August 06, 2005

Harold Ramis on Ghostbusters III

I 'ain't afraid of no ghost!Wow, I was just reading through some of the many comments on the post we had on the possibility of a Ghostbusters sequel which still attracts many, many comments, and then this story popped up on my blog reader from Cinematical.

Over at is an interview with the great talent that is Harold Ramis (Caddyshack anyone?), and he talks about his career, and right at the end the big question is broached. What about a Ghostbusters III? Well apparently it was really seriously considered.

"Dan had a great idea for a third one and spec'd out a script," Ramis told me. "The idea was wonderful. It saw the Ghostbusters going to hell. I thought, 'That's perfect.' We actually talked about it, wrote a story for it and did another draft, but we could not make the deal. Everyone had gotten so big that to get Ivan, Bill, Dan and I all packaged together, there wasn't enough in it for the studio.

"Plus I'm not so sure Bill was wildly enthusiastic about putting the suit on again," Ramis mused. "Maybe he would be in it if he could play a ghost."

Oh it would be so good to see them all back together. I would love to see it before their careers end, but I think he's right, they are too big and for the possible returns and risk involved I doubt the studio would be willing to pay. Shame though eh? Would you like to see this happen?

Posted by at August 6, 2005 05:52 PM


Their is nothing that would stop me from seeing that movie. The thought of all 4 being in a movie again would be great.

Posted by: Russell at August 6, 2005 06:02 PM

Ghostbusters was great, the sequel was fun, and the cartoon series that ran made it all the more enjoyable. There have been 2 movies and 3 cartoon series. The third cartoon was about the Extreme Ghostbusters, who were the younger relatives of the original 4. If a third movie is made, it is only worthy if all 4 original cast Ghostbusters return, and maybe the unoffical 5th Ghostbuster, Vince Clortho; who was played by Rick Moranis. And the movie would have to be directed by Ivan Rietman. If not a Ghostbusters 3 at least give us an Evolution 2.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 6, 2005 08:48 PM

If they do it, I'm all for it........but ONLY with the original cast, not some reworking like some of the tv-to-movies crap they're pulling off nowadays.

Posted by: Derek at August 6, 2005 10:31 PM

Hell, it'd be just peachy to see the originals as veteran ghostbusters, whom come in to bust ghost-butt when the rookies (new cast) can't get the job done! Only, everyone's aged so much, but it works out so well.

I loved GB, another nostalgic trip back into the 80's, THE BEST TIME MOVIES EVER EXSISTED!

Posted by: Garrett Wiwcharuk at August 6, 2005 11:16 PM

In all seriousness, I could see a "next generation" sequel being made by the end of this decade, which stars the Wilson brothers, Vince Vaughn and Chris Rock. With cameos by Will Ferrell and Ben Stiller. Dan Ackroyd, Rick Moranis and "that black guy" from the original films would appear in supporting roles.

Posted by: Mark at August 7, 2005 12:37 AM

This idea has no appeal to me. It's just another rehash.

Posted by: David Blue at August 7, 2005 01:22 AM

What the hell are you talking about David? This is not some cheesy rehash. If this idea has no appeal to you, that must mean the original didn't maybe. Any fan of the old films and cartoons would love a 3rd movie.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 7, 2005 01:26 AM

I think maybe David was referring to Mark's comment, well at least I hope he was!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 7, 2005 05:33 AM

It would be fun if they did a movie about the Ghostbuster's Go To Hell!
I loved both the movies and the cartoon. But they are getting long in the tooth and when he said they were to big....I thought he ment size wise. Not money wise.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 7, 2005 11:14 AM

I was referring to the idea to make a third Ghostbusters movie. On face value, until I hear something new, it looks like it would be just another rehash, by which I mean another TV spinoff, remake, additional episode or whatever.

I'm always willing to reconsider in the light of new evidence. I was dead wrong about The Island: I thought it would be a waste of time and money, but when I went and saw it (because of the good word I got here) it turned out to be great.

I loved both Ghostbusters movies and I thought there should have been a third. But that was long ago. Everybody is older now. Men In Black came along and took over the idea of regular guys (more or less) with gee-whiz equipment chasing cartoony weird things. There have been cartoon shows, comics, spinoffs, cash-ins of all kinds. Because of that, to me this feels played out.

