July 25, 2005

Vets Upset by Purple Heart Use In Wedding Crashers

I really enjoyed Wedding Crashers. Was it smart? No. But it's laugh per minute ration was amazing. Good solid laughs throughout that probably leaves it as the best comedy so far this year.

Now, in the film, one of the "gimmicks" the wedding crasher use is to wear fake Purple Hearts. On the official website, the fake Purple Heart image has the tagline with it "Carrying a Purple Heart in your jacket guarantees you attention, admiration and plenty of free booze". Apparently American Military Vet groups are quite upset by the use of the image.

Personally though... I think the gag show a HUGE amount of respect to the image of the Purple Heart. Think about it. At the core of the joke is the understanding that the Purple Heart is such an amazing, important and symbolic thing, that in the wedding crashers minds it "guarantees you attention, admiration and plenty of free booze." In essence, what the gag says is that to have a Purple Heart is more important or significant than being a millionaire, or famous, or attractive.

Yeah, so me personally, I think the gag actually pays homage to the image of the Purple Heart as opposed to showing disrespect to it. But that's just my point of view and I could be wrong. Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at July 25, 2005 02:18 PM


Maybe it pays homage to the reputation of the Purple Heart, but not to the thing itself, and certainly not to the men who earned it and what they had to go through. Don't get me wrong, I'm not easily offended and I can't say it really bothers me that much, but I can understand how men and women of the military might be offended. Imagine if they made a movie about a couple of guys who went to theme parks in wheelchairs so they could move to the head of the line. Funny? Sure, it could be. It's still pretty insensitive and inappropriate, though.

Posted by: Mojo at July 25, 2005 01:51 PM

Meh. Get over it. People tend to bitch about everything these days. It's just a god damn joke. Nothing more , nothing less.

Posted by: Pudie at July 25, 2005 01:55 PM

I agree.

We complain about what our government does, says and displays. Does it help? No.

We complain about what our media does, says and displays. Does it help? No, they're still churning out the produce, only the matter is always appropriatley "resolved" for the time being. Until another shows up.

One who's obtained a purple heart, suffered greatly, or not at all, in war....depending on the wearer. This same person is stronger than that to be crying over a movie gag. Look at Team America, and their portrayal of foreigners. Now, why is THIS movie, of all films, getting attacked in such a manner? It's JUST a joke, vets, go home....oh, wait....that's WHY you've got the heart in the first place!

Posted by: gdub at July 26, 2005 04:36 PM

Vet's go home? Geeze gdub, were you on the script writing for the movie too?

The bottom line is some things are better left unsaid and left alone. The honor and respect that goes with the Purple Heart is viewed by many and disregarded by others. I commend the powers that be who removed the section from the movie's website. Above all I give the due-respect to those who have earned the honor of the Purple Heart and the courage they have for being in harms-way. They sure aren't there for the money or to pick up chicks.

Posted by: ShellBack at July 28, 2005 01:00 PM

I am a Purple Heart recipient. I was wounded in action twice during Operation Iraqi Freedom. I earned it the easy way--I am alive. I sent home, in body bags, 12 close friends; all were Purple Heart recipients. Some individuals like gdub says, " Its JUST a joke, vets, go home....oh, wait....that why you got the HEART [sic] in the first place! Tell that to the mother or father, the widow or widower of a service-member buried at a National Cemetery. And I am still proud to have protected gdub's right to free speech.

Posted by: Leroy Farmer at July 29, 2005 01:51 PM