July 18, 2005

X-Men 3 casts Angel

BenFoster.jpgGood choice or not, I'm really not sure on this one. Perhaps surprising considering some of the roles he's already played. Comic Book Movie has the news that Ben Foster from the recent Hostage movie is set to play Angel:

It seems that previous rumors which indicated actor Ben Foster may have been playing the role of Angel in X-Men 3 are actually true...The news was confirmed earlier today by Variety.

Well there we go, a surprisingly quiet and quite damp announcement. It feels that enthusiasm is waning slightly for what this movie could turn out to be and not even new castings can raise the excitement levels. I think there are a few slightly concerned fans out there.

So, those of you who know what Angel should be, what do you think of the choice? Is it the right one?

Posted by at July 18, 2005 03:27 AM


I don't know, I hope they are not tring to just throw in X-Men characters to save the movie from being crap. I want to see Phoneix, I want to see Gambit, Beast, everybody! You know, characters we are familiar with and are easy to put into the story. Angel is one of the most interesting and colorful characters of all the X-Men. He grows friken wings out of his back in the middle of class in a private school for boys. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT! Blood and flesh ripping, and wings spurting out of his back. It would take one long ass post to explain everything that is Angel, he is that interesting and that cool. Ben Foster better not be playing this character, or else I am done with this movie, i'll see it, but i'll be friken done!

This news tells us that this movie has a really high chance for sucking, they know they need a character that can crossover into other movies and make more spin-offs besides other X-Men movies based around individual characters. I bet the makers thinking path is that if this sucks and another Marvel movie flops, this character and help us get with other creators and make a crossover movie!

Angel needs his own movie, he is just as big as Spider-Man. And if the Spider-Man and X-Men movies flop we can see the two crossing over very easily, because although it's not well known, Spider-Man is considered on some level to be an X-Man. If one comic book movie crosses over the others will, because we all want to see crossovers but not if it means these great movies have to flop and choke to death on the floor.

Darkhorse Comics, D.C, and Marvel can all one day inter mingle in each others univerese's like in the comic books but on the big screen. This is what will save Hollywood from running out of ideas, they turn to the best mythology and fuck it up to make a buck. And it sucks. If they do things right, it will turn out fine.

Now back to Angel, who the hell pictured Ben Foster ever playing Angel, the films makers did not read up on who Angel is well enough, Brad Pitt couldn't even play Angel if he tried in a laughable and downcast performance. See, just talking about Angel raises great disscusion, but to actually tell everything about him, HOLY CRAP, damn near impossible.


Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 18, 2005 04:47 AM

well, i remember him from fast forward, a kids tv show, where he basically played a young jim carey in th ace ventura mould. then the nex i saw him was in get over it, where he put in a decent enough performnce for a teen high school comedy. as for whether he's suitable for this, i haven't seen his test shoot, so i have no real idea, or whether he can pull of this style of acting. i remain optimistic though.

Posted by: Psych at July 23, 2005 11:03 AM

i think that he might have some potential. he was a caracter in a episode of dead zone this season and he is not the gangly little kid he use to be. if he pulls a move like toby mcguire did in spiderman and puts on 20-30 pounds of muscle he might just pull it of

Posted by: richard at September 4, 2005 12:22 AM

Looking for a good picture of the angel from x-men, can anyone help?

Posted by: internet casino at October 5, 2005 12:18 PM