July 08, 2005

Two Batman sequels together?

BatmanInternationalPoster.jpgHot on the heels of the rumour that they were filming the Spiderman sequels back to back, here's some news from BatmanOnFilm through Cinematical that they're going to be doing the same with Batman. Personally I don't think it's happening, it sounds like it's too close to the rumour from Spiderman and perhaps is just a rumour to allay fears about cramming all these characters in one movie.

This isn't as far fetched as it sounds because we've always known the planned storylines were connected. This also may explain why Two-Face casting rumors are starting up.

Preliminary plans were for Batman to take on The Joker in the sequel. In the end he would capture The Joker, and not kill him. The third film is expected to open with the Joker's trial where the dark clown would spray Harvey Dent, turning him into Two-Face.

It does make sense if the other rumours about both the Joker and Two Face casting are true. What are your thoughts? Is this a good idea, or just rumours as with the casting calls?

Posted by at July 8, 2005 02:35 PM


cool cool

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 8, 2005 03:40 PM

I'm primarily concerned about Chris Nolan's ability to direct action sequences. Chris, please, hire an action choreographer!

Also, if the sequels are to be shot back-to-back, can you please make each movie look and narratively stand on its own, apart from one another?

The problem with Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions was that they were actually one overlong movie that was split into two.

Posted by: Franklin at July 8, 2005 05:55 PM

This sounds like good news and for God's sake poeple could every one stop whining about the fucking action sequences!

Posted by: Alfredo at July 8, 2005 09:48 PM

NO, NO, NO...

Lest we all forget: there were already Batman movies made with the Joker -- who's DEAD!! remember the first Batman with Keaton?? -- and with 2Face, AND with the Riddler, AND with Poison Ivy, AND with Catwoman!!

You can't bring the Joker back to life just because it'll connect with this Batman Begins, and rewrite the whole sequence of the movies made!! Granted, some of us would rather rewrite the movies made after the first Batman, but still!! Unless they want it to sound demonic and break all the rules of story writing, they should scrap this idea. But if this is the case, and it sure as heck better not be, then Hollywood can forget my money being spent on seeing BB, and any other Batman related things after that!

This is total crap!

Posted by: SuperGrover at July 9, 2005 07:35 PM

So it better be a rumor. Know what I mean, Vern?

Posted by: SuperGrover at July 9, 2005 08:18 PM

The camera action is alright, the camera moves all over to represent chaos the heat of the fighting. Now, it is annoying and uins the illusion and pisses us off but what can we do. If Nolan tones down the camera movement a little, we could possibly see the best fighting scenes in a superhero movie since Spider-Man 1 & 2.

In the next movies we should see the return of Ra's Al Ghul since he is immortal from a special flower. We should see the menace and chaos that is Scarecrow. And amoung other possible villians, fans are most looking forward to seeing Joker.

Batman vows never to kill, but to serve justice and avenge through the law, even though he is breaking it, he will have to kill the Joker. The Joker will tear up Batman's soul and drive him to the brink of insanity, and the Joker will go to far with his sick and twisted ways that Batman will have no choice but to kill him!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 9, 2005 11:55 PM

And SuperGrover, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? I wish I could reach through the monitor and slap you. So I hope your rant was a joke, and if it was you didn't do a well enough job letting us on to it. So your Super Grover! Go find Big Bird and Grouch and stop this from happening then.

Early I was just going to let you go, but damn! I just couldn't rest easy over your ignorant comment! And unless you want to know the real meaning of Ernest Scared Stupid I suggest you think before you type.

*And if you were in fact joking I apoligize for being an asswipe.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 10, 2005 12:50 AM

Whatever it was that I understood, or misunderstood for that matter, about the original post here gives you no grounds, lizardfreak, to belittle me into unconsciousness -- as you so hoped would be possible. But the fact that a day after your original post, you were STILL thinking about what I wrote means that you and I could actually have an intelligent debate about any movie out there. For that I give you points, and I invite your wit any time.

On the matters of attacking the fellow members of Sesame Street, lay off. Grover is a character himself, unrelated to that of Big Bird -- who's gay -- and the Grouch, who lives his pessamistic life out of a garbage can, and who's closest friend is that of an mute inchworm. Or shall I attack you on the grounds of choosing your nickname from having a passion for lizards?

