July 26, 2005

Voltron The Movie

Voltron.jpgVoltron the Movie is coming! Voltron! Haha... I swear this is the best. Seeing all these cartoons I used to watch as a kid (Transformers, Smurfs and now Voltron) back in the lime light almost feels like it justifies my childhood. (Yeah... I know... that's sad).

Voltron is of course the 5 giant robotic lions who are piloted by humans, that join up together to form the even more giant robots named... you guessed it... VOLTRON!

The good folks over at Empire give us this:

Along with Gordon, Pharrell Williams, Mark Costa and Ford Oelman will front up for producing duties, and while not so much as a screenwriter has yet been mentioned, there is confirmation that the plot will follow five 'maverick pilots' who travel to the planet Arus, and learn how to operate the whole shebang. There'll most likely be a supervillain or an alien threat in there too, but details for the moment are scarce. The business question also remains - will this go up against Transformers' summer 2007 slot, and since Masters Of The Universe rights are already owned, what’s left, dammit? Jem?!
Don't get me wrong, The Transformers would kick the hell outta Voltron (I'm reverting to a 13 year old here), but I'm still tickled that this thing is being made. The best part about it (like the Transformers) is that it doesn't even have to be all that good. Script?!?! Who cares about the script? It's not like the show had great dialouge or plots (most of the time the Transformers were just fighting over Energon Cubes anyway). No... all we need from Voltron or the Transformers is wicked looking robots, big explosions, lots (and I do mean LOTS) of action and some big cities getting demolished from the giant battles. Do that... and we'll be happy. How hard can that be?

Posted by John Campea at July 26, 2005 04:58 PM


Who will play mother fuckin ZARKON!!!!!!!!

Posted by: doug nagy at July 26, 2005 02:42 PM

This will be a 2 minute movie. They form Blazing Sword immediately and kill the Ro Beast. End of movie.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at July 26, 2005 03:35 PM

"...what's left dammit? JEM?"

Well, there were those G.I. Joe toys that were kinda popular. And if you're going up against the Transformers, you might as well bring out the Go-Bots. And Thundercats to compete with He-man. And M.A.S.K., which combined GI Joe with transforming vehicles, but no one remembers that junk.

After that it was all Nintendo games, and you gotta start making Legend of Zelda and Metroid movies.

And who would make a movie about JEM? I mean cummon! Jem was outrageous. Truley outrageous.

Posted by: slybri at July 26, 2005 05:46 PM

Truly truly outrageous!

I say next they should do a Food Fighters movie - I loved those toys and I lived for the commercials... They never had a show though - just the commercials... But that's good enough for me!

Posted by: CBlaze at July 26, 2005 06:57 PM

no no no, the live action shirt tales should be next

Posted by: ShoeStringBudget at July 26, 2005 10:48 PM

I second shirt tales followed up by the monchichis.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at July 27, 2005 01:40 AM

Nice article.

Posted by: John at July 27, 2005 07:08 AM

mann im excited about the up comming voltron and transformer movies. i just hope the studios dont fuck it up and make voltron look like some amped up power rangers movie. plus with the right people on board the video games should be awesome. and yes some people still remember the cartoon MASK, i just dont think theres that much intrest in making it a reality. i love mask but could you imagine the cartoon Cops as a movie

Posted by: Will at July 31, 2005 01:07 PM

I think that every cartoon that we all loved back in the 80's should be made into a movie; I'm talking everything from the Go-Bots, GI Joe, and Thundercats to the lesser remenbered ones such as MASK, Silver Hawks and whatever else you all can think of. Nuff said!

Posted by: Nutsy at July 31, 2005 09:11 PM

hey does anyone know when this Movie going come out.

Posted by: MikeL at August 4, 2005 08:15 PM

I am sooo freaking excited about this movie!! I LOVED Voltron as a kid- the characters.. the "great" fight scenes.. the whole shi-bang! There should be a love story between Keith OR Lance and Allura!! I hope this movie really does make it to the big screen! Wahoo.. I can't wait!

Posted by: Holly at August 5, 2005 04:27 PM

Is this going to be a animated (Cartoon), or like a matrix/terminatorish robot type?

Posted by: ZeuZ at August 14, 2005 05:03 AM

yeah when does this Movie come out hopefully this year and not in2 lol.

signed Mike

Posted by: MikeL at August 18, 2005 04:20 PM

All I can say is that they better make it a good one. The Power Rangers Movie (1ST One) was really good on the special effects and all, so if they can do that and all the other stuff that makes a good movie, it'll be worth the wait.

Posted by: Danny Lawson at August 30, 2005 02:08 AM

It's about time! they need to hurry up and start selling the complete series. They better not have no dumb tenne booping actress or actors. If they mess this up i will throw tomatoes at the screen.

Posted by: faded at September 5, 2005 12:53 AM

The voltron movie should be great if they get the right people for the job. Its needed cos would anyone believe an argument broke out between about 15 people concerning which lion formed the head and I was the only one who remembered that it was the black lion? The worst part is they still think I'm takin something cos I said it was the black lion. So bring out the movie as soon as possible to cure everyone's amnedesia.

Posted by: Akitoye at October 20, 2005 12:24 PM

If and when it does come out they should most defenetly make it like The X-Men flick. Cuz they were good!

Posted by: Hamilton Z. Pagan at October 25, 2005 04:59 PM

Who's playing Keith and Allura?

Posted by: Gwen at November 26, 2005 07:14 PM