It seems to me like the time for that third movie I wanted has come and long passed.

Posted by: David Blue at August 8, 2005 06:41 AM

Well, at any rate some is going to come along in a few years and make a darker Ghostbusters movie with more of the classic humor, and if they don't I will. Ghostbusters is a rare treasure, I watching the first movie the other night and I was still entertained. SO much so I had find the 2nd one before I had a panic attack. This 3rd movie could kick something off, something, thats never been done before, and never will be done again. I won' say what because we can all use our imaginations on what that might be.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 8, 2005 07:32 AM

Harold Ramis/Owen Wilson Project? due out sometime in 2006, what could it be?

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 8, 2005 07:36 AM

I doubt that will be it, Ramis has done so much writing on other projects he's quite a famed comedy writer. He even rewrote his own Groundhog Day as an Italian version!

I don't think a third one would necessarily be a rehash. Ramis says he's really happy with the script and it's something more unique than a revisit. It would be easy to build the story around the fact that they are older.

Plus, I think there are enough factors in the story that make Ghostbusters more than just an "average joe with gadgets" story, much the same as MIB was much more than that, so the two stories do stand quite distinctly separately for me.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 8, 2005 08:41 AM

What I want to see happen is the 4 original Ghostbusters old and hiring their younger realitives to do their Ghostbusting. Two teams are made and they are on a hunt for a dangerous demon ghost. But one of the kids are evil and want the ghost for himself because another scientist who is a hack put a prize on the ghost.

The kid uses his own protron pack to kill the other kids and goes to hunt the ghost himself while avoiding the other team. And then he enters the room where the other team and ghost is, he threatens them all and then the ghost begins to attack. The evil kid gets hold of the ghost with his power pack while one of the other kids find out what he had done to his team. So they all shoot him with their packs and something horrible happens, the demon ghost combines with the evil kid in a horrible explosion.

And this would open up a trilogy or more movies. The demon kid now has ghost powers and the ghost can sometimes take over his mind. When the kid is in controll of his body, and if he doesn't obey the ghosts orders, the ghost inflicts pain on his own body hurting the kid. And the demon has a plan to open up horrible plagues and destroy the Ghostbusters for good as well as taking over the world and bringing on a new dark age, sort of like bringing hell on Earth!

A darker, more in depth Ghostbusters would be the best way to go, keeping the humor at the same level and bringing on a new twist.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 8, 2005 04:27 PM

I read about the Italian version of Groundhog Day too. Ramis didn't have anything to do with it though.

Posted by: Dr. Dave at August 9, 2005 09:54 AM

GB 3 eh... no (I would see it if it came out though) Its just Ghostbusters, seemed to end, perfectly well at 2, and the idea of 3 then, would have been, good, but now wel no, because then it would not be what we want. (The new star Wars trilogy anyone?)

Posted by: Larry at August 9, 2005 12:13 PM

Ramis wrote the sceenplay for the italian version of Groundhog Day smart one.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 9, 2005 04:01 PM

Ghostbusters 3 would be great. I work at Blockbuster and we all think that they're going to make a 3rd movie soon. Will Smith has been mentioned as a role in the movie. Actually i think the only thing thats holding this movie back is another perfect cast. And since the first 2 cam out like 15 years ago, it's time for a new Ghostbusters crew regardless of what we older fans like. It needs to get the current younger generation too. Along with Will Smith I think Ben Stiller would also be a great cast member. And How about Jeff Goldblum as a Ghostbuster. He can be both serious and funny. To me he would be great replacement for Egon. They already have a script so i'm pretty sure that they're going to make. Come on people, look at what they did to King Kong. Imagine Ghostbusters now. Slimmer would be alot better.

Posted by: LANCE at August 10, 2005 05:18 AM

Like most Ghostbusters fans I would be interested in seeing a continuation of the idea/series (ie Ghostbusters 3: Hellbent)or another series, or even a Ghostbusters straight to home video/Dvd/Tv type thing (like the first season of Lex sort of but as several movies like that to help tie up any loose ends etc perhaps.)

