August 11, 2005

Four Brothers Reviews

Of the four films opening this week, Four Brothers is the one I've been looking forward to the most. I just think the premise looks fantastic, and the trailers and commercials have a really strong and gritty feel to them that catches my attention. And I like Mark Wahlberg too.

However, opinions on Four Brothers seem to be sharply divided. It seems like critics either love or hate this movie. There's not a lot of middle ground on it here. Here's what some of them have to say about it:

"As an absurd riff on baadasssss gangsta movies, Four Brothers has an undeniable visceral kick."

"With its lean script, strong acting, and punchy direction, Four Brothers has to be regarded as one of the most professional and entertaining action films of the year."

"Why is Four Brothers so cheesy? Why does it look like junk? Why are the lines so oafish, the scenes so sloppily pasted together, and the characters so false?"

"When Singleton kicks out the jams during the hard-core rough stuff ... helmer delivers the goods with edgy kinetic flair."
Joe Leydon, VARIETY

At the moment, Four Brothers is carrying a 59% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, mostly due to the "love it or hate it" thing I mentioned earlier. Personally, I'm still pumped about seeing it. Check out the Video Review on Monday.

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2005 12:46 PM


I want to see this. It remindes me of the old movie The Son's Of Katy Elder. John Wayne played the older brother. This just looks like an update of that one.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 11, 2005 10:08 PM

I agree with John.. this movie seems like it could be real good. I usually don't pay much attention to critics opinions...well over half of my favourite movies were not loved by critics, and personally I find they get paid to do nothing, if there in a good mood they do a positive review.. and if the guy at the chinesse restaurant gave them so peng instead of chow peng.. they write a negative review... Maybe noone else feels that way but I do..

and Donna A, i got a quick question for you.. why do you end your post in Donna A... when it tells who posted the at the bottom?

Ray` (lol)

Posted by: Ray` at August 11, 2005 11:43 PM

Hi Ray!
Out of habit. I am on many fourms. And that's how I end my post.
Donna A. ;)

Posted by: Donna A. at August 12, 2005 11:23 AM

lol I was just curious :)


Posted by: Ray` at August 12, 2005 02:33 PM

You may sign Donna A. any time.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 12, 2005 09:15 PM

I just came back from seeing Four Brothers and it was a 7/10... Good fun for something to do, interesting story.. but I can't figure out which movie it reminds me of.. its driving me crazy!!

Donna A. lol

Posted by: Ray` at August 12, 2005 11:50 PM

OMg, THe movies is UNBELIEVABLY AMAZIN.. FUNNY with ACtion N Brought Sum Tears to mY eyes. ALL the guys R GORGIOUS!! NEED I SAY MORE. JUSS SEEE IT

Posted by: Shirin at August 14, 2005 08:16 PM

I just came back from seeing the movie and i LOVED it. I saw it twice! I think the story line was amazing as well as the acting
people in the theater gave the movie a standing ovation. It was great. Tyrese did a great job. And my hat goes off to Wahlberg of course

Posted by: munchy1986 at August 17, 2005 01:07 AM

this movie was beast
i laughed my ass off and there was incredible action
i felt like at little girl when jack bit the dust tho...
it was tight!!!
im gonna c it again

Posted by: ur mom at August 17, 2005 09:15 AM

hottie mark wahlberg (played bobby) was the best part of the movie! i dont think the movie would be the same if anyone else played bobby! he was just hillarious and crazy and made split second decisions without even caring about the consequences! THATS a leader! hahahah it was an amazing movie and i SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY recommend everyone who hasnt seen it to go see it!!!!! im gonna go see it again and i cant wait til lits out on dvd! WOW! on a scale from one to ten i would give it a 20! no doubt! hahaha it was THAT good! i dont think iv ever been so jumpy in a movie! i was LITTERALLY jumpin outa my seat and ive neva done that befor in a movie! i got into the movie the SECOND it started!! all in all
the plot was awsome, the actors kicked ass and the action was just NUTS!!!!!!!! a MUST see!!!!!

Posted by: ANITA at August 23, 2005 02:28 AM