August 16, 2005

Another 9/11 movie

I think it's safe to say that the making of movies concerning the Twin Towers attacks is now okay according to Hollywood. From Dark Horizons comes the story that Universal is planning its own movie to be called Flight 93 and will follow the flight in real time.

Director Paul Greengrass ("The Bourne Supremacy") has set an October start date for "Flight 93". Universal's $15 million film will be 90 minutes long and cover the flight in real time. It begins with the takeoff and hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93 by terrorists, the discovery by passengers with cell phones that other hijacked planes had been steered into the World Trade Center towers, and the realization that their plane was being steered toward D.C. Pic culminates in the decision by passengers to sacrifice their lives to bring the plane down. Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania.

The plan is that the film will be partially improvised and handheld cameras will be used. Looks like more of the shakey-ness we saw in the Supremacy then.

This marks the third movie on the attack, and for some this is a milestone and perhaps much too early, yet I've already watched two movies on the attacks that were released some time ago. One that showed a flight that flew into the Towers, and another that was on the Highjackers themselves, so is this not just Hollywood catching up? They aren't the groundbreakers, the first movies have been out for some time. Is it still too early?

Posted by at August 16, 2005 08:46 AM


I guess The Watchmen really is dead. Sniff. :(

Posted by: mediamelt at August 16, 2005 08:43 AM

How long after Pearl Harbour did Hollywood take to make movies for the war? Not long at all. This isn't too soon. It's way overdue.

Off-topic: I understand about having ads at this site, but WinFixer is no ordinary ad, it's extremely intrusive and plays hob with my windows. Is there anyway I, or you, can say: OK, ads fine, pay the bills, but not that one super-intrusive and disruptive ad? It's gotten beyond a joke.

Posted by: David Blue at August 16, 2005 10:35 AM

Cheers for that David, I've been looking for the name to see if John can exclude that one from the site.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 16, 2005 01:14 PM