August 11, 2005

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo Reviews

How did Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo even get made? I hated the first one. Not because is was lewd (lewd can be good), not because it was dirty (dirty can be great), but just because it was utterly not funny... at all. So surprise surprise... this one is supposed to suck. The critics are slamming it hard.

I got a great comment from "Smyth" this week about Rob Schneider. He said: "an unfunny SNL one-shot who has been largely reduced to yelling "you can do it" in terrible Adam Sandler movies." Too funny! And pretty acurate too.

So, the early reviews for Deuce Bigalow are coming in hard and fast. Here's what some of the critics have to say about it:

"You’ll live a happier, fuller life without watching a cancer patient shoot wine through the hole in her neck."

"European Gigolo is more slapdash than its predecessor, and its jokes, albeit blue, are more borrowed than new."

"A movie that exceeds your lowest expectations--it's not only coarse and raunchy but utterly unfunny."
Frank Swietek, ONE GUY'S OPINION

"As crazy as the sequel tries to be, it is about as funny as watching people eating worms on reality TV."

Ugg... I REALLY hate the fact that I have to go sit through this movie on the weekend. Ugg.

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2005 11:40 AM


one of thoses rare instances were it sucks to be you John,lol.Go see it drunk, maybee it will be like fat girls in the club, the movie might be hilarious.

Posted by: Simon at August 11, 2005 11:56 AM

I, for one, happen to think that Rob Schnieder is pretty funny. I think all of his movies have been pretty good. He pulls that "I am an inocent little butterfly that is so surprised by the bad of the world" role off pretty well. The first Duece was will be hard to make a sequel to that, that can make you laugh with something new but I have no doubt that ol Duecey can pull it off.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 11, 2005 02:26 PM

lol !
The funny thing is that they show the tower of Pizza (Italy), while the film never gets in Italy. Only in Spain and the Netherlands.

Posted by: Darko at August 11, 2005 04:25 PM

Adam Sandler movies arnt terrible, but as for this Duece Bigalow movie, you couldn't drag me into the theatre if you paid me a million dollars, probably could.....anyway. This is the box office problem right here, stupid kids will go and see this movie with all of there friends because of the raunchy humor that is so fucking funny to them. You couldn't pay them to see Cinderella Man, but they will see this movie and talk about it all damn year or until another piece of shit comes out of Hollywoods stinky ass.

It doesn't a movie like this will do good because of stupid kids, it's the point i'm trying to make, they'd rather see shit than gold and it breaks my heart. Jackass and what have you did great because of the humor and seeing grown men being stupid they have seen on tv. I have to admit I used to like the show, gave me a giggle here and there, and I liked the movie, which made me laugh decent. But these stupid skateboarding preppy punk ass kids try and copy the fucking movie and show and ruin it for everyone. Now I can't stand the crap, it's just annoying, it's amazing how your feelings can change in a few short years.

Once again, everyone needs to take a FUCK YOU sticker, and slap it on Hollywood's ugly old face.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 11, 2005 04:58 PM

I FOUND THE PROBLEM... Once the raunchy, gross and disgusting stuff that took place in the American pie and the likes films got out into the open it wasn't fun any more. There was a time when we were like "hey there is going to be naked boobs on the big screen, a guy masturbating, jokes about shit, profanity, and girls with dildoes" and you were so cool if you got to see it before your friends. Now they keep feeding us the same crap and it just isn't funn anymore. It's lost its originality so to speak and the only people you can impress now are those just turning old enough to see this R or pg rated. Whatever the age limit is I dunno but you get my point.

Just an idea, what do you guys think?

Posted by: Darth_Xanther at August 11, 2005 06:19 PM

That is only part of the problem, if you look over at the Creative Slump page only half of the problems are listed and it's already a long list with long posts. Dildo's in movies were funny, but I haven't seen a "dildoe" since that trip to the pickle farm where we saw a doe getting banged by a buck.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 11, 2005 07:20 PM

holywood is a buisness... why would they take risk on makign a movie they know is good... but might flop in the box office... They makecrap movies aimed at a particular category of people, and they know there movie will make 100,000,000+ and everyone goes home happy.

