August 08, 2005

Broken available on DVD

Broken.jpgA while ago I reviewed a short film called Broken, well I've just had word that the DVD is available. What's so great about that some of you might ask, especially considering it really is a short movie? Well, the DVD has over three hours of extras! Just check out the quick run through...

6 audio commentaries
Entire storyboard
Rehearsal footage with film comparison
Developing the action sequence
Many shorts on how the effects were made
Multiple shorts on how the Post Production was carried out
Multiple visual effects breakdowns
Making and marketing featurettes

...go over to the Broken DVD features list for the full breakdown. If you're interested in making a movie, this list reads like a complete how to! Now that's how to package a DVD.

Also, the heads up email I received had an interesting quote on the end:

More news on the feature film version will be coming soon.

Could that mean they're heading towards a full movie version? More news as we get it. Meanwhile, if you missed it first time around, here's the trailer again.

Posted by at August 8, 2005 07:27 PM


i'll have to check this one out!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 9, 2005 07:35 AM