I am also confident that as Depeche Mode best said "Its a question of time" as far as when we will see a GB 3. Lets face it the old cast is/are getting on with their lives and careers so perhaps this would be the perfect time before one of them passes on or retires. Sony/Ivan/Murray etc I ask that you consider heavily doing GB3 for all the right reasons, think not of the money but more of the fans for if not for the fans you would not have made the money you did or even the statuses.

Posted by: Tony at August 23, 2005 10:36 PM

Ghostbusters 3 would be a great summer movie, only with the original cast though as they were all great. Other movies i would like sequels to, are beetlejuice 2, gremlins 3,the list could go on. Come on ghostbusters get people back to the cinema with a great family movie.

Posted by: leigh whellans at August 31, 2005 08:25 PM

Hey I think it'd be great if a Ghostbusters III would come out. I mean, if the movie industry is getting more boring everyday, who else would you call? GHOSTBUSTERS!

Posted by: Shervin at September 1, 2005 01:55 AM


Posted by: Egon Spengler at September 1, 2005 01:57 AM

Ummm, just to clear a few things up...

- No Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, or anyone from that gang this is a COMEDY not slapstick/gross schlock. For it to work the "old school" guys MUST be in it.
- Will Smith and Chris Farley were once RUMOURED to be starring when talks of a GB3 in the late 90's when the third movie was ready to go, but Sony chose otherwise. (Hello Blues Brothers 2! WTF?)
- YES they're getting old and long in the tooth. But wouldn't this add to the humour of these 4 somewhat balding and unfit men chasing after ghosts? It's a comedy, mixed with science and horror people.
- Extreme Ghostbusters were NOT related at all to the originals. (Did anyone bother watching it?) This was Sony's "feeler" of the public to see if there was enough interest in the franchise, and if it was successful this would be somewhat the formula for a third movie (ie. the originals training a new generation)
- You'll have to wait for Bill Murray to change his mind as he owns a share in the Ghostbusters, and it looks like he's been pretty busy enough with movies to even think about doing it. He was somewhat interested in the 90s, however Sony said no. But now after a few bombs at the box office, Sony are ready, but now Bill isn't. Thems the breaks.

As much as I, or any other fan would love to see a third and final film, it won't be anytime soon.

Posted by: Fuzzy at September 3, 2005 08:29 AM

Why's everyone so keen to see Will Ferrel and gang in this?! No, no and no. I could care less about their SNL upbringing, NO!!

Posted by: Xenepp at September 5, 2005 12:36 AM

I think that we'll definitely see another Ghostbusters movie in our time. The question is, will it be a remake of the original or an all new third installment?

The original cast is getting old and the only original cast member I can see suiting up again is Ernie Hudson. Murry is old and grey, while Ramis and Aykroyd have to drop a good deal of weight.

I think the only way a third storyline would work is if Venkman's character isn't an actual ghostbuster any longer. I could see him being the Mayor of New York, while the other three original ghostbusters train a new group. This would allow for interaction between Murray and the rest of the cast, but at a level that I think Murray would be more satisfied with since he wouldn't have to suit up or get messy. In a sense, it would be a different character for Murray. Peter Venkman the ghostbuster is quite different than Peter Venkman, Mayor of NYC.

As for potential cast members, I used to feel that Ben Stiller would be good for a role, but after seeing his acting range as of late, I feel he isn't a good fit. He seems to only be capable of playing overly neuortic underdogs. Will Smith would have been good, but after his stint with the MIB movies, I think it would be a bad idea. Perhaps the actor who plays Hyde on "That 70s Show" would be a good fit. His character reminds me of Peter Venkman in some ways - a lazy, smart assed, ladies man. Matt LeBlanc from "Friends" and "The Whole Nine Yards" would be a good fit too, I feel. He could play a character similar to the demeanor of Winston Zeddmore. As for someone who is very enthusiastic (Ray Stantz), I'm thinking Jack Black. As for an Egon Spengler type of actor, nothing comes to mind right now, though I would imagine that in order to keep the cast from being entirely Caucasian, a person of a different Race/Ethnicity/Gender would be a good idea. Somebody mentioned Jeff Goldblum - that might work, though he is significantly older than the characters I have already mentioned.

