July 28, 2005

Stealth Reviews

stealthposter.jpgI just know Stealth is going to suck and suck hard. Still check in on Monday morning for the Video Edition to see our review of it. Yeah I know it's got Jamie Foxx in it... but I don't care if you put Russell Crowe, Brad Pitt, Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins in this film you know it's still going to suck.

What looks like a mixture of 2001 and War Games thrown in with a dash of Top Gun wanabeeism for bad taste. The interesting thing is that of the 10 or 11 times I've seen this trailer in theaters, I haven't once heard anyone in there say "oh that looks good". Mostly I hear whispers of "you've got to be kidding me". But time will tell. For now the critics are almost unanimously hating this film... sitting at around 85% Negative on Rottentomatoes right now. Here's what some of them have to say:

"Reflects Cohen's own aesthetic modus operandi of replacing all traces of humanity with digitized artificiality."
Nicholas Schager, SLANT MAGAZINE

"The stars are asked to chew on the driest of technobabble, and to strike poses of flyboy and flygirl moxie that make them look callow rather than heroic."

"An unholy combination of 'Dr. Strangelove' and '2001' that manages to trash both those Kubrick masterpieces at once."
Frank Swietek, ONE GUY'S OPINION

Are any of us surprised? Not me... and probably not you either. Not exactly the follow up to an Oscar winner film that Foxx was probably hoping for... but no one put a gun to his head to do this film. Once again, check our Video Edition Monday Morning to see our review of the film.

Posted by John Campea at July 28, 2005 03:05 PM


I think all we need to know is this...

1. they filmed it before Ray and waited until AFTER Jamie got his Oscar to release it...

2. Best Buy has about 25,000 free preview DVD with a ticket in their stores. The last film they did this for? Sky Caption and the World of Tomorrow...

I think it's safe to say that the studio knows it sucks too.

Posted by: Grant at July 28, 2005 03:31 PM

Well said Grant (although it should also be said that apparently there were some nightmares with the visual effects that took tons of time to resolve, and that COULD have a bearing o it's late release date).

Posted by: John Campea at July 28, 2005 03:35 PM

I hope we are wrong because I honestly believe Jessica Biel can act...and of course, she's not bad to look at.

But if she has another horrible flick...will her film career but in so many pieces that it can't be put together?

Posted by: Grant at July 28, 2005 03:46 PM

Everytime I see the stupid trailer for this movie I cringe. Nothing could possibly save it - not even Jamie Foxx. He's the only reason this movie will an ounce of money this weekend. I just want to the TV spots to be over - it's insane here in the states.

Posted by: Meli at July 28, 2005 03:52 PM

Thanks for the warning guys! *winks*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 28, 2005 04:44 PM

On the plus side, it does have a few tracks by my favourite band of the moment, Incubus, on the soundtrack.

Posted by: Darren at July 29, 2005 07:59 AM

I don't like action movies but this one is great. If your into action and technology then this film is for you. I think everyone should see it at least even once before it goes out on video. This is a must see film.

Posted by: Lateesyah at July 31, 2005 10:26 PM

Lateesyah you and anyone else who even remotely thinks that this film is a must see or a maybe see, should all be taken to an island and watch baby rabbits slaughtered in front of your eyes. Maybe then you will have some respect and discernment for absolutely sub-par movies.

Posted by: Griz Admas at August 6, 2005 09:57 PM

Just came back from the film, it sucked. Jamie Foxx could have been the one thing to save this film but they killed him off waaay too early. The trailer hinted at a plane going crazy and killing everything and the 3 characters stopping it but it ends up with some stupid plot where the main character makes 'friends' with the plane that inadvertally cost the life of his friend, what a shit bit of writing. I found this film unpredictable, basically because it was so crap. Overall this film is entertaining because theres alot of things being blown up but overall its rubbish...

Posted by: Pad at August 7, 2005 08:57 PM