I loved Cinderella Man... LOVED IT, I thought it was Russel Crowe's best since Gladiator.. but good movies dont mean money anymore...
Glueing your hand to your penis, and hype gets you the big money,
like Fantastic Four.. wasn't a bad movie.. but for the money its racking in.. it wasn't that good... same goes for Dukes of Hazzard..

Another thing holywood loves is the sequel to a movie that really doesn't deserve one (some movies do.. most don't). XXX, should of died at XXX once Vin decided to leave... but the higher people still saw a chance for profit, so we were blessed with Ice Cube's great talent...

I'm sure most people in here feel the same way I do... Im sick of holywood's crap... i want a good ORIGINAL story (not a remake, or a redo, or a whatever.). i want holywood to show me something new instead of the same ol` crap they keep they keep crapin` out over and over again.

This was my longest post i've done sorry :(

Posted by: Ray` at August 12, 2005 08:21 AM

What's Eddie Griffin doing in this movie?

The sequel he should be in is Undercover Brother 2. This white guy writing this post laughed his damn ass off over the first Brother.

While I might see some of Adam Sandler's films (such as Anger Management or the wonderful Punch Drunk Love) as a prod, he really cranks out the garbage.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 13, 2005 10:28 PM

This is pretty wierd.

Duece Bigalow I had its moments, if anyone who is ranting and raving here like lunatics actually viewed the movie. It wasn't all funny all the time, but the premise is - an ugly guy thinks he can make a living as a male prostitute.

I haven't heard any complaints about the movie specific to the movie itself. There's a premise here (i actually SAW the movie) and none of you can state what the plot is, or what the premise is of this particular movie.

Everyone further resorts to attacking Shcnieder, like he's supposed to be Ralph Fiennes or Ian Mackellon (SP?)

He's a comedian, a humorist, and a jackass in the vein of the court jesters of the early empires of this earth.

But I see NONE Of you complaining about the vulgarity of the so called DOCUMENTARY (Which is nothing more than a home video with bits and peices clipped together) called "The Aristocrats" which is good to moderately good comedians trying to tell you that if you don't get the joke, you're a prude. IN fact, there is no real joke, just an attempt to get a cheap laugh.

Sort of like this movie, but none of you get that. Do you?

Posted by: SpideyFan at August 15, 2005 01:13 AM

Well said Spideyfan...Now I know I am not the only one here who thinks Rob Schnieder is hilarious. This is his genre and it is what he is good at. The plot in most movies he does is well layed out...and they are supposed to be stupid. That is why it is so funny. You will never see Rob in a serious role...that is not his style. And as for the kids comment...I am 24 and have been all over the world to include Japan, Iraq, Thailand, and Europe (military man) and have seen all kinds of different cultures movies and what they think is funny...if you are offended by this kinda stuff then you are living a sheltered life. Their sense of humor is what we would consider crude due to the fact that they embrace and are comfortable with things like this. I love the dramas and action/adventure movies but an occasional crude humor flick is good for the soul!!! Keep em coming Hollywood!!!

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 15, 2005 08:28 AM

Do's anyone have a sense of humor anymore???

Deuce Bigalow :Eurpean Gigolo was the funniest movie i have seen in a long time...i cant think of a moment when it wasnt funny, i was laughing my ass off the whole time!

I think you people with small penis's just got offended by all those small penis jokes, wich were freaking all you critics have small peni's???

In fact im acutally going to see it again while its still at the people need to takes your sticks out your ass!!

Posted by: johnny at August 19, 2005 03:28 PM

Deuce Bigalow European Gigalow does not pretend to be something its not, whether its immature or in bad taste is unimportant its a laugh from start to finish and im not a stupid kid, maybe i have that sense of humour who cares.....Go and see it before ypu rant and rave about how crap it is and lighten up....

Posted by: Elaine at September 29, 2005 07:54 AM