August 12, 2005

Bill Murray Garfield over Ghosts?

Here's a quick one for Ghostbuster fans. If Bill Murray is so keen to return for a Garfield follow up, surely he would come back for a Ghostbusters movie? Surely there's a bigger cult following for Ghostbusters compared to Garfield, and would it be fair to say that Garfield II would make more than a Ghostbusters III? I'm really not sure on that one and I think I'll pass the discussion onto you guys.

From Coming Soon the news is that Murray is in talks to reprise his Garfield role.

...while Breckin Meyer and Jennifer Love Hewitt have signed on to return, though Hewitt's role will be greatly reduced because she is filming the upcoming CBS series Ghost Whisperer. The Hollywood Reporter says Lucy Davis and Billy Connolly also are joining the cast. Davis, who recently joined the cast of the indie The TV Set, will play animal lover Abby Westminster, a fashionable professional who has been brought in to try and trap Lord Dargis (Connelly) into revealing his evil plans...directed by Tim Hill.

Oh lord. I wasn't a fan of the idea originally. Are there some Garfield fans out there, adults as well as adults with kids? How about the fact that Murray will do this over Ghostbusters? Money?

Posted by at August 12, 2005 06:42 AM


I loved Garfield, not the movie, but I loved the comics. The movie made me very upset and I would not put myself through a second one, i'll pull my hair out. Bill Murray is a professional ass, as an actor, but he better not be in real life and sell out. We can't stop him from choosing Garfield 2 over Ghostbusters 3, but damn it all, for the love of everthing holy, he better not. I love Bill Murray, I don't care if that makes me gay or what but, I honestly do not think he would do hurt his fans.

He seems to be the type of smart ass to not do a Garfield 2 and stress out the films creators and ruin a franchise. I don't think he would leave Dan Ackryod and everyone in the dark, I just don't think he could.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 12, 2005 07:32 AM

Personally I think it's great that Murray is doing the voice of Garfield. If you think about it, it's poetic and has a close tie in to the Ghostbuster's franchise.

Bill Murray played Dr. Peter Venkman in ghostbusters. The guy who did the voice for the original Garfield cartoon also did the voice for Dr. Peter Venkman in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Now Bill is doing the voice for Garfield in the movies. WOW contections.

Posted by: Brad at August 12, 2005 08:46 AM

"Bill Murray played Dr. Peter Venkman in ghostbusters. The guy who did the voice for the original Garfield cartoon also did the voice for Dr. Peter Venkman in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Now Bill is doing the voice for Garfield in the movies. WOW contections"

I've recently found that quite amusing...Really blurs the line..

The reason why Murray would do a Garfield movie is that it is probably like 2 days work...Ghostbusters would be a commitment of many months...

And it is precisely becuase GB is still a cult phenomenon that you wouldn't want to go back and mess with it (Star Wars anyone?) where as Garfield is pure disposable drivel...(although I know mnay, I'm not one of them, that would say the same about Ghostbusters)

Posted by: Triflic at August 12, 2005 09:49 AM

firsly, its an easy gig compared to live acing, not that it takes any less talent. time wise, it free's him up for other things.
he's got less to lose if it goes bad. i expec that there would be so much anticipation for a gb3, especially since it'; been so long since he lst one. when's the last time that such a massive gap between sequels was a good thing?

personally, i'd say iyt's more interesting. i mean the story of gb3 has o be about them getting rid of some ghosts. predictabl but could be fun.
garfield2 on the other hand could be about anything.

in the end i think it comes down to time, money, expecation, and maybe the fact that he could be a garfield fan?

Posted by: Psych at August 12, 2005 10:25 AM

Yeah I think actors are much more likely to take on voice acting gigs where they can get them because they're not as demanding. An easy pay cheque if you will.

I'd love to see Ghostbusters 3 but Bill Murray's probably got the most to lose out of anyone who would be involved. You can't blame him for being suspicious. The script would have to be really good.

Here's an idea I've heard tossed around before... why not get Wes Anderson to direct Ghostbusters 3? Now that would be interesting. Ghostbusters with a British invasion soundtrack and goofy uniforms that include Adidas shoes.

Posted by: Sean @ Space Junk at August 12, 2005 10:42 AM

Another reason Bill Murray maynot want to do another GHOSTBUSTERS is because it will be perceived as a Bill Murray movie and he seems to want to avoid mainstream mindless movies in his reputation. GARFIELD movies aren't seen as Bill Murray movies since you only hear his voice and fewer adults go to see them. This way, he probably thinks he can still be perceived as a more serious actor.

Posted by: John N at August 12, 2005 02:03 PM

Choosing "Garfield 2' over "Ghostbuster 3" is easy.
At this time, the latter isn't in development.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 14, 2005 10:07 AM

That's true Darren, but when one of the lead driving forces behind it is talking (and has been for a while) about creating the movie you'd think he could stand up and say something, perhaps use his weighty star influence to get the project going. Especially as if you're being publicly perceived as one of the main factors for it not going ahead.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 14, 2005 10:22 AM

It all depends on what Ghostbusters 3 would ask of Bill Murray performance wise. The first Ghostbusters you could clearly tell Murray did not like being covered in goop and other crap. He did agree on being slimed, but that was it. In the end of the first movie you can clearly tell he wanted nothing to do with being covered in crap. Everyone else was covered in marshmellow goop, Bill only had some drops on his head and cloths, even if it was only shaving cream, he did not want to be messy.

In the second Ghostbusters film, he didn't get dirty one bit, 3 of the Ghostbusters were covered in the pink slime, and Bill was etched out with a simple script change for them scenes. While they fell into a river of slime, Bill was dining at a fancy restaurant.As far as his commitment to these Ghostbusters movies, it may be dead.

If things work out a certain way, he could do both Garfield 2 and Ghostbusters 3. Once again, Bill Murray is a professional ass, if the choice came for him to choose between the two of these films, I think it's safe to nod our heads in the direction of Garfield. Maybe he will surprise us fans though and go ahead with a 3rd Ghostbusters movie.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 15, 2005 04:43 AM

i respect bill murray as an actor and as a whole. he has giving us the best films in history. as we all love ghostbusters and believe it or not the genaration now have all seen and watched GHOSTBUSTERS. im turning 20 this year and the film was my childhood dream. i had the pack and the toys and even change my name at the time to peter venkman. my mum use to call my name and i go " im not peter venkman". now extreme ghostbusters have given kids 2day the dream we had when ghostbusters was more important that anything. GB2 was great but a GB3 would be even better due to the graphics we have 2day. films for the past few years have been so bad. remakes left, right and centre. the film industry is getting boring.... having the ghostbusters back for the last time, the age of the actors playing the roles they made famous. would bring the comdey which ghostbusters was set to be. bill please make GB3 a reality and bring out a kick ass film next year. garfeild 2 is a no no. do GB3 before you regret it when you give up acting. we all regret things we wish we did, but it was too late.

Posted by: icebergg at August 18, 2005 12:39 PM

Murray do both of the films (this way you'll be happy & so will the Ghostbuster Fans)come on man you owe it to us for if it wasn't for us the fans you would not be as sucessful as you were/have been/are.

Come on Bill your not getting any younger, the clock is ticking.........

Posted by: Tony at August 26, 2005 11:34 PM

ok fine... you talked me into it

Posted by: bill Murray at October 3, 2005 09:30 PM