August 15, 2005

Goblet of Fire footage

There's so much to watch, all these trailers, some nice pictures and now we've got a link for the new Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire footage. Through Coming Soon the footage is at WB Extra TV.

All Potter fans head over and have a look then scoot back here and let us know what you think, is it looking good? The word is that this movie is going to be darker still than the previous, and they're looking to shed the kiddie image of the series to bring it more into the realms of the teenager. Is it looking like it does?

Posted by at August 15, 2005 05:08 AM


Wow...I am happy to admit that this next one looks very promising. And just to clarify to some...I do love the HP series and think that it is one of the absolute best book to movie specials that has ever been made. JK Rowling created a world that is somewhat believable and you lose yourself in it when you read the books. No, I am not a child...I am a 24 year old Marine and will admit to everyone that HP is the shit!!! The footage looks awesome on that site and I think great things can be expected from this movie. I will be first in line for tickets again!!

Posted by: MechoPower at August 15, 2005 09:11 AM

It looks like its shaping up pretty well. As for shedding the kiddie image... well I don't think they're trying to be more edgy for the sake of being edgy. The whole series is a really just the progession of a little kid who grows up to fulfill his destiny. He's just coming into his own in a very dangerous world. For the record I've listened to the books via audio books and really enjoyed them on commutes... they're a lot of fun and the movies miss most of the dry wit from the text. I'm a 28 year old man with a job in the aerospace business. I'd encourage anyone to either read or listen to the series.

Posted by: dumb kid at August 15, 2005 12:34 PM

I agree with dumb kid. Furthermore, JK ROwling herself has said she's surprised that people think of HP as light fare, since it opens with a double murder and even the first novel has some scary images.

Posted by: Christina at August 15, 2005 12:51 PM

Thank you Mike Newell!

I love you so much, when the teaser trailer was released I was a bit worried, but nearly ALL of this looks like how I imagined it, it looks like Mike went into my head.

This just raised way higher on my list of most wanted.

That guy's voice is horribly annoying though.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at August 15, 2005 02:18 PM

This new footage looks fanastic. I have high hopes for this movie, and though I realize they can't put everything from the book into the movie I hope that they be better at focusing on the key points and moments.

Posted by: Meli at August 16, 2005 04:29 PM