July 25, 2005

Steven Spielberg Talks Transformers

Prime_President.jpgNow that all the Star Wars films are out of the way, the next bug huge movie experience that I'm counting down to is 2007 and the release of The Transformers!!! Oh man... why the hell did I get rid of all my blessed Autobots and delightful Decepticons? Fool that I am.

At any rate, I came across this neat little video interview with Steven Spielberg talking about The Transformers and the film project. It's only about 2 minutes long but it's definitely worth heading over to watch. In the clip, Spielberg talks about:

- Buying Transformers toys for HIMSELF when they first came out
- The fact that he's already envisioning a franchise of Transformer films
- The he's thought about a Transformers film for almost 10 years now

The video is brought to us by the good folks at TransformersLive. So go on over and take a look. Oh man I can't wait.

Posted by John Campea at July 25, 2005 01:48 PM


This will be great, no matter HOW they pull it off. Heck, any director could hack this one to bits, force-feed it to kids, and it would STILL do good! As long as the CG is well done, this one's in the bag.

Transformers is a basic story, how could anyone mess this one up? Heck, even Cronenberg couldn't mess this one up!

Posted by: Garrett Wiwcharuk at July 26, 2005 04:27 PM