July 22, 2005

The Hitcher is cast

JulianMcMahon.jpgWow, I never heard any peeps on this one, but the oh-my-god-not-another-remake-of-a-classic-that-doesn't-need-a-remake remake The Hitcher has cast its Hitcher and person in distress role.

Julian McMahon has been cast in the Rutger Hauer role in the upcoming Michael Bay produced remake of The Hitcher.

McMahon will be terrorising the gorgeous (and "so hot right now") Jessica Biel and filming is to begin within the next few months.

Thanks for the news Gazz, and I like you thought that McMahon would have made a good Bond until I saw Fantastic Four which shows that he can actually play a baddie pretty well, that and of course that witchey telly program! Since seeing him last night though, and now thinking of the Hitcher role, I think they've hit it pretty well. Sure the Doom role isn't deep or meaty, but he carried it off pretty well and you could see the spark of madness at times, I think it's a great casting.

As for the kid being chased...they had to go and make it a lady didn't they? At least they've cast a lady and a half! I still think there's no need for this, and I actually thought a lot of the attractiveness of the movie was because it was man against boy, the chemistry between the two was superb. Now the casting is great, but chemistry? Is MacMahon a bit too clean cut? What do you think?

Posted by at July 22, 2005 09:54 AM


I think the plug should be pulled on the "Hitcher" remake ASAP. Why in remakes, the first thing to go is the mythology beehind the film? That's what happened in the Hitcher sequel which killed off the Jim Halsey character played by C Thomas Howell. (Ah, forgot there was a DTV sequel?) . Lightning in a bottle is also just that.

Consider now that in order for an 'update', the Halsey part is no flipped genders. Think about this: now you have not "The Hitcher", but a stalker type film, which might not play well with audiences. Now, there is a possibility that the Hitcher may be the hunted, as in reality, the dangerous are not those hitching the ride, but those behind the wheel.

I also want to stress that Micheal Bay is behind this. While his best film is "The Island",
I can't picture his name on the sequel, and have that same tension filled character discussion at the start of the original. This is Micheal Bay, folks, it might be one of the first things to go. Also, what about the scenes which give wieght to the Halsey character either a)becoming the next Hitcher or b) might already be one but in denial about it - in the third act, there is not only the 'strange connection' as the State Trooper put it, but also there is a distrust of Law Enforcement, the finger scene and some police wanting backwoods justice.

I take that back. With all the stuff going on about fast food resteraunts finding slices of human fingers, Bay and company could not possibly resist that gag. But why do I get this uneasy feeling the 2007 update will show John Ryder going through the police station and show the slaughter instead of implying it? Why do I think that the dog won't just lick the blood, but the dog will rip out a hunk of jugular vein in the process?

As for McMahon's Doom in FF :"he can actually play a baddie pretty well". That's up for debate. Maybe the currupt-madman CEO cliche role has gotten stale, maybe Tim Story and uncredited scribe Simon KInberg didn't know where to take the character...but Doom was the weakest character of the film. To quote the late, great Hitchcock: "The Better the villian, the better the picture".

Posted by: darren seeley at July 22, 2005 09:22 PM


Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 23, 2005 06:56 PM

Not trying to be a cynic here but I don't see a cite for Gazz's source on the official casting of Julian Mcmahon in the Hitcher. I just wonder how definite this information is because I've done searches and haven't found this any where else?

Also Horror Assylum said as on June 27 casting hadn't yet started and neither had work on the script. If this is the case could it really still start filming as earlier as January?

I know Julian, himself, has confirmed he tested but so far nothing else about actually being cast.

I am not trying to start doubts here but after all the false confirmations regarding whose Bond and whose not, around the web and in the press, I am feeling a little gun shy, about casting tidbits. So apologies if this question offends any one. I am not trying to call into question any one's veracity, just trying to find out what is totally offically confirmed?

So can any one cite me another source?

Posted by: Curious Girl at July 24, 2005 03:07 PM