I respect your opinion, lizardfreak, but shots below the belt are beneath you and I.

Posted by: SuperGrover at July 10, 2005 08:30 PM

I can't believe there are people griping over the Joker being the next villain because he was killed off in the first film. The producers and Director has stated enough times they are ignoring the last four films and starting fresh. That should have been apparent when they brought in the character of Joe Chill to kill Bruce Wayne's parents. The Burton film had a young Napier (Joker) killing his parents.

This is an alternate universe, one that is far closer to the comic.

Posted by: Herby at July 11, 2005 02:25 AM

Good point Herby, Wayne's parents are killed by a nobody, not the pre-Joker Joker.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 11, 2005 01:10 PM

I would hope that they would bring in Joker, if only as a background character. It's also obvious that they're ignoring the older Batman movies by having Bruce's parents not be killed by Joker. I like the way the series (assuming they're making more) is going and hope it stays as dark as it is. As for Joker, nobody can top Nicholson's performance...wonder who they're gonna get.

Posted by: Episode666 at July 11, 2005 11:40 PM

I wonder if the Joker was working for Falcone and shot the "nobody" that killed Bruce's parents? And after Falcone fell out of power from the Batman, maybe the Joker became the powerful one. Something will happen where the Joker will become mutated from a chemical plant some way from one of his operations.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 12, 2005 02:12 PM

This is what I'd like to see in BATMAN BEGINS 2 :
I hope Kevin Smith is brought in to write the script. I'd like to see Billy Bob Thornton as The Joker, Jessica Simpson as Harley Quinn, Ashton Kutcher as Harvey Dent, and I'd love to see Halle Berry reprise her role as Patience Phillips/Catwoman for the required love intrest.

Posted by: Bill B. at August 5, 2005 06:54 PM

Bill B. please think before you type. Honestly you have no taste in Batman let alone any common sense. And Halle Berry played the worst Catwoman ever, and that whole Catwoman movie was not in relation to Batman. It was an adaptation of a comic book without Batman, just Catwoman. You don't know shit.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 5, 2005 07:34 PM

what BB was doing in the end if sum of u couldnt see was setting up the movie Batman the joker had to be turned into the joker but he still left his calling card (the joker out of a deck of cards).
now what should happen in the new movie is the return of Scarcrow or a better villan like killer croc or play out the death of robin and the departure of batgirl.

Posted by: mat b. at September 7, 2005 01:47 PM

I can see why the producers would want to film two consecutive sequels. I am not sure when it first happened, maybe Lord of the Rings was the first, though they werent really sequels as much as one large movie. They had always planned that. So maybe the Matrix sequels were first. One reason the producers like doing this is it limits the pay for actors. If they don't get the actors in a contract to do two or three sequels then the star like Bale could demand more. I don't know if its good or not, I hope the sequels are as entertaining as the first. I wholeheartedly agree with those that ripped into the people bringing up the Joker's death in the 1989 Batman. Of course it's a different imagining of the same story. The Joker is not dead in the new Batman series yet...

Posted by: crackerjack at September 7, 2005 02:43 PM

i think shooting the next 2 films together is a good idea as long as they tell two separate stories (i.e. allow some time pass in between the plot lines of films 2 and 3 - not necessarily alot of time, but there should be a central thematic shift from film 2 - 3). What I liked most about BEGINS vs. the previous films was its realism & focus on character development (no surprises here I'm sure) - I'd like to see this continued in the franchise. Based on rumors flying around about where Nolan wants to take this story and how he's going to tell it, I think not shooting these two projects together will decrease the likelihood of a 3rd film being made, and I think you need 2 more films to tell a satisfying BATMAN story that doesn't leave you feeling like the last few Shumacher films. Dig this take on things - (www.batman-on-film.com/opinion_tapley_beginssequel.html) Need two movies to do it justice and set up this franchise for the long term! Oh, and as to not bringing back the Joker b/c he died in the Keaton pic?! - Um, okay... while we're at it, let's bring Arnie BACK simply because he DIDN'T die, yeah, let's do that...

Posted by: hepcatjew at October 30, 2005 04:23 AM