August 16, 2005

Guy Ritchie's Revolver new trailer

Revolver.jpgIt's gone really quiet on the Revolver front from Guy Ritchie, and to be quite frank some of us were wondering if it was ever going to get released.

However over at Empire they have a new trailer for the movie in various different formats, but here's a direct link to the large Quicktime version.

The film still hasn't managed to secure a US distribution deal, but is going to be out in Europe at least, and the UK. So here's hoping I can get to see it and let you know if Mr Ritchie is back on form.

In the meantime, check out the trailer and let us know what you think, it's certainly a different feel to the previous one which was very much in his Snatch\Lock style.

Posted by at August 16, 2005 03:35 PM


I can get the site to load fine, but I can't get the trailer to load at all. It freezes the browser window up.

Posted by: Lilly at August 16, 2005 09:42 PM

Looks awesome.

Ray Liotta and BIG PUSSY in the same movie!

Did I see a guy that looked like Eddie Murphy in there???????

Posted by: Yes at August 22, 2005 09:45 PM

Looks awesome just hope that it is released in the Us I wasn't aware that Matthew and Guy had a falling out but after watching Layer Cake and the extras you could tell there was a tone of bitterness in Mathhew's voice that sucks they were great together and if that prevents Revolver from coming out here that would suck

Posted by: Jason at August 25, 2005 01:51 AM

The guy who looks like Murphy is Andre Benjamin from Outkast.
I hope this movie is released worldwide so I can see it here in town.

Posted by: Rob at August 26, 2005 01:52 AM

just saw the world premiere last night. really good. makes you think

Posted by: tony at September 12, 2005 11:24 AM