July 04, 2005

X-Men 3 sexed up?

BrettRatner.jpgIs this man responsible or is it merely another rumour? It sounds like a rumour, but then again there is a little hint of possible reality that is just enough for concern. Sure, we'll all really have to wait and see, but in the meantime...let's all panic! From Ananova:

A new mutant will be introduced in the next X-Men movie.

The mutant will be a sexy woman whose superpower is secreting a pheromone that helps her seduce men.

"She can seduce anyone," a source told the New York Post.

The role has yet to be cast, but insiders claim Aya Sumika of US TV cop drama Hawaii and Kate Nauta who stars alongside Jason Stratham in the upcoming Transporter 2 are auditioning.

I don't see the point. Mystique could already do that a) because she's sexy as hell and b) because she can change shape to anyone. Introducing a character like that just reeks of a request to "sex up" the whole movie...unless I missed an episode of the comic somewhere! Have I? Is there an X-Woman out there that really does do this? Rumour or another major worry?

Posted by at July 4, 2005 11:42 AM


I don't recall a character like that at all. It looks to me like they took Poison Ivy from Batman and put it into the Marvel Universe. When a movie makes up their own character when going off of previous stories or a book, it is definetly risky. With all of this horrible news coming out every time I turn around, I think I have lost faith in the X-Men movie series now. Sam Raimi said he was going to make up a new character for Spider-Man. With SPider-Man it works though. Picture The Lizard getting infected by Carnage creating a new monster. Now going back to X-Men here, I guess the Phoniex would be the most close to seductive, as well as evil. Remember at the end of X-2 when Gene Grey died, and there was a Phoniex in the water? Well if she comes back, which she should, we will see her being seductive and evil. But the above still sounds like Poison Ivy, and I cannot recall for the life of me a character who secrets a pheromone to seduce people, I do in the D.C uiverse though, and as I said above, it was Poison Ivy. Well, they are going to kill many a fans heart with X-3.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 4, 2005 12:01 PM

Umm, I'm sorry but didn't they already have that character from the second movie? You know, Mystique, played by the gorgeous Rebecca Romijn?!

Posted by: Lilly at July 4, 2005 01:05 PM

Mutant sex anyone?

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 4, 2005 01:06 PM

I think I saw that as a joke post on another site that somebody linked through a comment on this one. I get the feeling it's just a rumor going around that isn't based on anything factual.

The post on the other site then said that Ratner was recasting Prof. X with one of his friends and having him ride around on a waterbed on wheels.

Posted by: It's Seitz at July 4, 2005 02:32 PM

This movie is becoming to be a big joke. Really now.

Posted by: Simone at July 4, 2005 06:22 PM

Rumors in the entertainment business are like smoke. And you know what they say: Where there's smoke...

Posted by: Franklin at July 4, 2005 06:44 PM

There is a character in the new mutants comic who releases pheremones that makes people do all sorts of things, given how they mess up characters for the movies all the time, like giving colosus an american accent it is possible that this is a dumbed down version of her, then again, could be a new mutant never before covered,

Wolverine is fucked with his enhanced sense of smell...

Posted by: Ohmz at July 4, 2005 07:14 PM

It's Seitz wrote:

"I think I saw that as a joke post on another site that somebody linked through a comment on this one. I get the feeling it's just a rumor going around that isn't based on anything factual."

This started as an article in the New York Post magazine, based on an inside source. So you can consider it a rumour or not, based on how much you trust this magazine and its sources.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 5, 2005 01:39 AM

there is a mutant character whose power is pheromone control, goes by the name of Stacie-X. She's a new character tho... I think she only has been around for a year or two..

makes you wonder (if this story is true) why are they giving screentime to a relatively new character instead of the millions(?) of other established characters in the X-Universe?

oh addendum; in another X-title (i forgot what's the title..it
s tagged as 'X-men meets the O.C.' yech).. there is another teen mutant who has the same power.

Posted by: lackofsleep at July 5, 2005 03:27 AM


profile of Stacy-X

Real Name: Stacy
Universe/Timeline: Marvel Universe
Current Status:
Aliases: none
Nationality: American
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #399

Powers and Abilities:
sensitive to pheromone emissions, secretes her own pheromones upon skin-to-skin contact, allowing her to stimulate body functions in others to cause orgasms, vomiting, nausea, rectal malfunctions, etc.

X-Men, X-Ranch

Posted by: Goon at July 5, 2005 03:50 AM

Have a look at the New X-men Academy series from Marvel and you will find such an X-men female :)

Posted by: cadrach at July 5, 2005 04:16 PM

hmm... yes it is most likely stacy x, but it may also be WallFlower (Laurie Collins) Powers: release pheromones from her skin that alter the behavior of people around her. Maybe an algemnt of both of them who knows

Posted by: Nossol at July 14, 2005 05:48 PM

The Purple Girl a.k.a. Persuasion also had pheromone powers to do this (similar to her father, the Purple Man) but my money would be on a modified version of Stacey-x if the rumour is to be believed, which I'm not sure I do...

Posted by: Paul Newland at July 19, 2005 09:02 AM

Why Dont you make it better, plus you guys should know that Rogue, Storm, and Jean Grey/Phoenix should fly because they did in the cartoon, plus the person who plays as Rogue should not be afraid of anything because in the cartoon she was very tough looking and a fighter that fought sentinels and absorbs peoples powers.

Posted by: Jospeh DeVaughn at August 3, 2005 04:37 PM

most likely will be Stacy X, she was a prostitute that worked at the X-Ranch when they first meet her... and I read on one site that the charcter was supposed to be a prostitute... i don't see the need for this charcter, there are so many other charcters in the X-Universe that derserve to be in the film, instead of someone who was around for maybe 5 issues...

Posted by: malkii at August 22, 2005 04:24 PM