August 25, 2005

Goran Visnjic confirmed as Bond finalist

GoranVisnjic.jpgI think the news from TV Guide's Ask Ausiello through Coming Soon is pretty strong confirmation that Goran Visnjic is in the final run as the new Bond.

Question: Is it true that Goran Visnjic is among the finalists to take over as James Bond? And what does this mean for him on ER? — Sandy

Ausiello: Yes, it's true. But should he get the role, it wouldn't mean the end of Kovac. "We have a contingency plan," says exec producer David Zabel. "We would film a bunch of stuff [with Kovac] at one time for later episodes. Or, depending on where the Bond film was shooting, he might be able to work on both at the same time.

The important part is the quote from Zabel there, he's a Producer and Writer for ER and if he knows and is prepared to work around it then it's pretty clear Visnjic is in the running. I mean he'd have to check with his current bosses.

At least this is the first concrete news we've what about the others? I can't see a date on that question, so was the answer gained before or after the London auditions? If after, does it mean he's the one?

Posted by at August 25, 2005 07:36 AM


DID somebody forget to mention to the Bond-producers THAT BOND DOESN'T HAVE A EASTERN EUROPEAN ACCENT. Sorry that i had to scream

Posted by: me at August 25, 2005 10:52 AM

He might not be British, but he's dreamy.

Posted by: Meli at August 25, 2005 12:26 PM

well actually this is only half correct. Goran Visnjic is cast as James Bond,
but it is not for the next Bond film. Visnjic will be playing the James Bond that will be appearing in X-men 3.

Posted by: bond, james bond at August 25, 2005 03:40 PM

I'd rather see MGM cast Christian Bale as 007, even if it means buying out his Batman contract. I didn't care for Bale as Bats, but I think he'd be great as Bond. I'd like to see either Colin Farrell or "Lost's" Ian Somerholden take over as Batman.

Posted by: Matthew at August 29, 2005 09:19 AM

I spent way more time thinking about this than anyone not paid to should. I think Visnjic has the right look for a new Bond but indeed he is not british in the least. So sorry he should be out. I mean that would be like Anthony Hopkins playing Zorro, just rediculous. Bond is the ultimate british hero. British being key, he should be played by someone inside the United Kingdom Realm. To me this includes England ofcourse, Ireland, Scottland and Australia. With nods towards Canada and New Zealand. Canada is basically USA anyway so their pretty much out anyway. In the books Bond is clearly defined by Flemming as Scottish, supposedly after Connery was so good in the role, I don't know Flemmings intentions. A perfect Scottish actor for the role is Gerard Butler. Great accent, terrific actor and a good lookin' guy. He is my vote for the next Bond but noone mentions him, maybe he already said no.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 1, 2005 06:30 PM

why he is not cannot be james bond but i think he is good for be james bond

Posted by: marijana hmilj at October 25, 2005 07:07 PM