July 01, 2005

Uwe Boll casts for Dungeon Siege

Uwe will not believe the list of stars associated with Uwe Boll's latest epic Dungeon Seige, from Coming Soon:

Jason Statham and Leelee Sobieski are set to headline the cast of director Uwe Boll's $60 million adaptation of the sword-and-sorcery video game Dungeon Siege, which begins filming Sunday in Vancouver until mid-September.

The Hollywood Reporter says Statham (The Transporter, Cellular) plays the film's hero, Farmer, and Sobieski (Eyes Wide Shut, Max) has been cast as Muriella, daughter of the court sorcerer Merrick (John Rhys Davies of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy).

Also starring are Ron Perlman...Matthew Lillard...Burt Reynolds...and Kristanna Loken...

Quite frankly I find no excitement for this movie despite the big-ish cast, I just see it stamped with another poor Boll movie mark. What do you think, is there a way he could actually compete with the likes of the great run of comic adaptations? Could videogame adaptations ever compete with them, or do the comics just have more of a head start, or more serious backing?

Posted by at July 1, 2005 06:45 AM


How is Uwe Boll still getting a decent budget and some quality actors. It's just beyond me. His movies always fail in every aspect including box office. It will hurt the actors carrer if anything anf yet people like Ghandi himself, Ben Kingsley , still star it his movies.

Posted by: Pudie at July 1, 2005 11:19 AM

Another Uwe masterpiece in the works! C'mon people, you have to admit that he's really really good at what he's doing! That is: burying franchise after franchise - he's so effective! :P Not even Paul W.S. Anderson is that good! House of the Dead, Alone in the dark, Bloodrayne, Dungeon Siege, Hunter: The Reckoning, Far Cry... and probably more to come!

Posted by: T-Jax at July 1, 2005 11:30 AM

I hate Uwe Boll so much. He should stop it before the gaming community hunts him down and.. you get the idea.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at July 1, 2005 11:56 AM

Now seriously, I don't understand either how he gets these stars and budgets. Someone on imdb says that he finances himself. He is indeed the CEO of Bolu Filmproduction and Distribution GMBH, which he founded in 1992, and the founder of Boll KG Productions. I guess he has enough money to buy the rights to certain franchises, pay the actors and do the movies he wants. In which case he will stop when he runs out of money or gets bored.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 1, 2005 12:01 PM

Youd think respectable actos like Ben Kingly would pick better roles though.

Posted by: Pudie at July 1, 2005 01:12 PM

The rumor is that Boll is a money launderer, and that his company is being investigated by international authorities. No kidding.

As for how he can get this talent: The fact is, if you have the money, you can pretty much have whoever you want. Actors are freelancers and, as cynical as this sounds, you can have most of them for a price. This is my polite way of saying they are whores.

And, really, who cares about the Dungeon Siege property in general? He buys the rights to games that nobody really cares to see as movies because he can get them for cheap and they still come with a built-in audience.

Posted by: Franklin at July 1, 2005 01:44 PM

I never saw House of the Dead but I did see Alone in the Dark. Considering his budget the movie was decent, while not A quality it was a supped up B movie. Guess you could say it was a B+ movie. I think his movies make enough money to cover themselves when you combine box office with DVD sales. Plus maybe he has a larger audience in Europe and Asia. I personally would not buy the movie but I do like to watch them, on video.

Posted by: Taldaran at July 1, 2005 01:57 PM

Brett "The Rat" Ratner screwing up X3 News #234124:

RED-blooded director Brett Ratner is having his dream character written into the new “X-Men 3” movie. The mutant is, according to an inside source, “an unbelievably hot and sexy hooker. Her super power is that she secretes a pheromone that helps her to seduce men. She can seduce anyone.” The source added the character has not yet been cast but, “they are open to all ethnicities who are in their early-to-mid 20s.”


