July 05, 2005

War of the Worlds sequel?

WOTWStill.jpgI have to put this down to hype, I mean really, can they make a sequel to this movie? Okay, that's a daft question there can always be sequels made, but what would the story possibly be? Sure the invasion could happen again, but just concentrate on the family once more? I don't think that would work, and I just don't see Steven Spielbergmaking a sequel to this before he considers a Jaws remake - he's already been quoted as saying he would consider it.

Still, thanks to Chris for pointing me to this story from Bloody Disgusting through Eve of the War, a War of the Worlds site.

"Scooper Milk Duds writes..."I just saw an interview with Dakota Fanning on Larry King, who said there will definitely be a sequel to "War of the Worlds," 'I bet we do! I bet we do!' she smiled, as if knowing something, 'I can't wait. I don't know when it'll be, but it will be even scarier... this movie was so much fun. I love Tom.'"

Mmm, not so sure how solid a source Fanning would be, and it's way too early, plus have you seen the workload of Spielberg of late? Good idea \ bad idea?

Posted by at July 5, 2005 04:20 AM


A Sequelk? of what? The first one didn't have enough in it to make it watchable, a sequel of shite will be very-shite. I want to know where i can apply to get my time and money back.

Recipe for a crap movie:
1. Take a excellent idea and story.
2. Spend as much money as possible on CGI, exotic locations, etc
3. Pay stupid money for somebody to act as themself.
4. Find a world renowned director

Mix the story, cgi and other ingredients in a glass bowl, add to a pre-heated pan. Bring the crap movie to a slow boil, ask cruisy-boy to act as himself, film the effects and release. Then spend a complete fortune on marketing and hype and hey presto another rubbish hollywood "off-the-factory-floor" movie. zzzzzzzzzzzz.

NOTE: to movie-makers. Some of us can think!

Posted by: Pablo at July 5, 2005 05:10 AM

Don't forget... there was a sequel book made. Most people don't realize that.

Posted by: John Campea at July 5, 2005 06:50 AM

I had no idea bout the sequel of War of the worlds. John, is it this one:


Posted by: Stamoz at July 5, 2005 07:44 AM


"War of the Worlds 2: War Harder"?
"War of the Worlds 2: The Worldening"?
"War of the Worlds 2: This Time It's Personal"?
"Son of War of the Worlds"?

The possibilities are endless...

Posted by: James Russell at July 5, 2005 10:37 AM

James, don't give them any more ideas? LOL

Posted by: Pablo at July 6, 2005 05:36 AM

What an absolute piece of crap War of the Worlds was.

Get the original. Watch it late at night, alone, in the dark.

Posted by: EM at September 20, 2005 08:57 AM