August 11, 2005

Batman Begins cast to return

It's being reported all over the place at the moment, but I saw it first over at Comic Book Movies (beware on their site, sometimes they have an advert pop-up for installation of a registry fixer - Update. It's on our site! Please ignore the popup.). The entire cast (including Katie Holmes) are signed for the sequel to Batman Begins. Even Cillian Murphy who played Scarecrow is on board.

There was a strong belief that Holmes wasn't right for the love interest role, and a slightly less but still relevant voice that there shouldn't even be a love interest in the film at all. However she's going to be there, so perhaps she'll prove her Dawson days are over even more in the sequel, half-way through the movie I really felt she'd done well on that score already.

There's a plot reason as well to consider. For those of you who have seen the movie you'll know that at the end of the movie it wasn't a simple case of letting her walk off, she's tied in with Gotham, with Wayne and with Batman. There's not an easy way just to let her walk.

So all of those who said she wasn't right for the role, and for the few that said she was, what do you think of this news? I'm sure in the broader terms you'll be much happier they are all back for the sequel, but how big will Scarecrow's part be? Merely locked in the Asylum to let Joker take over as the main villain, or will he escape and attempt revenge?

Posted by at August 11, 2005 03:52 AM


Scarecrow will probably have a much bigger part, and so will the Joker. Will Ra's return? That is the question on my mind at the moment; for he is immortal and has supernatural powers, always returning and acting out what he feels needs to be done with cold clear purpose.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 11, 2005 07:30 AM

Oh great, more Katie Holmes. There's a phrase that goes "couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag". Hell, she WAS the wet paper bag.

Personally, I found the first half of the movie (leading up to Bruce becoming Batman) far more interesting than when he was Batman. My casting tip... Harry Hill as The Riddler (he could have rescued the Thunderbirds movie if he'd played Brains).

Posted by: Darren at August 11, 2005 07:46 AM

"So all of those who said she wasn't right for the role, and for the few that said she was, what do you think of this news? I'm sure in the broader terms you'll be much happier they are all back for the sequel ..."

You got it exactly. Katie Holmes is a negative, but an inoffensive one. The news that everybody else is back is much more important, and good. Yay!

Cillian Murphy is going to be so good, again. "He's not faking. Not that one."

I don't want to think about the plot at all. When the time comes: "Tell me a story. I promise to be amazed." :)

Posted by: David Blue at August 11, 2005 08:18 AM

This is interesting, mainly because R and Scarecrow are still here... I almost makes, me wonder... (I actually hope this does not happen but you never know.) Will we have 3 villans, Ra, Scarvrow, and the Joker.

Posted by: Larry at August 11, 2005 08:20 AM

Just skip my post I thought David said Ra WAS in in but, nevermind... Im to confused.

Posted by: Larry at August 11, 2005 08:21 AM

Whoa Whoa Whoa.... don't panic folks. The fact of the matter is that the whole cast were signed to return for a sequel long BEFORE the first one even hit the theatre.

Just because they are "singed" doesn't mean they're in the next film. Being "signed" in this instance only obligates them to appear in the next film IF the director/producers choose to include them... nothing more.

So no... this is not a sign that Katie Holmes will be in the next film anymore than any of them.

Also remember... as of right now Christopher Nolan hasn't even 100% committed to directing the sequel yet. And ZERO casting decisions will be made until that happens.


Posted by: John Campea at August 11, 2005 08:53 AM

I like Katie Holmes, but as so many before me have said, she was completly wrong for the role and what made it worse; all the other main actors acted her cute little behind off.

With that said, it's also the only problem I have with her in the movie, and I don't get why people complain about Katie when it comes to her being in the movie as a love interest, since I don't even think she was in the movie as a that at all. I mean, after Thomas and Martha Wayne is killed, Bruce's mind is pretty much on one track (first avening his parents, but when Joe Chill is killed kicking a more general criminal ass). As for Rachel, when Bruce returns and plays the playboy, she doesn't think very much of who he is now, and when she later finds out who he really is, she says that he no longer is the man she knew, or loved, or something to that effect. The kiss they share is more of a goodbye, than anything else, really. The end of one kind of relationship, and the beginning of something new.

Katie's role is more one of an old friend and a confidant, more in the line of Alfred but with a different area of expertise.

There were parts of the movie that could have gone another way. The beginning and flashbacks hinted at it, and as these types of movies tend to go, it felt a times almost obvious that they would fall in love, but they never did. Not even close.

Yup, my couple of good ol' cents, I guess.

Posted by: Fredrik Adolvsson at August 11, 2005 09:31 AM

Hey John, stop encouraging everyone not to comment!

Yes, totally agree. They might not be used even though they are signed up. Yet it was unclear *who* was exactly signed up for the two picture deal, now we know it's all.

Sure they might not be used, even if they weren't signed up they might be used anyway. We could go round in circles and not say anything until the movie started so we'd know for sure...but I love the production and development side, I love to know what's going on in the background...just not the plot!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 11, 2005 02:20 PM

I'm especially going to love the begining when Katie Holmes slips on a banana peel only to come up looking exactly like Kate Beckinsale.

Posted by: Listener at August 11, 2005 03:39 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at August 13, 2005 03:32 AM

First, I hope Kevin Smith replaces Goyer as scriptwriter. I hope Holmes is indeed gone, gone, gone. I think it would be very interesting to bring Halle Berry in as Patience Phillips/Catwoman for Bruce's romance storyline. For the Joker, there is only one true choice....ANDY DICK !! Dick is the Joker incarnate. I want to see Jessica Simpson, who was quite good in DUKES OF HAZZARD, as Harley Quinn. Ashton Kutcher would be perfect as Harvey Dent in a smug, charismatic, and commanding way.

Posted by: SSL at August 19, 2005 10:02 PM

i'm actually happy that katie holmes is returning because i'd rather see her again then have her changed. i believe continuity to the story is important. its as if you changed elijah woods in the lord of the rings because he wasnt a good enough actor (even though i thought he was) true, they may just drop the entire idea of a rachel dawes, but i'd rather see batman being with one girl then having him fall for another leading lady.

Posted by: Donna at August 26, 2005 02:20 AM

I think that this Batman sequel probably will be better since the cast is returning.I think that Christian Bale did a good job as playing Batman.They should have somebody funny to play the Joker.They should have Ra"s Al Ghul come back.Also Cillian Murphy did a good job as Dr. Jonathan Crane aka the Scarecrow.Probably the mask would be stuck to his head.

Posted by: Briasia at September 21, 2005 07:41 PM

Richard says, "Hey John, stop encouraging everyone not to comment!"

That was hilariou Rich! LOL

Bring them all back, I will watch it anyway, who am I kidding??? ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 21, 2005 07:48 PM

i hate katie holmes. what an ugly disgusting bitch. eewwwwwww. shes so disgusting to look at. they ruined a perfectly good movie but putting her ugly self in it. as for her baby i feel sorry for it. have fun being born to a dumbass mom. she sux so much ass.

Posted by: kameron krider at October 21, 2005 06:54 PM

I think the Joker should be the only villain in the film. He needs no other villains for support. (If any other villains it should be the Penguin.) Katie Holmes should not return, nor should the character she portrays, Rachel. Bruce Wayne is a playboy and needs a different chick in every movie, like James Bond. If Dr. Johnathan Crane were to return, he should be locked up in Arkham and Batman should sneak into his cell and ask him about the secret behind the laughing gas, since Joker would probably have some and Crane is expert when it comes to chemicals like that.

Posted by: Sam at October 22, 2005 10:57 PM