Posted by: scott at July 1, 2005 03:15 PM

On the topic of videogames competing with comic adaptations, I think they very well could.. There are some good games out there that would create one heck` of a movie..For example Splinter Cell and Halo2(not because I like the videogames, but the story is so good for them)... But as long as talentless peices of crap like Uwe Boll gets his hands on videogame rights the videogame idustry will never be able to make it in the Big Screen

Posted by: Ray` at July 1, 2005 03:29 PM

Videogame movies could compete with comic adaptations if talented people are handling them. To me, Splinter Cell (Peter Berg), Halo (Alex Garland) and Silent Hill (Christophe Gans, Roger Avary) look promising.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 1, 2005 04:08 PM

in general video game storylines are a lot thinner than comic book stories. comic books have, in some cases 30 or 40 years of history to stroll through, and more attention is paid to character and story in comic books, they have the time to develop and shape characters. comic books only have 3 things to look after, character, story, art.

video games tend to have poorer writing, with plenty of exceptions of course, and most of the staff that works on a video game is working on game play, bugs, art direction, its mostly about how something looks and plays. This is by no means a rule.

i'm not saying video games can't compete, i'm just saying most video games don't have the soul, the content to keep a movie going. of course with the right creative and acting talents on a video game movie, a game movie could do well, but i think comic book movies have an edge.

tjax - i hate anderson.

Posted by: bigwig at July 1, 2005 08:44 PM

I first heard wind of this movie when they hired Tony Ching (fight choreographer for HERO and House of Flying Daggers) but when I looked up the director I said "WTF"?

Now you got the director going all ga ga over what the fight scenes will be like -which I'm sure will be good but most likely in a crappy movie.

Posted by: boothbrave at July 1, 2005 10:01 PM

One need go no further than uweboll.com to see what the man SHOULD be doing instead of yet another VidGame movie.

Posted by: Triflic at July 1, 2005 11:50 PM

From the AICN article "Statham, Sobieski, Perlman, Gimli & Burt Reynolds have all gone insane!":

"Perlman, [...] he'll do damn near anything, so that's no surprise. [...] Lillard and Boll were destined to work together... Statham I like and wish he wasn't headlining this film, Rhys-Davies will eat a phonebook if you pay him... the only one that I'm truly sad to see do this film is Burt Reynolds..."

From the comment "How Uwe Boll keeps getting work and money":

"You can blame the German tax laws for that. Basically, if you invest in a movie in Germany, you automatically get 50% of your investment back from the government at the end of the year. That's why A LOT of Hollywood money actually originates in Germany. CHICAGO, the musical, was almost entirely financed with German money. Just one of many, many examples. So that's one reason Boll keeps getting cash. Another is that he's working independently. It's much more pleasant to deal with a family enterprise like BOLL KG than to deal with a major studio that tries to screw you over every step of the way. And lastly, what about that other half of the investment, right? Well, the investors make that back by pre-selling the films to other countries. Theatrical rights, DVD rights, TV rights. It's true that HOUSE OF THE DEAD and ALONE IN THE DARK have not made a profit in theaters. However, they did make a profit for BOLL KG because of said pre-sales. It's simple numbers. Boll may direct some of the worst films ever but he's running a profitable production company. He will continue to work for a long. long time."

Hopefully, these tax laws will be changed soon. Hollywood Reporter says that:

"German film funds got a reprieve Thursday when the German government and opposition conservatives failed to reach an agreement over a proposed change to German tax law that would close the funds down. The cabinet of German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder last month approved the proposed law, which would lower corporate taxes in an effort to boost growth. To pay for the tax cut, the law would close various tax loopholes including the one that allows German film fund investors to write off their investment against taxes in the first year of operation. The law would effectively shut down the funds, which annually pump more than $1 billion into U.S. productions."

Although I bet Uwe Boll will find some other way to raise money.

Posted by: T-Jax at July 2, 2005 07:20 PM

Uwe Boll is the poor director since ed wood, this men are killing all good games with shit movie adaptations, please mail Uwe Boll for place his shit in his fucking house and not in the cinemas.

Posted by: motha at August 1, 2005 11:25 AM