August 04, 2005

Bats 2

bats.jpgHey, remember that "horror" movie from a few years back with Lou Diamond Phillips called "Bats" where a small Texas town becomes terrorized by a bunch of genetically altered bats who have become all nasty like? Remember how bad it was? Yeah well I guess some people don't remember because word on the street is that they're making a sequel to it.

Now that you've had a chance to pick your head up off the table, I'll repeat that. They're making a sequel to Bats. Oh good gracious. The good folks over at MovieHole give us this:

Set in present day Afghanistan, the sequel centres on a group of soldiers who endeavor to capture Fazul, a fanatical terrorist who has escaped into the maze of caves underlying the landscape of the country. As the troops spelunk, they encounter one major obstacle: genetically altered bats programmed to seek out flesh and consume it.
Oh yes! I can see it now! The Bats will ultimately bring Osama to justice. F'ing Eh! I mean seriously... how does some rich executive look at that and think "yeah... people will love it. Go ahead and make it". Sometimes I wonder how the human race made it this far in one piece.

Posted by John Campea at August 4, 2005 12:15 PM


This is horrible news, of course, and the first movie was terrifyingly awful, of course - but I'm just popping in to say that if you haven't read the novel that the first movie was based on, you should. It's written by Martin Cruz Smith of "Gorky Park" fame and is an accomplished little thriller. I was dismayed at how awful a movie they made of it. The novel's title is "Nightwing." Check it out!

Posted by: Brian at August 4, 2005 12:38 PM

When can I begin the countdown for Bats II????

Posted by: Manny Leite at August 4, 2005 01:46 PM