I like the idea of Hell rejecting souls and them spilling out into NYC. I think instead of the GBs going into Hell to battle the Devil, that Hades, the greek God, should takeover NYC and make it his own extension of Hell, to solve his own over-crowding problem. Another Ghostbusters movie plot that I have been toying with in my mind was the idea of the main villian(s) being the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Perhaps these two stories could even be joined into one story.

Let us just hope that Bill Murray and Sony can come to some sort of agreement.

Posted by: Miler2005 [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 12, 2005 10:01 AM

i hope lizardfreaks idea for the movie was a joke because that is the worst idea I have ever heard of... why don't you go make it an anime right now?

Posted by: flymolo at September 19, 2005 03:53 PM

I do agree that the whole demon ghost kid thing probably wouldn't be the best direction for a movie, if it were to be made, to encroach upon. Especially a movie that would be held so closely to many peoples hearts. It’s not that it isn't a good idea... ahem... it's just that the traditional ghostbusters feel would no doubt be lost in a story of that caliber.

Miler 2005 I think I agree with you on almost every single point you have made... almost. Jack Black in my mind would almost defiantly bring the feel of the classic characters back (if done in a non-rocket sauce style that we know he's capable of) Hyde and his jaded feel would be a nice one too... and of corse the original cast would have to be in it... no matter what. As for Matt Leblanc i think he could pull it off, but i would rather see someone else in there, after reading reviews of the script and descriptions of knew characters I think Dane Cook would make a good addition, I very much like to see him welcome a ghost to Thunderdome before serving it a face full of lightnin! As for Jeff Goldblum; he would defiantly make a welcome addition, if given his traditional style of acting ie Jurassic park and the more resent life aquatic.

Though it seems he wouldn't end up in a big role (most likely a small cameo), I would love to see Bill Murray don the suit once again... even if he's in it for 5 seconds he should get slimed ( who wouldn’t want to see Murray as the mayor having Slimer plow over him).

There is no doubt in my mind that the movie will not be made without all of the original cast, and some fresh faced new ghost busters... but what about ghosts, or more interesting the devil! Who would play them? and more importantly what kind of style would they preform in? I for one would like to see Sean Bean... don't ask me why, I think he'd make an awesome lucifer... but that would most likely not work if they wanted a Donald trump type of devil... Opening a door to hell in time square? Maybe a short fat annoying prince of darkness aka Danny Davito, or Joe Jechie (mob boss?... without making it to cliché). Or even a slick business man Liam Neason, Hugo Weaving, Alec Baldwin (seems he can't get any serious roles without coming across as funny anymore... America! fuck yea!). or just a funny cookie crazeh devil, which maybe would even open further doors for Jeff Goldblum in my eyes...

What ever the verdict is in the end I do believe that, if done right, a third ghost busters would be great movie that could take us back to a time when giant marshmallow men roamed the streets, bathtubs weren’t as safe as we thought, and some of our favourite actors had hair.

but the fact remains, if it was to be made... I'd see it

Posted by: iconquer at October 3, 2005 08:40 PM

A third movie with the original cast would be GREAT! Atleast give us one more before someone else gets a hold of the rights and spins it off with younger actors and stupid jokes.

Posted by: Jerr Whire at October 13, 2005 04:01 PM

Ghostbusters 3

Oscar, Dana's son turns into a hotdog which was suggested by Pete in 2, and turns out that it was in fact a premonition. Oscar then preceeds to take over New York city much to the dismay of it's residents and of course the rest of the team. Ray, who is now morbidly obese tries to eat oscar which infuriates Pete and Dana and they force him to have his stomach stapled. The operation is a huge success and Ray is now no longer hungry. All the while, Oscar is still at large. Winston during this time goes completely mad and develops the mental age of 4, constantly exclaiming 'daddy i've done a poo poo!'. With no way out, Pete and Dana decide to try for another child and as luck would have it, Dana gives birth to a large oversized hotdog bun called Phillip. Both children duke it out, combined with the ghostbusters firing their proton packs filled with various condiments such as mustard and ketchup, manage to overpower Oscar. The film's climax happens much like that of 'The Omen' as Pete is faced with the unbearble realisation that he has to throw his own sons into the giant cooker which was converted from the ecto-containment unit, (Sad bit for the girls) and cries...a lot.

