August 23, 2005

Halo for Summer 2007

Halo.jpgI know there are a lot of Halo game fans out there, and so this latest piece of news on the movie adaptation deserves a little individual airplay. Coming Soon bring us news of the release date:

Variety reports that 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures have closed their deal to make a movie based on Microsoft's hit videogame Halo, with plans for a tentpole release in the summer of 2007. The two studios will pay Microsoft $5 million against 10% of the gross.

Well I think Microsoft came out okay on that deal then! They go onto say that Microsoft have approved the Alex Garland script and that he is now rewriting with the studio notes.

There's a few videogame adaptations that are, very slowly, beginning to raise their own bar. Every so slightly, but I think it's starting to get better and the Studios are really starting to turn the spotlight onto these movies. They know they can make money, Boll has shown that without any regard for the medium so imagine if they paid it some care and attention?

This could be the first actual landmark videogame adaptation, it has a huge plot, not just a one trick pony, and the rough script for a couple of movies is already there. Doom is already looking weak.

Posted by at August 23, 2005 05:24 AM


I heard reports on the internet that the story doesn't focus on Master Cheif, but earth being attacked by the covanent.. Like a War or the Worlds.I hope this isn't true, Master Cheif adds that extra I don't know what ya know what I mean?...

Posted by: Ray` at August 23, 2005 01:49 PM

If they fuck up Master Chief, so help me God....

Posted by: Kristina at August 23, 2005 02:36 PM

Ray, I really hope you are kidding cause without the MC it just wouldnt be Halo...but if you look at the last X-Box magazine...there are actors there that are being possibly screened to play the MC so i dont think a movie will be made without the main man. However, if the movie was about the Covenant attacking earth, it would be leading into the 3rd game. I really dont think with the amount of money put into this project already that Microsoft or Bungie will allow a poor product to be put out to their consumers...but then again I didnt think that it was possible for Star Wars to suck balls either.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 23, 2005 03:56 PM

With all the new video games going to the big screen hopefully more care will be given to them.. instead of looking for a quick buck and hiring a certain director who will remained unnamed..(cough directed *House of the Dead* cough)... Splinter Cell, Hitman, Halo are all games that have interesting stories and could easily translate into a good movie.. and if cared right a moive franchise.. Halo could be good for 3 movies, as well as splinter cell, but I personally can't wait for Hitman to get a deal.. I love that game... But they better make it dark,and stay true to the character and fell of the game.

Posted by: Ray` at August 23, 2005 10:30 PM

Oh, and what actors were they screening for Master Cheif??. because in the video game you never really see him, so they could easily hire a nobody..

Posted by: Ray` at August 23, 2005 10:32 PM

If you look at the latest issue of the X-Box magazine, it has a short section explaining the workings up of the movie and how it was presented to other studios and what studios took it up with their own little deal. It is really nothing that we dont already know but on the next page is a list of people who have expressed interest or are being thought about to play the MC. The only ones I happen to remember at this time are Viggo Mortensen from LOTR movies, Jason Stratham from the Transporter movie, Vin Diesal (oh please no), and a couple of others I cannto remember. My vote goes for Jason Stratham...he is kick ass or a no-name actor which would be better for the movie. But anyways, the magazine went on shelves Aug. 9 so you may still be able to pick up a copy or go read it at the library. You are right when you say that this franchise has the possiblity to become a successful would think with the amount of money being invested into it that there would be no way in hell that a poor movie would be put out, but you never know these days with Hollywood. If they take the time to actually ensure the acting is locked on and the plot is true to the story then I dont forsee any failures. I believe the director is going to play a big part in how well the movie is made. If the rumors of Ridley Scott taking helm are true then I think we are in for something special.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 24, 2005 08:16 AM

Helo ezt küldöm!!!

Posted by: Dante at September 5, 2005 09:27 AM

The Halo COOL!!!
The Multiplayer,Singleplayer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Dante at September 5, 2005 09:28 AM

If they don't focus on Mc then I dont think it's flim too see you know. If they don't have the main dude then whats the point but if they have the Mc its going to be a sick a$$ movie and it just might break the Lord Of The Rings record for how much money they will get.

Posted by: Ghost at September 16, 2005 01:17 AM

I love halo I love halo I love halo I love halo!
This is going to be the graetest movie of all tme. i am so amazingly psyked! WHOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I feel like i'm high!

Posted by: Dungeonmaster101 at September 16, 2005 04:42 PM


Posted by: DROPSHIP 1 at October 3, 2005 12:42 AM

Yo listen up bitches, stop fuckin cryin about this fuckin movie aaaiiitt, cause you should just be fuckin happy they're commin out with one in the first place. and dont even say you aint gonna see it if its not what you've expected, cause you fuckin know you will, ya fuckin nerds

P.S. Russian Pride Biotches!!!!!

Posted by: RussianPride at October 16, 2005 08:22 PM

Ok, regarding who's gonna play MC, it better be a good looking guy. And if it isn't, they better keep his helmet on the whole damn movie.

From reading what the others have said, Viggo would be a very poor Master Chief. And I wouldn't like the guy from Transporter either. And Vin Diesal, who looks like a monkey-man, would be shit.

Posted by: do you really have to know? at October 23, 2005 08:35 PM