August 10, 2005

EIFF 2005: Keane replaced with An Unfinished Life

EIFF.jpgI was looking forward to catching Keane, a stort of ... at the Edinburgh Film Festival this year, however it looks not to be as the film has been pulled from the festival at the last minute:

Due to conflicting commitments, Lodge Kerrigan's Keane is no longer screening at this year's Festival...."Both ourselves and Keane's makers very much regret losing the opportunity to screen Keane at Edinburgh but, regrettably, these things happen sometimes, within the world of film festivals."

However, the news is that An Unfinished Life starring Robert Redford, Morgan Freeman, Josh Lucas, all of the cast right down to the bystander second from the left, and then at the bottom (not the top as IMDB have her) Jennifer Lopez.

The premise sounds interesting, and the trailer looks quite good. However I'm just not entirely sure of it. Should I see this instead of Keane, or use my slot to go and see The Magician?

Have a look at the two movies and see what you think. Does Life look any good, or just the usual treaded ground? Is the Magician a better choice?

Posted by at August 10, 2005 05:23 AM