July 14, 2005

Transformers gains Director and date

OptimusPrime.jpgSo the decision has been made and we can now rest assured that the fate of Transformers is in...well...the hands of Michael Bay with a release date of 4th of July 2007. From Yahoo news:

...will roll into theaters July 4, 2007, DreamWorks and Paramount Pictures announced Wednesday. Michael Bay (The Island, The Rock) will direct; Steven Spielberg will executive produce...

...on his personal Website (www.donmurphy.net), Don Murphy, a Transformers co-executive producer, said Spielberg, DreamWorks and Hasbro are committed to making a film that is no less than "GREAT"..."It will be GREAT," Murphy continued, "and then we will make sequel after sequel. There is no doubt that this is true."

Oh well Murphy, I have to say what with the Bay announcement and that comment I'm all a quiver. Hardly. The only good news I've heard so far is for the Alias writing team, they're sure to provide an interesting story, we just have to see what Bay can make of it.

Well fans, are you happy with the announcement? Looking forward to Transformers anymore or less than you were, and was this really a surprise anyway?

Posted by at July 14, 2005 02:19 AM


I will just have to wait and see, but I don't have a lot of confidence. The movie he's directed that I like was Bad Boys II because Bay showed he could blow shit up. The Island might be good though I'm still not sure if I really want to see it. Perhaps with a good script there is hope.

Posted by: Meli at July 14, 2005 04:26 PM

I kniw this had been posted previously, but I'm too lazy to browse back over several months worth the postings. What is this movie going to be? Live action, cg, or what?

Posted by: Tim at July 14, 2005 08:12 PM

Why not? But I am a little scared about the plot. Did I hear somewhere that it was going to be seen through the eyes of a child or something? Can anyone confirm? That sounds very Steven. If it's anything like War of the Worlds, we're in trouble. I liked War of the Worlds, but big explosions with a hint of family values doesn't belong in Transformers.

Posted by: Donnie Boy at July 15, 2005 08:00 AM