August 10, 2005

Charlie's Angels 3

Angels3.jpgCharlie's Angels 3? Oh good grief. Look, I actually really enjoyed the first Charlie's Angels flick. I thought it was light, fun, funny and the action sequences were really good (not to mention Crispin Glover rocked in that movie... Joker anyone?). However, as good as the first one was... the second one was equally terrible. It was stupid where the first one was light. it was airheaded where the first one was cute... and even the inclusion of Demi Moore in a bikini flirting with Cameron Diaz (oh man that made my year) couldn't save it.

So fine... let it go right? Wrong. Apparently (as rumours earlier this year suggested) Drew Barrymore has announced she has plans to make a 3rd installment of the Charlie's Angels series. Hey, the woman produces them and puts up some of her own money... so who am I to stop her... but man this is a bad idea.

Look, if they can get back to the spirit of the first one... then maybe it could work. Also, they need to drop McG (I still giggle at the idea that anyone would call themselves that) as the director and get someone new... like perhaps a Richard Donner or maybe Dean Parisot.

I am a fan of all three of the lead ladies... but I just don't see this as a good move. Not to mention that the sequel didn't make nearly as much as the first film... and I don't see any reason why the general movie going audience would reverse that trend. Perhaps if they named it "Charlie's Angels 3: Hot Lesbian Love". Yeah... that would get the folks out to the theater.

Posted by John Campea at August 10, 2005 11:32 AM


I liked the first one. The second one.....not so good. I have no intrest in seeing #3.(making sick face and rolling eyes)
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at August 10, 2005 11:44 AM

The funniest thing about it wasn't even in the movie. It was a short at the MTV Awards with Vince Vaugh as 'ass coach' of the girls. Funny stuff.

Anyway, I kinda liked the second one, mostly because of Bernie Mac and the ass slapping.

Posted by: ThS at August 10, 2005 01:44 PM

This is going to be a throw away film. So who really cares?

An HBO moment for me, I won't bother to waste my money. But I am sure it will jump to the number one spot as soon as it is released.

Posted by: Herby at August 10, 2005 01:54 PM

This is a horrible idea. The first one was a lot of fun, but the second one robbed me of an 1 1/2hrs of my life. I doubt I'd even bother to watch a 3rd one.

Posted by: Meli at August 10, 2005 02:58 PM

Yeah, really bad idea. I liked the first and hated the second. I couldn't believe it was made by the same team that did the first.

Posted by: T-Jax at August 11, 2005 03:34 AM

Bad idea film wise, but good idea for the studio because regardless of how crap this film will be, it will make pot loads of money! That is the only reason why this film is being made, pure and simple. This film is not being made for the majority of MovieBlog readers, its being made for the people that allow films like Dukes of Hazzard to make nearly 50-million in its opening weekend! We can all moan and groan as much as we like, but unfortunantly there is a demand out their for what we see as shit films! Ticket sales don't lie!

Posted by: David Terry at August 11, 2005 09:18 AM

hey guys the second wasent as bad as ya all making out, i mean in no way was it as good as the first but it still deserved to be made unlike crappy movies like mission impossible 2 and the last samaria (i dont hate tom cruise realy just a lot of his films suck) any way when making a trilodgy usualy the 1st is great followed by a not so good second then in the third it starts to get better againso hears hoping but you guys are rite they should go back to the original planns for the first film maby replace lucy lui as she said she doesent want to be in it anyway so replace her with like.....sara michelle geller or jennifer garner.

Posted by: si at August 12, 2005 06:36 PM

y do yall make it sound as they made the shittyest movie of the year?!They did a great job iwould be so happy if there was a 3rd. its not like they were goin for a leagelly blonde X tomb raider(so crap) movie! stop baggin them!

Posted by: hannah at August 23, 2005 12:47 AM

I really hope they make a 3rd one. The second wasnt as good as the first, but it was still good.

Posted by: Jimmy at August 28, 2005 02:28 PM

I really liked the first one and i do like the second and even though u say u won't see the 3rd everyone if they like charlies angels or not always watch them anyway

Posted by: luke at September 4, 2005 09:35 AM

i lyk d 1st one esp. the 2nd film........i love drew barrymore..I LOVE U DREW!!!

Posted by: yamanra at October 16, 2005 04:44 AM

I have so mch fun watching both movies, 1 &2, especially the bloopers. the action was great and amusing, i would def want to see the third one..really badd...itll be cool if theres new bad guys and interesting setting. i jus hope its enough of the backstabbing stories, like the accomplice was the bad guy all along ..i wish this one is like more seriouse and dramatic, like someone dies or something...make it goood

Posted by: Matt at November 21, 2005 01:37 AM

movies great, so many cool stuff happened, makes it feel like the movie lasted for a long time, but in a good worth

Posted by: Matt at November 21, 2005 01:39 AM

the 1st CharliesAngels was a big surprise and 2nd was a lot more exciting! in the 3rd? I just couldn't imagine how great they'll be, even the villains. the special EFX was awesome! gosh,
"DAMN I HATE TO FLY..." in the 1st and the DAM like scene from the 2nd are jawbreaking scenes! Pls. can't wait to see whats in the 3rd! GO ANGELS!

Posted by: C eds 2! at December 31, 2005 01:50 PM