July 14, 2005

Summer School Remake

summerschoolposter.jpgThey want to remake Summer School? Are you kidding me?!?! First of all the movie isn't even 20 years old (It was done in 87). Second of all the original (while mildly entertaining) wasn't even that good. Why the HELL would they remake this?

The good folks over at Monsters and Critics offer us this:

Paramount Pictures are looking to remake of the 1987 Mark Harmon comedy Summer School. Variety says Kyle Pennekamp and Scott Turpel will work up a script, which will center on a crazy summertime in highschool...following a ruthless teacher aiming to be principal and the students who attempt to thwart his plans.
THis is getting out of hand. I personally don't mind remakes if they turn out to be decent films. But this?!?! A half assed movie that's only 18 years old... and they want to remake THIS!?! Wow... maybe Richard is right... Hollywood IS running out of ideas. Good Grief... someone turn out the lights.

Posted by John Campea at July 14, 2005 08:04 AM


I don't mind remakes either, as long as they distinguish themselves from the original, and don't just become a carboncopy of the original. With that said, I also think it makes more sense to remake a bad movie, than a great movie. A bad movie you can improve upon, a great... maybe not so much.

And with THAT said, even if you are going to remake a bad movie, it needs to be a bad movie with a great idea or concept. Summer School doesn't seem to have either, so on that I agree: turn out the lights.

Posted by: Fredrik Adolvsson at July 14, 2005 09:41 AM

Well they will remake this much like they remade Can't Buy Me Love. They will make it a young Urban Black school and put alot of hip hop in it.

Posted by: Brad at July 14, 2005 09:46 AM

I think we should boycott these freakin remakes ... are all the ideas gone out of hollywood? Can they not come up with something on their own? I for one have almost had it completely with anything hollywood ... bring on the indies!

Hey, movie blog dudes ... why not dig up some indie movie news ... it's gotta be out there!

-- Penniless B.

Posted by: Penniless B. at July 14, 2005 10:10 AM

Now, I guess I'm one of the few that really enjoyed SUMMER SCHOOL and so i CERTAINLY donut want to see a remake of it. And from teh synopsis given, that's not AT ALL the plot of SUMMER SCHOOL; it's not a remake, it's a "loosely inspired by."

Posted by: Goro at July 14, 2005 10:46 AM

why? you ask. one word. 5 letters. starts with M.

if you can't figure it out, go to summer school.

Posted by: mckay [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 14, 2005 02:49 PM

Hey McKay.

If you seriously think a "Summer School" movie is going to make any money... you're crazy.

That's one of the reasons I'm so dumb-founded by this. It's a stupid idea... and has no hope of making any money unless they produce it for about $56 bucks.


Posted by: John Campea at July 14, 2005 03:02 PM

It's more a sequel than remake as the premise is nothing like the first. In my younger years I though Summer School was amusing, but it's definitely not a good movie.

The madness needs to stop, but it wont until movie goers finally decide to stop supporting the trash.

Posted by: Meli at July 14, 2005 04:03 PM

Much as I enjoyed this film when I was younger (following on Meli's argument) it was straight to the video this one, so why bother with a remake.

Mark Harmon was so cute though. ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 14, 2005 04:10 PM

I loved Summer School, why are they remaking it? You can't remake it, well, you could.....but still, COME ON! You can't replace what the original actors did in the movie and you can't replace the time it was made in, you can only fake it. Hey lets go crazy here, lets remake Ferris Buellers Day Off, or how about Short Circuit. Or hows about Maximum Overdrive or Tremors or any good movie. And not just from the 80's and early 90's, how about movies from the late 90's like Men in Black or even the Matrix. Or how about we go into now and remake Shaun of the Dead.

They need to stop and think about movies that you couldn't even stand to watch again, you know, movies that just plain SUCKED! I'm thinking in terms of like Ghost Dad sucked. I understood why Gone in 60 seconds was remade, that was because of time ( I like the original one better than the Nicholas Cage one).

And thats my rant.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 14, 2005 04:55 PM

I say thank god there finally remaking something that was trash to begin with. Those are the ones that should be remade, the one'd that could have been good but failed.

The idea of boycotting would never work, too many stupid teens that are obseesed with the talantless actors that hollywoods tries to pass off today. Why do you think so many musicians are jumping to acting?

Posted by: Tim at July 14, 2005 08:03 PM

I think this is a really really really really , really really really really , really really really really , really really really , really really ,really really ,really really ,really really really ,really really ,really really bady idea.

Posted by: Brad at July 15, 2005 08:20 AM


Tension Breaker.

Had to be done.

Posted by: Rodney at July 16, 2005 02:35 AM

Dear God! Sales are down, people are getting sick of all the remakes, and Hollywood still can't figure it out...what's next, Mork and Mindy the Movie starring Ben Afleck and Jessica Simpson?

Posted by: flex at July 17, 2005 01:36 AM

I say dont remake dont the movie. Just Re-relese the movie in theathers.

Posted by: Carlemile "Mr.Hollywood" Viel at August 5, 2005 12:14 PM