August 04, 2005

Daredevil 2 by Garner and Affleck

daredevil_ben.jpgGod's that hated moment when your friend gets all loved up with a new partner and they start doing stupid things together, you know what I mean, it's probably happening to your friends right now. I've been guilty of it, but in Hollywood they ramp up the level to the nth degree. Usually it's marriage within twenty seconds, or kids within nine months of first touching, but now this is just ridiculous.

Blinded by...something, it looks like Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are pushing to get a Daredevil 2 movie off the ground. Why oh why oh why?! Can't one of their friends have the guts and tell them this is a bad idea? From Comic Book Movie:

Garner says, "Ben says it's in the early stages, but he is hopeful. It would be fun to work together, not to mention convenient."

Bang. Bang. Bang. Sorry, that was the sound of me hitting my head off of the keyboard.

Posted by at August 4, 2005 04:49 AM


Finally the eternal question "What movie could be worse than Daredevil?" will be answered.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at August 4, 2005 06:46 AM

YES!! just what we want- "gigli 2: the chafeof ill-fitted leather."
now ALL we need is to find the TARGET AUDIENCE for it.

Posted by: bond, james bond at August 4, 2005 06:51 AM

hahahahah, thats priceless. I can't wait to see how much money they can waste for "convenience"

Posted by: Pablo at August 4, 2005 07:59 AM

I get a vibe that you didn't like Daredevil. Am I right?

Posted by: Sum Boddy at August 4, 2005 08:46 AM

Ouch! You guys are harsh. Now I admit that DareDevil was a flawed movie. It moved to quickly and didn't give enough back story, and it was unimpressive on the special effects side. Not that there wasn't special effects, but it followed Spiderman 2 and didn't push the envolope. It didn't show us anything new.

I did think the bullseye was a great character, in fact Collin Farell stole the show, and I wasn't even that disapointed in Micheal Clark Duncan as The King Pin. I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel but if they are going to do it, they have to show us some new technology. Push the effects more and give us more character development. DareDevil is a great Marvel Hero and the franchise has major potential - if they do it correctly.

I am a fan of Ben Affleck - I have been a fan since Dazed and Confused, hell he was great as the guy from Fasionable Male in Mall Rats. I like to believe that it's not him but rather the scripts he takes on.

But those are just my thoughts.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at August 4, 2005 09:16 AM

I have to side with Brad on this... only moreso.

I actually really liked Daredevil. Yes that's right.... I really liked it. I thought it was fun, had a fantastic villain in Colin Ferrell and some good goofy laughs.

So yes... I will bravley stand against the horde and proclaim "I hope this movie does get made and I'm looking forward to it"!


Posted by: John Campea at August 4, 2005 09:36 AM

I just saw the film a couple of days ago (in fact there was only one store in town which didn´t kick the film) and obviously I´m going to be the only one who ist looking forward to the sequel!
It´s one of these "Oh my goodness! I can´t believe they really did that crap!"-movies, I love, because good crap became so rare in the last years since the good old Godzilla-movies.

Posted by: Malcolm at August 4, 2005 09:55 AM

Further proof that there are things worse than hollywood marriages...

hollywood marriages movie sequels.....

Posted by: Grant at August 4, 2005 10:59 AM

Not only did Daredevil suck but so did Electra...both Affleck and Garner are second rate actors with no talent whatsoever. Those were the two worst comic book to movie adaptations in the history of the world. Both actors are completely unconvincing not to mention bad looking. The villian were completely stupid and childish. There was no plot whatsoever unless you count Affleck dumbass falling for Electra. The best parts of the movie is when she DIES. Unfortunately she doesnt stay dead so now we have another waste of money and good film that could have been wasted on a home video of me and Monica Belluci.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 4, 2005 04:17 PM

While I had to have a number of viewings on Daredevil to lighten up - I hated the film the first time I saw it, and thought Jennifer Garner was overrated to say the least. Oh, that idiot scene in the playground. But after thinking it over, I considered that, if seen from Matt Murdock's POV, although exagerrated, the film mildly works on that level. And the love story angle (what there was of it) was touching.

But Elektra is another ballgame. I wanted to like the film. Really. I hated it. I hated every single painful minute of it. I would have liked it more if they tied into DD somehow, but..
I was disappointed. I was also mad. There was this... scene where Elektra has this "retention problem" or something. In flashback, Her father abuses her by giving her gestapo lessons in a swimming pool. The same character who we (and she) feels for in "Daredevil". Villians turn to green ash? We won't go there.

I usually give films the benifiet of the doubt, but the story. I know of someone who can come up with a better story than what was shown. His name is Frank Miller, who "created" Elektra.

So, while I might be interested in DD2, and I might accept an explanation that the events in Elektra were an hallucination, an out of body light at the end of the tunnel thing, something. There is a mess to be cleaned up if they move forward. "Sin City" may be a hit and a sequl to it is in the works, but by all means, give Mr. Miller a call.

You'll be glad you did.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 4, 2005 11:11 PM

I just don't get it. I'll have to side with Brad on this one to. DD wasn't that bad of a movie. Believe me; i've seen worse. Anyone here seen "Crow: Wicked Prayer" and the Indian Crow Dance? Now that's a bad film.

In Daredevil, I really liked the villians in both Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrell. The radar/blind affects were pretty cool and I thought the action was ok. Really, DD wasn't that bad of a film.

Posted by: diskjokk at August 5, 2005 01:05 AM

Sorry but I loved Daredevil. Ok so the Elektra character wasn't that strong and Garner did nothing to show she will have a long and successful movie career. However, the dark mood of the film and the ground work done to set up Murdocks character was excellent. Bullseye was a fabulous creation and brought some comedic relief but the Kingpin was a let down. Overall I was pleased with the end product and hope, depending on the quality of the script, that DD2 comes off. I'm rather hoping they can the idea of bringing Elektra back but other than that bring it on !!!

Posted by: Ian at August 5, 2005 09:19 AM

You know what, i loved daredevil and elektra and i am not ashamed to say it. jen garner is so hot and did an excellent job as elektra. ben affleck also did a good job as daredevil, and i hope that the recently married couple will make a daredevil 2!

go for it jen and ben.


Posted by: r at August 18, 2005 03:32 PM

I am not goin to go into what i think of the movies but i will say that Jen can be pretty at times and ugly at times the same goes for Ben. if they want to go for a DD2 they should but i wouldnt get my hopes up to high.

Posted by: dj at September 14, 2005 01:03 PM