Winston to be played by: Ru Paul
Egon: Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter)
Pete: Chris Kattan
Ray: Marlon Brando (exhumed, and via pulley systems)

I think it's a winner!

Posted by: andy watson at October 28, 2005 11:41 AM

I like it, andy watson! I'd pay to see it.

Plot holes though: You've got Egon in the cast list but what does he does in the actual plot, apart from firing his proton pack at the end? Surely he could have solved the whole problem with some nifty invention? You need a reason for Egon to not be able to fix matters.

Also, does Winston get his mind back in time for the climactic showdown? I would think he would have to, because they wouldn't give a proton pack to a child (as Egon said to Bobby Brown in 2 "a proton pack is not a toy"), cos he could end up crossing the streams.

Not only that, but there's no way we can let 9 months pass in the story while Venkman and Dana wait for their giant hotdog bun baby to arrive (is Oscar still rampaging around the city all that time??), so we need some kind of narrative cheat there. Maybe, to give Egon something to do, he could inject a dose of Eco-containment-irradiated saveloy directly into Dana's uterus, which then causes the giant new baby to pop out early and grow exponentially.

With a few small adjustments I think it's a winner.

Posted by: jim goodwin at October 28, 2005 11:51 AM

Okay James, Egon converts the containment unit into foreman grill!!!!!!! What do you want, blood? Winston never gets his mind back and they have to leave him in a mental institution trying to bite his own ears. This is because the ghostbusters were much better without him. They do however, bust him out for the final showdown but he's on one of those kiddie leashes that snap back if walks off too far. This is one of the films on-going jokes cos he keeps on walking off to play with grass. Louis Tulley plays a much bigger part though as a possessed idiot and manages to help by getting out his 'giant moving torb' although he gets 'roasted in the depths of the sloar' near the end (sad bit for the girls) and everyone cries.

Posted by: andy watson at October 28, 2005 11:54 AM

What about Matthew Perry?

Posted by: Tinny at October 28, 2005 01:47 PM

What about this, something nigh on apocolyptic happens, the original cast goes to stop it, and they FAIL. realising there not the young ghostbusters they once were, they decide to train new gostbusters in a crash course. These new ghostbusters aren't great but somehow manage to get through gradually teaching themselves things along the way. there not alone though, the original cast are helping them get there goal with some sort of special communicator developed buy Egon. this would give the new and old a way to play of off of each other. we also see the evolution from the classic style to the possibly more fast paced and aggressive style of ghostbusting the new could bring in.

as for the the cast, i couldn't say i'm not really clued up on that but one things for sure the original cast has to be in it as it wouldn't even resemble the magic of 1&2.

Posted by: Tinny at October 30, 2005 06:09 AM

i wish that ghostbusters 3 would hit the screen. it is my FAVORITE movie ever!!! both of them! if i were granted three wishes, i would use two of them to get ghostbusters 3 to hit the big screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Cory Smith at November 21, 2005 02:25 AM

Well I am working on the Ecto 2(Dodge Magnum) in Ghostbusters III when the old Ecto 1 brakes down the crw saves money and purchase a Dodge Magnum and called it the Ecto 2 and there is a girl Ghostbuster intead of a guy, well Iva(Angelina Jolie) is the only female ghostbusters in with some of the original Ghostbeters crew and infact when the guy ghostbers are in trouble Iva will help them out.

In this since after the making of the Ghostbusters III movie the Ecto 2(Dodge Magnum) is one of the coolest Ghostbusters vehicles to appear a Chrysler product on the Ghostbuster movie series to make the Dodge Magnum more popular as a toy Dodge Magnum to sell very well and the real one to lift prices for that company as the car known as Ecto 2(aka Dodge Magnum) to introduced in Ghostbusters III for the first time.

Posted by: Miguel A. Alarcon at January 10, 2006 01:32 PM