August 15, 2005

EIFF: Serenity cast to appear

Serenity_Poster5.jpgThe news coming out of the official Edinburgh Film Festival website is that the entire cast of Serenity plan to be here for the World Premiere on the 22nd of August!

Joining director Joss Whedon on the Red Carpet is Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, Gina Torres, Sean Maher, Morena Baccarin, Jewel State, Chiwetol Ejiofor and Executive Producer Christopher Buchanan.

Oh fantastic, now if I can get past the press photographers who have been bustling through crowds for ages I might just get a shot or two at the red carpet event. Otherwise you'll have to make do with my reviews and reports from the Festival. The exciting thing is I could ask for a private interview with any of these stars, but I just don't think I'd have that pulling power!

The first showing of Serenity sold out within hours, and the second by the end of the day. People were selling bundles of tickets online for some huge markup. Unfortunately I didn't get there on time, so along with the rest of the press I'll be trying to fight to get into the single press showing for 112 people, hardly enough I think. However, do not fear if you are in Edinburgh looking for more tickets.

...if you missed your chance, all is not lost: Best of Fest tickets, which include a screening of Serenity, will go on sale at noon on 22nd August.

I'm sure many fans will be in the queue. Is anyone joining us in Edinburgh for the Festival?

Posted by at August 15, 2005 04:17 PM


I love Jewel Staite, I remember her from Flash Forward and Space Cases. She is excellent as Kaylee Pyre, and i'm actually really excited about seeing this film! Can't wait......

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 16, 2005 01:52 AM

ENOUGH WITH THE TEASING ALREADY. You know I'm just exploding to see this....

On a different note, the ads on the individual archive pages are starting to get REALLY obnoxious. The popup windows are bad enough, but I just got one that used a javascript prompt to try and con me into downloading system repair software. It's pretty slimy. Having stuff like this crop up doesn't reflect well on the site.

Posted by: Martin [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 16, 2005 05:15 PM

Gotchya Martin. I don't think we can control the ads that push through, I've let John know and he's looking into it just now. Hopefully we can get it removed.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 16, 2005 05:51 PM