they were/are over there.

Posted by: ISupportOurTroops at October 15, 2005 01:09 PM

Well.. To make some corrections.... to the comments on Jamie Foxx's hooah or whatever the army says... It's Oooorah... That's the way we Marines yell out some motivation.. A lot of people in the USA don't know the diffrence.. Maybe this moive will help... Overall the the Trailer is pursuing a lot of attention. Im tired of army movies...


Posted by: LOS at October 15, 2005 05:05 PM

Does anyone know what the music is called in the Jarhead trailer? The name of the song? Please let me know, thanks!

Posted by: cerulean at October 19, 2005 12:49 AM

never mind LOL I have that song

Posted by: cerulean at October 19, 2005 03:21 AM

Damn,'re right....OOOOO-RAHHHHH!

Posted by: NMR at October 19, 2005 10:54 PM

"Jesus Walks" by Kanye West

Posted by: jones at October 20, 2005 01:58 PM

man, it looks amazing! you're right about Foxx's OORAAH at the end but im not so sure that he is being genuine! maybe by the end of the movie (after all the chaos and suffering) Foxx's character is playing with his past dedication and actually begins to realise why he is actually there and how sick that is...

to all you marines, you've been through hell and i'm sorry for that but you should realise that your friends died for a few men's greed and nothing else... Iraq is the next Vietnam and (of no fault of your own) you guys just made things a hell of alot worse. what people don't seem to get is that there is a concrete reason behind terrorsim and as barbaric as it may seem, these people's dedication to their cause is darn impressive. you have to wonder why they do it and then ask yourself what role the USA plays in the suffering of these people...

Posted by: Rob at October 20, 2005 05:59 PM

I'd agree there is a concrete reason for terrorism. It's amazing what people will do to retain control of a situation when people do nothing. It's more amazing as to the lengths that people will go to retain that control when someone finally does step in. Human nature dictates that the strong will always dominate the weak. Our troops haven't been mislead or misguided. They have been told why they do what they do. They know what their purpose is. It's self sacrifice, humility, and honor that lead them. Not deceit and trickery. What role does the USA play in the suffering of these people. Absolutely none. These people suffered long before us and will continue to suffer long after us. The only difference will be that they will have a choice and a fighting chance. What is it about Americans that let's their arrogance and ignorance lead them. It's very easy to sit behind a keyboard and spout off. It's quite another to give everything for someone to have something. It's a bravery very few lack and most are too scared to even acknoledge. It's easier to think people were mislead than it is to think that you lack the courage to stand for what you believe. If you're so against war and fighting for freedom. If you're against the "greed" that leads people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you're against laying down your life for another. Then I would suggest you find the courage to leave this country and go somewhere else. Go somewhere where you don't indulge your own greed to savor the fruits of someone else's labor. Go somewhere where the rights you take for granted weren't fought for and founded on the blood of another. If you lack that courage then crawl back to your corner and fight oh so boldly with your keyboard. It's that courage that changes the world and enables others to make it a better place. I wish you well with that.

Posted by: Micah at October 21, 2005 02:05 AM

Thanks to NRK for telling us the name of the song. After seeing the trailer, I wanted the song...thx

Posted by: mitch at October 21, 2005 11:06 AM

Wow...I havent been on this one for awhile...looks like I missed some stuff. Thank you Micah for that invigorating blog...finally someone on here knows what the hell they are talking about and sees the freedoms we have for what they are...a blessing from God and from those who are brave enough to give their lives so you can express your beliefs without fear of retaliation. If you are just getting on here and havent read Micah's blog then please do so (right above mine) and you will understand where we (military) are coming from. How stupid can you be to think that we dont know what we are doing. We are ensuring that the freedoms you enjoy today can still be enjoyed by your children and your children's children and so on and so forth. To the one dumbass up there with the long name: I know my heritage and where I came from...but I was born and raised in the USA...I thank God everyday that I can worship whatever god I want to, to own a gun, to have the freedom to say what I want to say when I want to say it. And I will happily lay down my life so others can enjoy those freedoms too. If you are so hurt and razed then why dont you go back to your own country and quit corrupting ours with your retarded ass rants. Lets see how long it takes for you to come crawling back when you finally realize and stop taking for granted what you have here. Why dont any of you try living in our shoes...yeah seems like the general consensus here is that you are all too fucking pussy to give a little for what you take. That is ok...cause I and all the other Marines on here and other military personnel know what it took to get where we are today and will gladly give again if they on that note...OOO FUCKING RAH.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 21, 2005 01:37 PM

Oh, and a side note to themayancalenderOWNSYOU...Jarhead is not a derogatory term to is something we all refer to eachother as...damn you are stupid arent you? I really feel for you dawg...why dont you try to do something with your life and then come talk to me when you actually rate.

Posted by: MechoPower at October 21, 2005 01:40 PM

i may not live in the USA, but i fully support what you guys are doin. if i could join the american marines i would! thank god u people have the courage, and the determination that these other fucktards here dont! i was stationed in aphganistan, and after the crazy shit that happened there i dont wanna imagine what iraq is like. god bless you all! i would like to see these wastes of skin try and do what we do. and for all of you other idiots that were moved by that fat bastards movie ferennhiet 9/11 fuck you! id like to see his fat ass do twenty! you dont know what its like to lose friends to things other than cancer or just pure fucking arrogance! and to you fucking terrorists, go blow your asses up when your all together! hoouah to the marines! ill keep a bullet in my c7 for you guys! ohhh yeah...the trailer was incredible.

MCpl church, chris
The 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry

Posted by: Church at October 21, 2005 10:35 PM

Hey, this is for Rob posted on Oct 20th. Screw you buddy!!! Who the hell are you to disgrace my fallen brethren! You need to shut your suck before you open it at the wrong time and someone like me is present and tears you a new one! Let me let you in on a little secret that the rest of you pansies haven't realized. First off we Marines are not dissolusioned to the fact that we are the long arm of politics. Yes, we are controlled by political commanders that may or may not be motivated by greed and what have you not. Second your view point on the war is so narrow minded that you refuse to see any of the good that my fellow brothers in arms have done. It doesn't matter if you believe the reasons for going to war were right or wrong. That is another issue all in itself that is still up for debate. What is not up for debate is the sacrifices that have been made to liberate the Iraqi people from the regime of Saddam. If you want to talk about the war and how we shouldn't be there, good on you, that is your right that has been paid for with blood. But, how dare you try to disgrace and lessen the ultimate price that honorable and courageous young men and woman have paid in this conflict. Talkin' to us like we are just young ignorant, brainwashed puppets. Take a reality pill will you, most of us are educated, well adjusted and quite competent individuals. I am not even going to address your comments on terrorism, it pisses me off to much. If you want to sympathize with them while you are living a life of freedom paid for by the very people you are disgracing so be it its your right. As far as I am concerned though you are below a terrorist. You are the worst scum there is in this world.

Posted by: Gabe at October 23, 2005 04:22 PM

Okay we all know the Jesus Walks tune, but what's that other classic rock song in the trailer??? Get it on or something? God damn it's a gooden!!!

Cheers people.

Posted by: E-Bomb at January 4, 2006 06:06 AM


Posted by: THE NAME OF THE TRAILER SONG at January 6, 2006 12:32 PM

yeah whats the other songs name?!

Posted by: asdasd at January 10, 2006 01:20 PM

The song is indeed called "Get it On", by the artist T.Rex.

Posted by: Cherubflight at January 11, 2006 05:06 PM